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Can’t believe it…



yessir waited all day love you guy's so freaking much

Saith Uchiha

Been waiting on this all day

Hunter Uchiha

Naruto Mondays, great way to start the week


I forgot it’s Monday I was too busy drawing as it’s one of my hobbies and I see this notification and I stopped right away 🤣


I'm leaving my works parking lot as I type this ahh can't wait to watch when home


Kuroko today too?

dmc 1219

So hyped for this!! Thanks for coming through, hope all is going well guys!!


Day 3 petition for a reaction series to Cyberpunk Edgerunners!


You guys will love and hate what’s to come


Omg she doing better? Let's gooo


Not a tripple?


Hope you’re feeling better hun. Really unfortunate that this kinda thing has happened more than once.


Now you understand a little about pain.

kirk poss

More pain, this one definitely had a delayed effect on you. It happened pretty suddenly.

Troy Straughn

Hope Michelle is doing better!


This is the episode that filled me with rage & sadness at the same time. My Top 3 Naruto characters during these times were Shikamaru, Jiraiya & Kakashi. I hated Pain with a passion for taking out 2 of my Top 3 😭😭


Pain doesn’t stop🗣️

Andrew D

Know pain…


No way !! It's here! My man Ron saying: "Maybe he's not dead" had me, tbh. Bro has more faith than Naruto LMAO Kakashi's dying flashback was so strong it made the camera lost focus. R.I.P, Sensei. Danzo being tobi was another really strong theory! Look at Ron cooking! F I R E.


I love the Danzo being Madara theory lol

Raul Iggynashow

The death of Kakashi may be the most famous episode in the Naruto series! Certainly the most viewed Naruto episode on YouTube.

Davis Dambergs

To bring Gaara back it was a forbidden jutsu from the sand village that requires the user of the jutsu to give their life force in exchange for reviving someone. So even if someone was to do that, they would have to die instead. Its a life for a life scenario. Not just skill with a jutsu.


Rip the goat.

Ojahrule Jenkins

Pain is him fr 💀 he’ll let u feel pain 😂

Geo uchiha

I’ve always thought kakashis mom has to be from kibas clan! The mud wall with the dogs and pakun and the ninja hounds too!


You shall know pain


RIP to Kakashi, had the unfortunate circumstance of going against Pain directly


Triple uploads from here on out, please


All good things must come to an end 🫡


Kakashi going out like the absolute legend he is. RIP to the GOAT.

Raul Iggynashow

Is the guy that pulled out what Ron said was a sick ass weapon from a scroll part of Ten Ten's clan I wonder?


get well


dawg no way we losing jiraiya itachi and kakashi in like 20 episodes 😭😭 arc of hell

Carlos Ruiz

experience pain! :(


Pain wont stop till it’s all said and done.

Saith Uchiha

If you use up all your chakra you die. It’s literally life energy. RIP the goat Kakashi. This is Pain and I don’t want to say this so bluntly but Kakashi did just pass away.

Carlos Ruiz

This episode shows you the level of Jiraya. He went up against 6 of them, and Kakashi went up against 2. That's why he was a legendary Sannin man. RIP to the GOATS!


Next episode wild


I think summoning weapons is just a pretty common skill. Sasuke does it too with his bandages.




To be fair Jiraiya didn't go against the strongest 2 like Kakashi did...


Can't wait for Wednesday

Carlos Ruiz

fair point, but still did on his own. Kakashi had help from Choji and CHoso


Rip kakashi ❤️

Caden Pugh

wish you guys could release the next 2 episodes as well ;( the best parts of shippuden

Sam F

these episodes were recorded before the last post

Bernabas Negera

This was supposed to be a triple episode drop day 😭

Mak Gueye

Iruka is if Muzan was a kindhearted person, coz they the same voice actor, thats crazy😆


If you guys don't post Kuroko today, will you guys post two eps tomorrow?

