Important Update on the Future of My Patreon (Patreon)
Hi everyone, I hope you are all well. I come to you with bad tidings. My DeviantArt was recently and permanently deactivated without warning. Let's just say the reason was related to the age of the sailors. This was a major blow to me both mentally and emotionally, as I have been pouring my heart and soul into my works over the past 2.5 years. I had over 6k followers on that site, and it was basically my only means of promoting my art.
There is really no alternative to DA that I know of when it comes to the popularity and community surrounding fetish art. Other sites such as Pixiv, Twitter, Hentai Foundry, etc. are much less fetish focused and much more about explicit content, sexual acts, and nudity, which isn't what I enjoy drawing. I have come to the conclusion that if I can't use DA, there is no way for me to get my works in front of the eyes who are most likely to appreciate it.
This means that I have decided to start drawing OCs instead of Sailor Moon. I also figure it is only a matter of time before Patreon takes similar action against me for the Sailor Moon content, and I want to draw freely without that cloud hanging over my head.
I considered drawing other anime, but that doesn't click for me. The actual content of the drawings will be basically the same, but it will no longer feature the sailors. Because my DA account is gone with no chance of getting it back, I will be switching over to my VaporVixens account: (it seems the link must be copied and pasted) I started this account a few months ago but stopped uploading to it because I wanted to focus more on the Sailor Moon art. It features some of the OCs I plan to use, but the style will be changed to more resemble the style of my Hairylizard account. I plan to keep using this Patreon account for as long as I can. I will probably change the name to VaporVixens (if I can figure out how).
I hope you will all continue to support and enjoy my works as I make this transition, but for those of you who follow me mostly for the Sailor Moon/fanart aspect, I will understand that you may no longer be interested. I have greatly appreciated the support of each and every one of you. Thanks so much and take care.
And btw, my next work, which was originally supposed to be uploaded today, has been delayed as I need to now make major modifications to it. Thanks for your patience.