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Series: Fate Grand Order
Characters: Fujimaru, Morgan Le Fay, Baobhan Sith, Circe
Contains: Female weight gain, smothering

Reward for Doom7951

This island was too humid, in Morgan’s opinion. The sun should be dialed back enough to keep the eternal summer, tropical aesthetic, but the heat should be dialed back a fair amount. Though perhaps she thought that because she was so corpulent. Yes, the island had gotten to her like many of the other servants. Delicious food was limitless in quantity. She was free to eat all day, every day, and she did. That caused her to quickly fill out with fat to the point she was stuck in bed. It had reached the point that she was too fat to feed herself.

Thankfully, that was where Baobhan came in. Morgan’s daughter was eager to feed her or fetch anything she needed. It certainly was needed as Morgan had truly let herself go.

Morgan’s private hotel room had a jumbo-sized king bed, and she filled every inch it had. The mattresses were pressed flat under her weight, and the legs had been smashed to splinters. “Truly, I wonder how far I can go with this.” She spoke to no one in particular as she looked over her body. It was impossible to see all of it as her girth got in the way. Her cheeks peeked into her peripheral view, each as large as grapefruits. The point of her chin was more rounded and was squished against a meaty second chin roll before the fat of her neck billowed outward. Baobhan, the sweet girl, claimed it didn’t diminish Morgan’s beauty at all.

Morgan didn’t struggle to see most of her chest. The lumps of flesh were directly in front of her, after all. One thing that surprised her was how wide they were. Her robes kept each mound squished together, but they still stretched off to the sides and sagged along the slope of her belly. Their furthest curve was beyond the reach of her hands, and their lowest curve at the side was around her lowest rib. It was indeed a sight to behold, having breasts the size of partially deflated yoga balls that felt like they were filled with heavy gel. “Quite…the experience.” She murmured and looked into her cleavage. There wasn’t much else to look at directly in front of her. Just smooth, pale skin, a gradual curve, and the odd food stain here or there.

Baobhan tilted her head to the side. “What is, mother?”

“Just about everything. Baobhan, be a dear and tell me…how much bigger have I gotten since yesterday. I can’t quite see all of me without the mirror.” Morgan leaned back into her fat. The act was mainly her stretching her legs out and her back fat being squished against itself.

Baobhan approached and kneeled on Morgan’s hip. Both of her hips gently spilled over the edge of her bed. The fat was so soft and supple that Baobhan’s knees easily sank in. There was a powerful warmth that radiated from the fat, too. That heat came with a light sheen of sweat, though. It was enough to create damp spots on Morgan’s clothes.

“Well, your upper arms appear bigger. I see more fat spilling out around here,’’ Baobhan explained and poked a fleshy section of Morgan’s upper arm. Her finger quickly vanished into the thick fat. “It seems the last of your sleeves have torn open, too. My, there is so much of it. It’s like a pillow!” Her voice sounded a tad excited before she toned herself down. “Your forearms are thicker, too. You can still move them, right? Yes, they move easily enough, but you can’t really outstretch them.” She started to smile as she held Morgan’s hands. Her fingers were a little puffy, such a cute contrast to the girth of her arm.

The truly funny comparison was between Baobhan and Morgan. Baobhan hadn’t put on any weight. Her focus had been so much on Morgan that she hadn’t stuffed herself.

“I believe your love handles are thicker, too. Then, your belly reaches further than yesterday. It has started to spill over the end of the bed.” Baobhan stepped back and paced around. Morgan’s stomach was indeed a sight to behold.

It was a pile with three segments, each of which behaved or were shaped differently. The bottom had a roll that extended from Morgan’s love handles and flowed over her lap, past her feet, and reached the edge of the bed, where it drooped off. There wasn’t one uniform curve to it. Some areas rolled out only to tuck in before they morphed out again. It thickened the further it flowed down and piled up upon itself. This created a slight bowl shape that helped balance the roll above it. The middle segment rolled past Morgan’s belly button to create a dark cavern. This roll was thinner, but it was hard to call it as such. If someone laid on their side, then this roll would still be thicker than their torso. Baobhan could lay across it and still have room to move. “This portion is bigger.” She said and poked one area. Morgan could feel it, but it was out of sight. Just a mere fraction of her grandiose stomach. Though Baobhan was doing her best, Morgan let it slide. The top of Morgan’s belly was a mounded, hill-shaped mound of adipose. It was thick enough that Morgan’s breasts had to conform to it, leading to their sideways slope. “It’s so hard to tell here. Your chest covers most of the top. I’m sorry, mother.”

Morgan sighed. “It’s fine. I’m sure it's quite large. Please, continue.”