Raul Iggynashow

If Michelle's 1st husband Kakashi died, that makes her a widow who can now legally marry her 2nd husband to be Ron. LOL


Cant wait for the Wednesday

Ramon Felix

You will know pain

kirk poss

It seems this is as far as it goes for me to see the future as your eyes. That line is brutal.


Kakashi, gone saving weaker than himself.. always was a true hero


Pain taking down Naruto’s teachers


On the question Michelle asked on who’s stronger between Jiraiya & Kakashi, it’s most definitely Jiraiya. Jiraiya was insanely powerful to be able to fight all 6 of the Pains alone, with literally no knowledge on how their powers work and no intel whatsoever. The Sanin are a different breed, it’s just that people like Itachi (who let Sasuke win) & Pain are just on another level and are almost impossible to defeat unless you know how their powers work & if you have enough intel to counter their abilities. So Jiraiya being able to gather that intel on Pain & manage to get it across to Tsunade was a huge success in his part.


All shall know pain

Hessen Herz

i cant wait till Wednesday guys please

Anthony Cano

I'm sorry, Now you know a little of pain .


This was supposed to be a tripple upload guys! I hope next one is! Best arc is just beginning

Raul Iggynashow

You know seeing the face of Kakashi's dad is as close as we are getting to seeing Kakashi unmasked unless they literally take off his mask for the funeral.


Michelle's reaction will be fun to see in this arc =). Btw so funny you avoided first time title of episode and it was like the least spoilery title ever in all of these 159 episodes of Naruto :D PS. Lot of edits, but they really didn't believe us when we said "You will learn Pain" best parts are still incoming.

Vitali Morgun

Nice theory about Danzo, Ron, I almost catch it :)

Raul Iggynashow

I recall Kakashi was the one who told Sasuke that if your chakra goes down to Zero you will die! I just realized that turned out to be foreshadowing. RIP Kakashi.


ahh i see your finally starting to understand pain

Daniel Nguyen

That was the fastest 45 minutes ever. wtf


Triple uploads please


Just need to say that freaking love Pain as a character. Easily Top 5 best anime antagonist to me

kirk poss

When I first watched it I was so confused about how that happened and I thought back to that.


RIP Kakashi


You will get to know pain....

kirk poss

No doubt, this shows you how strong Jiraiya was to even come close. He had no intel on Pain's abilities at the time. Rinnegan is broken.


They’re going through a hard time due to what happened to Michelle. They might not have time to upload the videos. Even the prerecorded ones. So I wouldn’t expect anything for a while. I’m binging older content right now and hope that they’ll both feel better. No matter how long it takes

Aye Dave

Pain is so generous, he so willing to give out pain to anyone for free. What a great ninja!


You do have to keep in mind that Jiraiya fought them without any knowledge


Itami o shiru, its only getting started. Cant wait to see whats coming up!

Hessen Herz

Watching you guys has been the best therapy THANK YOU


YOU CANT upload 160 and 161 without 162! THATS A MURDER FOR US.

Daryl Kitchen

Now you truly know pain. However, the pain is just beginning.

JP Tejada

Death of kakashi here in Patreon and death of jiraiya in utube. Sad morning here in the ph 😔


Man this shit is so peak


Who are also his father figures. Thank god Kakashi didn't show up 30 seconds later or Pain would have gone 3 for 3.


rip kakashi


Tenten isn’t from any clan. She’s just specialized in Sealing Jutsus and able to use variety of weapons. Even if she has no experience with them. They use Sealing Jutsu on scrolls to seal objects inside them, like weapons.


"Who's stronger Kakashi or Jiraiya?" hahahahah. Kakashi couldn't hold Jiraiya's jockstrap xD


Fun fact: The name of pain's jutsu ("Shinra Tensei") is very hard to translate, and because of that, a lot of different translations are seens throughtout multiple languages. Even thought the english translation is "Allmighty Push", another translation that is very favored is "Divine Judgment".


