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We have created a trello board! It has tons of planned content on it as well as some secret surprises! We have been keeping it updated to what we are working on nearly to the day. However it will only be available to the 20 dollar tier.  

As for the game, next update will be a bit.... I am trying to add the second job, dailyneeds! So big things are coming. But that is nothing compared to what Atreyatan has planned for the future XD.

Also a huge thank you to those having joined recently! The support has already helped so much.



Woah. Twenty is a lot. Shit.


Its more for those that REALLY want to push this games development. I don't expect to see many in that tier, if any. Its fine if you just want to support the game with a few dollars and enjoy its latest content. But for those that are contributing THAT much to the game deserve to see where it is heading with their help.


Understandable, but it would be nice if there was an intermediate tier (say, ten dollars).


I agree with Prince- I mean as it is right now, beta/alphaing isn't worth the $20 (not that it's bad, just not a lot to it at this point). I'd say add on enough till people can get at least an hour's worth of playtime (whether through replays with multiple choices and such), then change it to $20. otherwise i'd say it's worth $5 as it is, but close to $10 ^^


On the subject: I would be donating five dollars instead of two, if not for the fact that I have no interest in the cock transformation game.


I was concerned that anything above 2 dollars would scare off anyone due to this being so new. Perhaps a separate patreon for the CTF game would make things easier. Then there is the struggle of what to offer as a reward for having say.... a 10 or 5 dollar option to support TLGG. What kind of rewards would you like to see?


Not sure, but perhaps polls, some other sort of influence, being credited, and/or cheats would be acceptable rewards?