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Sup Jerks!

We're back on in for the FINALE of Netflix's sojurn into live action in the ATLA universe!

And it's damn strong in a lot of ways and a few flaws that get to the core of some of the characters in a very fundatmental way!

Everything visually with the battle of the Northern Water Tribe is super dope!

We get the Fish-zilla and it is amazing, truly blockbuster feature level quality spectacle and effects!

The Yue stuff finally starts to land a teensy bit, and comes in just under the wire to be affecting, despite the wig!

But we have a pretty big issue with the Admiral Zhao death at the hands of Iroh. It's not that he died, it's just weird that something so easily showcased by his hubris, like in the show, is withheld in favor of Iroh just shooting him in the back with a fire ball. Its bad for Zuko, it's bad for Zhao and it's bad for Iroh. Unless they make moves to address it in S2 (which we are glad is coming and DEMAND IT GET ATLEAST 10 episodes!).

All in all, we're feeling fine about this adaptation and it's show enough of its own moxie and colors to be completely worthwhile despite a few undercooked elements and the occasionally rough creative choice, but we see this as a Harry Potter and the Socerer's Stone/Chamber of Secrets phase. Obviously, there's promise and a lil' more seasoning and experience will do wonders for the cast and creative team!

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Everytime we dip our toes back into these waters its a special one and namely becuase of yall! You guys are the absolute best and we love ya for being a part of the Patreon and our channel!


The Watchers in the Bar



Big Dog Jake

I didn’t hate it either. Praise be to Momo.


Great watching with y'all! I will forever love this live action adaptation because my gf refuses to watch animated shows, so this allowed me to share the world of Avatar with her. I thought it captured the spirit of OG show and to be honest, I might prefer the S1 LA to the OG (hides from internet tar and feathers). Seeing my gf hyped up for Avatar makes me so excited for seasons 2 and 3.