Hold up; Jiraiya did NOT do it on his own. He had the sage toads. That is WAY more help than Choji and Choso. Jiraiya is still way stronger, but like. Don't ignore the toads like that bro xD

Jay rellim

lollll the way yall avoid the title is so funny, i appreciate the commitment


Welcome to Shippuden station first stop Depression

Sakamakafo Freestyler

Hey guys can you tell me what breed teddy is? I wanted to get myself a small dog and teddy seems pretty cute to me tnx


Yeah I understand, only reason I was wondering is because they said in that post only the weekly ones should be impacted, so that's why I was wondering. If they didn't post Naruto today, I wouldn't be asking about Kuroko lol not trying to be pushy to them, just curious.

Mistah Gaga

Kakashi was a GOAT Man… Pain!!!

Jordan Deshazor

Remember when pain was first introduced and you guys were like what’s he gonna do


Today hits hard. Kakashi’s death gets uploaded on Patreon and Jiraiya’s death gets uploaded on YouTube..

No Remorse

This was my hardest span of like 25 - 30 episodes. Between jirah, itachi, and then Kakashi. Truly was pain.


This whole arc: You will know Pain


Yeah I understand why you’d think that. I have a feeling that what’s happening to Michelle isn’t going in a steady flow and is unpredictable. So I’m not expecting anything concrete when it comes to upload schedules for a while. As long as they can focus on themselves and feel better in the meantime, I’m happy

Fran Polidor

I have a mix of feelings cause I feel sorry for you guys but at the same time Pain is my fav character by far and I enjoy every second of him on screen. Even if that means killing other amazing characters haha


Lmfaooo Naruto be having yall in tears, the way we losing ppl so fast I love it


Is Pain teaching you Pain😈

Lorran Leal

So much pain. music also makes It more painful. Pain is not over yet. One of the best Shippuden arcs for sure.

Fran Polidor

Banshou Tenin is in my opinion one of the coolest jutsus in Naruto. It reflects exactly the type of character Pain is, a jutsu in which the user raises his arm and, unless you come up with something really clever, sentences you to death. So stylish, so deadly, so efficient, so superior. The power of a god.


Know pain 😵😖

MBH 77

Stay strong the arc has only just begun!!


Ey we've been warning you ever since the naruto short 7 months ago that you'll know real pain xD


Rip kakashi sensei

Vitali Morgun

So now you know the pain 🥲


Then she seems to have a type. It is time for Ron to cover his eyes with a headband lmao


RIP Kakashi, one of my favourite characters across all anime.


another PAINfull episode... Still at PEAK

Keylan Harris

It's funny how you two are still trying to figure out who's really behind that mask hahaha.


Kakashi or Jiraiya who is stronger? Well, Jiraiya is the only person who can use sage jutsu in the village, and Jiraiya taught Fourth Hokage, and Fourth Hokage is Kakashi's teacher, so you can say Jiraiya is higher than Kakashi in both seniority and power. Kakashi called him "Lord Jiraiya".

Prateek Sridhar

Tobi's right eye is the only eye always shown and it has a sharingan while Danzo's right eye is always covered. You guys coming up with that theory gave me goosebumps tbh xD But Danzo wants to protect Konoha, he just takes a wrong approach for that, which doesn't line up with the things Tobi has said and done imo :p P.S. Damn, the pain just doesn't stop. There's sprinkles of feel good mixed in with the believing in future generations message, but damn.

Keep It Zen

Not necessarily, he went up against 3 at a time. THEN on the water the 6 came out and he got owned fairly easily. The anime makes it seem like he went toe-to-toe with 6 for a decent amount of time… in reality he went toe-to-toe with 3, then got wiped when the rest showed up.


SHINRA TENSEI already rocking my chair back and forth while waiting for the next reactions <3


theres some stuff that no matter how many times you see it still impact you like its the first time.

Issac Gonzalez

Killing off 3 of the most liked characters of the anime within 30 episodes is insane.

