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Thank you for the patience you've had. I recently came out of hospital with my first diagnosis: "Schizoaffective Disorder". I'm still coming to terms with it but I want to let you know that your support has meant the world to me on Patreon.

(Drinking alcohol free wine from my local supermarket) 





do what you gotta do. youre not alone. ✊


Wish you nothing but the best. Take it easy Stef!!


Oof, that's something serious. Hope that you stay on your feet. Best wishes.

Unapologetic Lesbian

I'm a firm believer in destigmatizing mental health and I know it's not easy to share. I hope you're proud because you deserve to be. I'm always a sucker for lighting so I love this shoot, and that lingerie is one of my faves. Looks gorgeous on you. Your smile is the best. 😘


Sorry to hear, hope you get the right support and assistance. Keep well!


I love you so much, my guardian angel. Here for you every minute of every day. What a set! 😍👏 And WHO is that lingerie by!? I'm shooting it when I'm back😤

Lex Hardy

Dear Stef! First and foremost! It’s good to hear you have reached out for help to take care of your well-being. Your health and happiness are the most important thing you need to take care off. Please please please take care of yourself and I sincerely hope your loved ones are looking out for you as well. If we can do anything for you let us know. We are here for you! Secondly, nice to see more beautiful and gorgeous pictures! The lingerie really complements your beautiful figure and your smile is gorgeous as always. As said we are here to support you! Take care and hope to hear from you soon! A big hug for you x


Mental health can be rough to come to grips with. The hardest part is usually admitting you need help and you have done that. Good luck in your journey and please take care of yourself.

David Brami

Please never forget that we love you snd how much -a LOT-, and come back to these comments sections when you're feeling low to witness it 🙏🏻♥️ Thank you for your honesty and please keep on working on your health and well-being, this is the most important 🙌🏻 it's never easy but your community will always support you and your fantastic work (artistic, activism or otherwise)♥️💕💗💖 💪🏻 I'm glad you reached out and please don't ever hesitate to do so 🙌🏻


Thanks for everything! Take care ok?


Thinking about you today Stef. I hope things improve to where you are a bit happier. Tough thing to manage. 💕🙏

Jeffrey Howe

Hoping you will overcome!! ❤️You will be successful ❤️!! Beautiful sexy set of photos!!

Jeff Ranu

Take care of yourself. Most important thing. Glad you are back, looking forward to seeing more of you on here again.


We are with you… Feel our support & gain strength from it…🙏🏻💟



Ryan Sieroty

Love and strength to you Stefania. I know its tough but you're stronger by understanding and taking this on. A beautiful set of photos from an incredible person. <3

David Johansson

Love you Stef😘 so strong of you to share what's going on, with us 💪Hopefully you now have a better position to grow in life, and to make choices that are more Intune with you own wellbeing❤️ I am sure you will continue to shine, understanding ourselves is part of life. Betting that many of us also have some degree of diagnosis, I just accept that I sometimes MUST align things that are crooked 😅😅😅 Having the right tools is the key: 🔧🐇🔨🌺🪚🍾🪛💐🥦🥕🍅🥰❤️🥲❤️😅❤️😭❤️🥳❤️


..I think the assumption is beauty and fame and success are infallible and impervious to mental health. I hope you take all the time you need to find health and happiness. There is only one you, so treat her the best.


Sending positive thoughts Stef.. be strong

Thomas Izaguirre

As a high functioning autistic once misdiagnosed as a functional schizophrenic because of overlapping symptomology, I commiserate. 🫂 Maynthis knowledge now give you more power to be the compassionate muse you are! 🩵💖🖤



Marcus Gray

Really sorry to hear you're going through this Stef. Please look after yourself and sending positive thoughts.

Stefan Carli

Sad to hear about this but Happy to know you are getting the help you need. Get well soon and know that we are always here for you. 🥰

Steve Attwood

Oh Sweetheart! We had no idea! Be assured that you are loved and cherished by this community and all those luckily enough to know you personally and that whatever you are dealing with you will NEVER be alone. It's a brave step sharing this and a strong, positive step toward dealing with it I can only speak for myself but never feel pressure to provide content here, I'll support you for just saying 'Hi this is how I'm doing' once in a while.. We LOVE YOU ❤️❤️

Patou Uhlmann

I think very strongly of you to give you all the courage you need, full of beautiful positive energies


Happy to see you back. I like a quote says the cutest souls are more or less with a little bit illness, but still I hope you be a healthy cutest soul. The photographer did a good job capturing you, very good photography...


You are an inspiration! As a psychotherapist and as someone who takes antidepressants, I think the world of you and I hope you’re able to get the help you need!

Rich Spencer

I've worked supporting someone with the same condition, and as a neuro-divergent person myself I can identify with the challenges that it must present. You are such a strong and fabulous person, the fact that you can work so hard and create such incredible art collaboratively gives me faith that even when I'm struggling I can still achieve something creative that I'm proud of. I'm behind you all the way, and look forward to every update 💗🫂

Matt Ruecker

At least you can share your journey with a community now and have answers that can hopefully bring you some relief and peace!

Juan Manuel

Life will always be difficult at times, but I hope it feels a little less scary now that you can name what’s been going on. For what it’s worth, please know you have a dedicated fanbase that is here for you, to give you strength and support on your journey, just as we draw inspiration from you.

Giauna Neville

you know I will always support you no matter what! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

nissan kaikov

RESPECT ! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

William Weaver

We missed you out here. I think all understand and support you. stay with us pretty lady, we are behind you.


Glad to see you again. Keep up the momentum

Brad Milne

Take care of yourself Stefania. You do more than enough to keep us lot around.

John L

Absolutely love this lingerie, where’s it from?


...be well.


Things like this is exactly why I don't say a thing when people disappear for a bit. Nobody knows what's going in other's life so I tend to not judge. That said: thank you for keeping us in the loop. You didn't have to, but transparency definitely makes support much easier even if there's less pictures. Take care.


My partner (who follows you on youtube) has bipolar 1 and cPTSD with hallucinations and she sends all her love after your diagnosis.


you have asshole ?


The outpouring of love here gives me strength to keep up the fight. So much love to you all 💚


My friend has the same schizoaffective disorder and untreated it’s honestly scary, but with the right meds, he absolutely thrives — so I hope you too have exactly what you need and the support you need to thrive as well

Anthony f

I’m obsessed 🤤😍


Which brand is this set ? It’s gorgeous !

Positively Myrdd

Nothing but love for you, Stefania. You do what you need to stay healthy. We're all in your corner.


What Myrdd said.

George Gagliardi

Wishing all the best, lots of love and lots of hugs. We're on your side, babe.


As someone who has struggled with mental health and I have also worked in mental health for many years just want to send my love and support to you ❤️