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One more page! not really any changes on this!
the usual bit of dialogue touch ups, i MAY still eventually go back and change the American flag to something not so patriotic. it DOES make sense, since the cartoons Leo is referencing are all American, but i dunno, i'm a little on the fence with it, but we'll see!

Overall something about this page feels slightly off, but i can't really put my finger on it! though i'm gonna just keep on cleaning, i can always just come back to it later on and see how i feel!

Also, i just noticed how there's technically two Toy Story references in this panel alone? the Woody and Buzz "Blank. Blank Everywhere" meme, on the first panel, and then the Buzz standing in front of the American flag bit, which WAS my main mental image for it while drawing it. Don't really know why! i haven't watched Toy Story in forever!



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