Malik Ford

Yea man this part almost made me drop the show I was sick


RIP Kakashi. Smh this show with the back to back deaths of Asuma, Jiraiya, Itachi, and not Kakashi. Sorry but no one is sad anymore. Kakashi will be missed tho, we all bawled when he died. Its another rite of passage. In other news......you shall know pain


my top 2 was jiraiya and itachi...and well you see where that's left me T_T


Kakashi noooo


we up against 6 and killed 3. RIP Jiraiya my fav character


No, danzo just blind, no sharingan there And yeah he runs anbu foundation, sai was under him before past naruto-theraphy😅

Empire You

You like that character? Dead. Oh you like this one too? Dead 😂


I hope Michelle will be able to make it to the end of the arc


This was recorded before all that Happened I believe, but I hope she is doing better.

Veronica Sabrina

Since the beginning when Michelle said he was her favorite, I just thought about this moment 😢😢😢😢😢


Next one has to be a triple drop

Moses T24

That Danzo theory might be the craziest theory of all the Naruto theories I’ve heard. RIP to Kakashi tho. He was one of best characters in this show. The pain continues.


Rewatching this, Pain arc is like the shibuya incident before shibuya incident even existed💀


Pain is such a good villain tho 😭🙏


Watching you guys has been the best therapy THANK YOU


YOU CANT upload 160 and 161 without 162! THATS A MURDER FOR US. TRIPLE!




I agree except for itachi & Pain being in similar lever. Remember when itachi and kizame when to the hidden leaf and confronted Jiraiya, itachi didn’t want to fight jaraiya mentioning that he they were evenly matched and he would be badly hurt. Pain is far stronger than itachi (could probably take on both jiraiya & kakashi)

Moi Glasya

Awww! Michelle, I feel you! I didn't want to continue watching Naruto when Kakashi died. 😭 I was like, they killed off two of my favorites, Itachi and now Kakashi! And before that, there's Jiraiya. 💔 Anyway, hoping for your speedy full recovery. 🙏

Malik Ford

Rest in peace to kakashi at least he can finally rest with all the pain he’s gone through

Bryan Raygoza



No, Itachi was lying to Kisame. During a later flashback, Kisame is confused and asks Itachi why he ran away when he could have won the fight against Jiryia.


Pain is the best villain period!


You have to binge like next 10 episodes


The end of my favorite character .. Kakashi will never be forgotten !! Side note, best wishes to both of you and I hope Michelle gets better quickly; as someone who’s suffered serious health issues due to stress, I can only hope for her the best 🫶🏽

Hazie Chan

we feel you michelle and ron. we just need to accept things through pain. hope you get better guys

Sam Al

I know you guys working a lot right now but PLEASE y’all have to put 160-61 and 62 because 61-62 are like THE part

Jaime Sandoval

I had the same reaction as you guys with this episode. I wouldn’t ever think they’d send off kakashi like this. I had trouble believing it. It also reminds me of how Jiraya said that he wasn’t able to protect his friends nor his sensei and how he failed at life. And when Kakashi was saying his apologies to óbito, rin, and the 4th hokage, it hit me…

Teddy Roo

It’s Madara. Not sure why no one believes Tobi. Maybe that’s why he’s against everyone.


So we all agree ep 165 should be watched in dub 😂

Ahkenaton Furdge

This arc may add to Michelle’s stress, maybe wait until she’s recovered then continue filming

Johnny Flatbrim

We need some big group uploads guys. 162 onwards must be binged lol


Im worried for Michelle, this arc is a masterpiece, but its really stressful, Kakashi was just the tip of the iceberg.


personally this got me worse than jiraiya


The amount of cooking that’s been done in this arc😭


I'll take 2 more puh-lees


I think these are already prerecorded so I wondered if this had anything to do with that. But it's dumb of me to think an anime would do that to her lol

WaB_ Bigvai

Pain is just killing main characters left and right. You can tell Ron didn't believe Kakashi died until Lady Hokage confirmed it through the slug... I feel like everyone was in disbelief too. Kakashi always felt untouchable... :(

WaB_ Bigvai

Fun not so fun fact: Kakashi in OG Naruto always taught that you die when you deplete your chakra to 0 and he ended up dying by depleting his chakra to 0


Then you wouldn't have made this comment in this first place.