Baobhan lightly gripped Morgan’s ankle. More accurately, it was the roll of fat that started in the middle of Morgan’s shins and rolled over her ankle. It was like a donut-shaped fold the same width as a dinner plate and the thickness of a hamburger. Baobhan couldn’t help but squish them, relishing how her fingers sank into the warm pudge. “Well, I can still see your feet, mother. They haven’t been buried just yet.” Her eyes trailed to the roll above the first but below the knee. It was roughly twice the size and equally squishy. Things got crazier over Morgan’s thighs. Together, they gave her a large lap, but most of it was buried under her belly. There was still enough room for Baobhan to use as a seat when she rested or had to feed Morgan. “Your thighs have gotten softer. I think I can sink my hands in past my wrists. It’s quite impressive."

“I’m sure it is,” Morgan replied as she struggled to bend her arm and cup a handful of her cleavage. She didn’t hate how large she was, in fact it had some benefits. Part of her just wondered how the future would play out if she were bound to her bed. “Perhaps Barghest will be willing to carry me?”

Baobhan nodded frantically. “She should be honored for the nomination.” The servant exclaimed, jealous that she likely wasn’t capable of the task. “The only thing left is your butt and-“ Baobhan stopped.

“Baobhan, dear? What is it?” Morgan asked.

“Bigger, much, much bigger,” Baobhan replied.

Morgan’s butt was just as wide as her hips. The fat stretched and rolled outward from one end of the bed to the other. While seated, fat rose to the middle of her back and pressed itself against the bed's headboard. The thick blubber provided the perfect amount of padding for Morgan’s sedentary lifestyle. Then, because the fat bunched up around her back, she could remain upright. Without it, she would be stuck lying flat on her back.

“That’s to be expected. After all, this entire island was orchestrated by-“ Before Morgan could finish her sentence, the door opened to reveal Circe.

The witch seemed quite smug as she looked over the morbidly obese, bed-bound figure of Morgan Le Fay. A figure she had worried about had dealt with itself all on her own. “Hello, Morgan~” She cooed and waved slowly to her fellow witch. “Do you, by chance, know where master is?”

Morgan had to resist the urge to roll her eyes. “No, I do not.” She replied curtly. That didn’t please her unwanted visitor, so she continued. “He has not come to visit me today, and it is quite obvious I haven’t gone out searching for him.”

Circe sighed. “You raise a valid point, but I am happy to see you’ve been enjoying the amenities. Remember, there’s no reason to deprive yourself. Enjoy yourself to your heart’s content!” She tapped a lithe finger against her chin. “Though, maybe it would be wise to be a little careful.” Subtly, Circe cast a small hex.

Morgan’s stomach began to rumble loudly. Within seconds, a loud PFFFFFBBBBBBRRRRRTTTT sounded, and her cheeks became flushed. “Perhaps you are UUUURRRRRRPPPPP right, Circe. I’ll be sure to heed that advice.” She groaned as her stomach rumbled louder.

Circe left without another word, but a smug, satisfied giggle echoed into the room. Morgan and Baobhan remained silent until they were sure Circe was far away.

“Mother, why did you lie to her?” Baobhan asked more from curiosity rather than doubt.

“Because I know that one is up to something, and I won’t be played for a fool,” Morgan replied, shifting her position. She couldn’t see it, but she felt her stomach bloat with gas. “Now, be a dear and fetch master out from beneath me. He had made a wonderful throne, but I don’t care to subject him to…ugh…this.” Another loud groan rumbled from within Morgan.

Baobhan rushed to Morgan’s rump and reached under the immense cheeks. She grasped her master’s shirt and pulled him out with one quick, powerful movement.

Fujimaru was confused, to say the least. He didn’t know how long he had been smothered under Morgan as it was dark, and her ample amount of fat blocked out pretty much all sound. Based on the light through the window and the fact he had initially showed up for breakfast with Morgan, it had been hours. He was also covered in sweat, Morgan’s specifically. Being buried under her was overly warm, but the witch had plenty of heat to battle with, too. “Uhh…”


“Oh dear,” Morgan sighed. “My apologies.”

Fujimaru was still unsure of what was happening. “It’s ok…”

Baobhan wrapped her arms around Fujimaru’s plush frame and squeezed. He wasn’t as soft as Morgan, but Baobhan couldn’t complain. “If we hide master in a closet, I can order us lunch, and Circe’s golems won’t see us!”

“A UUURRRRPPP wonderful idea. Husband, come and make yourself comfortable, and we’ll order something nice and filling.” Morgan waved one puffy hand for her master. His visit was nowhere near over.



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