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Sorry for the late post. Monday was a sucker punch and I ended up busy and distracted.


Series: Pokemon
Characters: Diantha, Unnamed Ghost Type Trainer
Contains: Inflation

Reward for Axios

Diantha wasn’t pleased with her current situation. It started when a new challenger appeared in her gym. Used to colorful characters, Diantha didn’t mind the girl’s strange ghost/clown/jester getup. She was prepared to fight ghost-type Pokemon or perhaps a dark type, but she didn’t expect the attacks to be used on her!

Before she could muster a good counterattack, she had been inflated like a balloon. The air didn’t stop until she was utterly helpless. Her arms and legs were immovable, she could barely turn her head, and her cheeks were puffy up to the point she couldn’t speak. Every time she tried to move, her body just creaked or squeaked. That seemed to entertain her captor, who now carried her around via a string tied around her ankle.

Diantha was a humorous sight to behold. So round and puffy like an inflatable toy. A perfect caricature of herself. Her body was so puffed up that she managed to be stretched taller with a width to match. She was 164 centimeters at the start of the day, but now she was an impressive 200 centimeters in height. And width. It was impossible to forget the width. Diantha was a sphere now, after all.

Her belly stretched far out in front of her view, and her white shirt rode up so her pale belly was exposed, with the only thing to interrupt the smooth surface being the dip of her belly button. Then, her sides had puffed up to merge seamlessly with her belly in a curve that carried around with her back. The same could be said from her shoulders down to her pelvis. The entire torso had been combined into one giant ball filled with air. In a world full of fantastical creatures, surely something like this should still be impossible.

All Diantha could truly do was wiggle her fingers and toes. It was challenging to move the rest of her hands or feet as they were stuck in the inflated bumps that used to be arms and legs. It was strange to have been so slender all her life only to end up a human balloon. Having her mobility wrenched away from her was frustrating, but there was nothing she could do at the moment. The only sound she could produce was a muffled groan that didn’t come close to real words.

It was hard to gather information on her surroundings, too. She constantly drifted through the air, being guided along by the strong around her ankle. All she could see without interruption was the sky, which deprived her of notable landmarks. When she did look down, it was just a portion of her belly and the greater mass of her boobs. Her eyes narrowed exasperatedly as she looked at her cleavage. There certainly was a lot of it, she thought as she stretched. The white shirt sure didn’t leave much to the imagination. Being filled to the brim with air left her breasts incredibly perky and quite firm. Part of her was happy they didn’t bounce around comically, but anyone passing by could still gawk at them. She wouldn’t exactly blame them, given the fact that people were more likely to look at boobs the size of beach balls with more shock than lust…at least, she hoped.

Another part about being a balloon that made Diantha so embarrassed and nervous was her butt. There was no way to see it. She was sure it had been included in her growth, but there was no telling how well her shorts fared. They were AWFULLY short, after all. All she could hope was that they kept everything covered, no matter how much it had been inflated. Thankfully, unbeknownst to the balloon woman, her butt did indeed remain covered. The bubbly cheeks didn’t distract much from her spherical body.

People were staring through.

People’s eyes were drawn to the two balloons. Some muttered about how they looked like two of the world-famous champions, and they realized that the trainer was probably the type of crazy they shouldn’t engage with.

“I wonder who we should go for next? Make the trip to Jhoto for Karen…or head to Kanto for Loreli? Tough call.” The strange trainer murmured as she walked with her two prized champion balloons. She tugged on the strings roughly so the two women bumped against each other. The soft THUN noise their impact made caused her to laugh.

Just because the trainer had gotten Diantha as a new balloon didn’t mean she got rid of Cynthia. She wanted a collection, not a series. Some trainers said you had to catch them all! This one certainly agreed.

Diantha listened in on her captor and groaned. She looked to Cynthia, hoping to confide in her. Yet, Cynthia’s expression was glazed over, a result of hypnosis. It seems Diantha was in for a long trip with no one to talk to…



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