Anthony Chavez

those two old fucks tsunade delt with cause so many problems, so tired of them.


now you know Pain. RIP Kakashi 😔

豆 タピ

two disciples two saviors

Ivan Rivera

I feel like kakashi didn't get a good send off, but I think the writer did this on purpose to mix things up and stay unpredictable, rip kakashi

The CulturedGentleman

U gotta give Pain his credit. He doesnt slouch around like other anime villains and literally tell the protagonist what to do to defeat him. I really admire how thorough and effective he is as a villain. He is called PAIN, and his name is by no means just for show. Hes one of the most effective Villains ive seen in anime. If u fuck around, you WILL find out what pain is!

The CulturedGentleman

I remember when i watched this for the first time. I was in Shock and angry tears were just running down my cheeks and dripping from my chin. I was just in disbelief. A few eps later I was just done lol...I bawled and had to stop watching. Truly Peak anime. At tthe time, I was caught up and had to wait for the next upload. It was tough


I’m so sorry. Y’all reactions are so pure and genuine that when I see yall drop tears it makes me sad. Trust we all felt the same way you felt. However we been telling you guys for a while now “you will know pain”. Also I hope you guys are doing okay and michelle , prayers and speedy recovery ! Ik you guys have a lot going on but the next 3 has to be a triple. I wouldn’t even mind if you delayed Wednesday drop if you were to the next a triple episode reaction.

The CulturedGentleman

This should have been a triple drop. Anyway, i rly hope Michelle is doing well. Wishing a speedy recovery!!


Y'all done turned this into a damn cookout, with all the theory cooking. 🤣


Ever since Asuma Kishimoto has just been on a roll of taking away our favorite characters... I guess that's just part of war.

Michael H

@SXD Equally disparaging to both sides to get across the point that older generations have trouble passing the torch even in the real world. Thought it was the clearest example to illustrate the point, but I wanted to head off any unintended political arguments, just in case.


R.I.P Kakashi...


Kakashi gets to talk to his Dad though, so that is nice. The nail through the head seemed like it was it to me the first time. Saved Choji's ass.... RIP Hero of the Leaf. Hope Michelle is recovering and hope more pain didn't trigger anything but crying for these next reactions.

Alex Chng

Damn it, hardest episode to watch with others. He's the favourite and he goes out right here. Back then it kinda spoilt my mood to watch for a few days. RIP Kakashi Hatake

aidan decristofaro

the amount of emotions you go thru this arc is insane. I was like this too when watching this. RIP Kakashi tho i feel it.

April Ly

Omg I remember when I first watched this episode. I was literally like “this show, DEAD TO ME!! They literally out here killing the three best characters right now (Jiraiya, Itachi and Kakashi) I feel personally attacked”


Kakashi in this arc? He's weaker than all Akatuski barring Hidan. Kakashi is strong but 4th strongest ninja in the village rn

Rene Salgado

Rip kakashi sensei

Carlos Sauma Madrigal

Hope you get better! This might not be the best time for watching this part of the show but I appreciate your commitment. I believe we would understand if you need to postpone the next drop. In addition, do not start reading berserk nor the manga because if this affected you to this level I can’t imagine what would berserk do to you. Honestly this comes from my hearth, berserk it’s one of the best mangas I have read if not the best, but it cause me to have probably the biggest depression of my life. I’m not even sure if I am over it now. So take care, and be mindful of your mental health <3


This honestly made me realise plot armour don't mean jack shit at this point. Pain lives up to his name. Also Jiraiya is stronger than Kakashi but Kakashi was plain unlucky to have to face Tendo Pain the strongest of the six paths unlike Jiraiya.

