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Heyo Patrons!

This week we have a little something different on the PRL decks!

We are checking out a few drum corps videos, at the request of top dawg Rumple Foreskin (yes, THEE Rumple Foreskin)!

Here are the links to follow along with the reactions (in order)!

Cavaliers 2006- Machine:


This is NOT Santa Clara Vanguard 2018:


And here is our reaction for both vids:


Thanks so much to all the Top Dawgs and all the patrons, especially Rumple Foreskin for this pick!


The Watchers in the Bar



Smash Bran'Discootch

I wouldn't ever even think to look for this sort of thing on YouTube. This was a really pleasant surprise. The very first guy in the Cavaliers video looked like a young Walton Goggins. The amount of spacial awareness and pure athleticism required to pull something like this off is freaking staggering. How do you even think to choreograph that many people with such precision?! Also once you pointed out the guy with guy with the clipboard, I could not unsee him and my eyes kept automatically tracking him across the field. This was truly delightful, thanks rumple foreskin!! Also, is leaving the gm tier requests in the discord okay or is there another way you prefer receiving them?

Smash Bran'Discootch

LMAO no joke I just brought youtube up after this morning and the second video in my recommended is now "Bluecoats Bakeru 2014 (Tilt)" and like....I've gotta watch it now 😂