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Hello my fine Patrons, I’m considering raising the prices for my subscription tiers. This would not affect current subscribers - you would continue to pay at the rate you signed up for. This would only be for new patrons. I was thinking of raising the minimum tier to $2 and the “full archive access” to $7. I haven’t raised my prices in years, and inflation is real!

This change will likely start in July. Thanks for your continued support!



For just 2 bucks more I might as well just unsub then resub. I know that every little helps!


I certainly appreciate that sentiment! You do what works for you. Ironically, the lowest tier is the “pay what you want” tier, but I don’t think anyone has ever paid more than the minimum for it. I don’t claim to understand market psychology 🤓


Well if anything, I'd gladly pay more if it helps you out. Once the membership price rises I'll definitely resub. You deserve it.