Slim Yeezus23

Get well soon 🙏🏾🙏🏾


Yea ron pains theme song is best theme song in all of villains imo 🔥


Kakashi lived his whole life through turmoil and pain. He picked up the torch for Obito and carried on the Will of Fire to teach and lead the next generation. I guess it's now time for him to officially pass on the torch, as well. RIP Kakashi ❤️


Know pain


Yea but not to mention even if what itachi said was true or not he was significantly sick and prob at half his strength so when he said him and jiraya are matched that’s who a prime jiraya is matched to… a sick dying itachi.


Hope you’re feeling better Michelle! Kakashi is by far my favorite character on the show and his death hit me harder than anyone else! There is not alot you can do against Pains Rinnegan and Kakashi simply overused his chakra. I was definitely feeling the Pain!

Marcos cruz

Not gonna lie I remember back in the day tons of people took a break and consider even dropping Naruto after Kakashi death, it one of hardest deaths to assimilate

Chris Thompson

Kakashi can finally reunite with his comrades R.I.P


No other show has made me cry sooo much😭😭😭



Alex Chng

Michelle, you'll have the sharingan soon. Your favourite character died, your crying should have activated it real soon. (Sorry, mangekyo sharingan, cuz he's your husbando)

Lucas Crismond

I remember watching this and being so shocked that I didn't even realize kakashi was dead until he sat down beside his dad. Pain is an absolute monster and this arc makes sure you know pain

Marcos cruz

Dub is good, but not better than sub, there are very few anime which the dub is better naruto is not one of them

Katrina Dy

Idk if it's becuz Michelle was stressed, but I have nv seen Ron wish or think of ways fora character to be alive lol. Kakashi is one of my favs too! I always cry

C Nichole

My heart💔 3 major deaths back to back...... Itachi, then Jiraiya, now Kakashi. I remember taking several breaks after these 3 man....I was so devastated 😥


Rip Kakashi😢😢😢

Darren Metts

“Are you proud of him” damn that pause to him saying “I mean I am” hopefully he doesn’t continue to feel this way…

Ivan Rivera

Like the song you guys have at the end of your videos

Marcos cruz

Nah he's not that weak, with the exception of like 4 members he can hold his own against the rest, and with his Mangekyo he could in theory even stomped on most of them, Kishi just decide to not use his Mangekyo much for plot, but yeah Jiraiya is much stronger

Darren Metts


Darren Metts

Triple upload for Wednesday please lol

Darren Metts

The “can he handle this fool” to the “Who’s stronger kakashi or jiraiya” was just insane 🤣🤣🤣 I was like ain’t no way they actually believe there’s a chance


ahh the pain, reminds me i'm alive

Darren Metts

“Lord jiraiya took on six of them I must say that’s crazy” was so much better delivered dub you really felt the weight behind those words in just how epic and the praise for jiraiya when kakashi said vs here it’s just like brush over

Zach Bolden

man kakashi was a legend this shit hits every time. these are the reasons the world must know pain.

Darren Metts

The way the tears went away after choking came back with the explanation I knew they’d come back the moment tsunades face wasn’t shown and she says “just hurry” there’s no other anime out there that displays sadness better than Naruto

Darren Metts

When “is ON A MISSION AWAY FROM THE VILLAGE” happens can’t wait to see the reaction to that

Darren Metts

I knew it the moment he said if uses that attack he’ll run out of chakra and his eyes faded

Darren Metts

Tf are you talking about? I can’t stand you over sensitive people really tick me off they not gonna know what I’m talking about at all nor do they know if I’m even referring to this arc or the next etc you saying this just makes it worse there’s literally so many entrances for instance kakashi stopping tendo pain is an entrance so calm down and get your panties out of a bunch it’s no where anywhere close to that serious I’m not that guy and I’m very and carefully vague with what I say so that only those who watch the show would know what I’m referring to so I’ll ask you to please not be that guy who whines and moans over every little thing


know pain


Tbh y’all are gonna wanna do a triple upload for Wednesday

Xenon Noob

R.I.P Hatake Kakashi


might need the first ever quad upload???

Cesar Frias

now this world shall know pain...


@castulo Itachi is a leaf spy, he didn't want to fight Jiraiya. I think we all know both Itachi and Kisame would be overkill vs Jiraiya so he was def capping. If we were to powerscale it should look like this Pain >>>> Itachi > Jiraiya


Michelle either complains you are too far or too close from her. Kills me everytime🤣


@Emil tbh I wouldn’t scale Pain that far ahead of Itachi & Jiraiya. The only reason why he has the advantage over them is cuz they’d need to know how his powers work to defeat him & if they did know, I’d say Itachi & Jiraiya would be able to beat him


I remember there was a kid who dropped not just the show, but himself 100ft from the top of the apartment block in Russia when the show aired Itachi's death. He wasn't having any of it.

Juan Jose

Rest In Peace Kakashi Hatake. 3 episodes next please! they are crucial

Rene Salgado

Poor naruto when he finds out both his sensei die

Cloudy Moon

The Pain is just started. From Jiraiya, Kakashi and... then...



Yall should just do the whole arc if one sitting fr

EJ Roldan

I remember after this episode I didn't want to keep watching. It hurts every time


Out of all the deaths this one pisses me off


There is two anbu Danzos organisation and the anbu under direct command of the hokage




I love the theories!


Ron is the GOAT for still uploading content!


Kakashi's strength and weakness was always his sharingan. It allowed him to copy thousands of jutsu, use chidori perfectly and the Mangekyo ability. But the drawback is that since he is not an Uchiha and his body isn't "adapted" to wield it, it drains his chakra really fast and he often had to be hospitalized after using it too much. This one time he had to go beyond his limits and the result is that it drained his last bits of chakra. RIP to a legend


I feel like a villain smiling at their reaction to Kakashi but at the same time tearing up as well😭


Rip kakashi 😭😭 I wish his fight would’ve been longer or more impactful! Always hated this death 😭😭😭


Don't be so demanding. If you've seen their previous post, you'll know they're going through a rough time rn

Leona DiCarryo

And the pain continues. But this also puts the power levels into perspective. Up until this point in the series, I wasn't sure who was actually stronger, between Kakashi and Jiraya. But it seems Jiraya was still a bit stronger, considering he held his own against 3 Pains, while Kakashi still struggled against 2, with help. And all of this also goes to show, just how strong Pain actually is.

Matthew Styles

I wish we could just get triple uploads for the rest of this arc lmao

Renzhong Zhu

kakashi: oh man I'm so lack of chakra, but the dog head on the wall is needed LMAO

Raining Checks

great theory crafting going on here! Super excited for next 10 episodes!!

Chalupasaurus Rex

You are understanding pain. I'm sorry guys this arc hurts to watch but it is also the epitome of greatness.


But itachi wasn’t dying then, he was dying at the end (three years later) when he fought sasuke.

Coils J

Honestly good theory no comment tho


the way i hate this episode omfg😭 reacted the same way as u guys

Alperen Küksal

This show is just… I cant take it anymore, everyone I love dies

Lucas Chaffee

Keep them theories coming! After seeing this episode, all the viewers ended up like Shikimaru when he's playing shogi with his pops. "let it out boy....I'll pick up your pieces."

ao kaze

The greed is real 😅 I want more too .. but the double episodes fit perfectly too the end of the arc

Rene Salgado

Mora pain is coming. I didn't think they did kakashi death justice. Tbh

Zeke Gamez

him not being an Uchiha is what always used up a lot of his chakra for using Sharingan. r.i.p.

Zeke Gamez

But then again Minato was higher power and authority than Jiraiya even though he still respects him of course


kakashi choosed to save the next generation rip

Mr. Man In Black

Kishi out here just killing off anyone who taught Naruto lmao😂 Asuma, then Jiraiya, and now Kakashi. Naruto can’t catch a damn break😂

Jacob Young

Losing 2 of the most beloved characters in the show within so close to each-other is heart wrenching

Raul Iggynashow

The previous generation sacrificing themselves to protect the next generation is a theme of Naruto unfortunately.


I think they’re beginning to know Pain…


neither of those hit like Naruto does

Adil Bots



Why did Ron hesitate to answer when Michelle asked him if he was proud of Naruto? lol anything I'm missing here? Does Ron not like Naruto or something?


guys I think naruto might be pissed after this 😁

Jacob Casillas

After watching ahead just now, all I can say is DEF needs to be a triple episode next upload 😭 if not single episode for 160 then 2 for 161-162


He's not weak, but he cannot defeat a single Akatuski member barring Hidan and (blank) atm. There's a reason why Tsunade said once Jiraiya died, no one in the village can fight Pain. Kakashi is fodder for Base Jiraiya right now, even worse for Sage Mode Jiraiya


RIP Kakashi 😢 Naruto only just recovered from news of Jiraiya death and now.. I read the manga first before watching the anime and was devastated when this chapter came out. Jiraiya definitely is stronger than Kakashi. Jiraiya lost because he took on 6Pain without any intel about Pain. Kakashi could have survived with the little chakra he had left but used his last bit of chakra for the sharingan jutsu to save Choji. Trusting and leaving it to the next generation.😭


Can we stop this "dub vs sub" nonsense debate every episode ? They've watched the whole anime in Sub, and are used to those characters voices. Why would they swap for one episode ? Why not watch both versions later on, but let them finish the show the way they've watched it this whole time haha


160-163 together please


Triple episode for the next one please 🙏🏻


I think the question just caught him off guard lol he literally said later in the recording that he loved him when they showed the backstory of him saving tsunade


Michelle and Ron should be sponsored by a tissue brand. RIP Kakashi T T


wait for the naruto super saiyan 4 after he figure about kakashi's death


i don't believe that they will do 4 episodes per drop. Even tho it should be the case right now if we are talking about optimal way for this next few drops


Pls, next needs to be a tripple ( 4 would be ideal but I understand that you might not manage it that way)

Nate Kouns

He said the world shall no pain

The Dark Knight

Kakashi’s entrance was too cold. The osts are too goated. Fk Danzo. The pain just keeps piling up, even most of us who warned you before are revisiting all this pain. From Jiraiya to Itachi and now this, it doesn’t even stop here 😭😭 Kakashi seeing his old team, Naruto and the rest of his generation and his father 😢💔 that fking broke me. Naruto has lost two of his senseis. R.I.P Kakashi 💔🙏

The Dark Knight

They’ve know pain ever since Jiraiya’s death, it just keeps on coming, and this isn’t the last time

The Dark Knight

Aside from the pain, I loved it when Ron and Michelle theorised that Danzo could be Madara, man became batgoat by analysing the Tobi funko pop 😭 PEAK INCOMING THO


RIP to a real one 🙏




please do the next 3 together


Next 3 episodes on Wednesday would be ideal. Hope they do it. If not then next week will take a long time to get here

Michael H

@SXD I think I’d fumble a bit on the question, as well, because pride is not something I think I’d ever associate with a fictional character. I love them, hate them, sympathize with them, but I don’t think I’d ever feel proud of them. Not sure why. Just an emotion reserved for the real world for me. I have no idea if that’s what threw him off, though.


They did a ton of triple uploads for the Jiraiya and Sasuke/Itatchi arcs. If you've seen the recent post about Michelle why don't you chill out with the Triple uploads and be Patient. Greedy.


If you look on the Schedule all Episodes are Double Drops. They've given everyone so much already, and Michelle not doing the best atm, and all you guys can think of is them dropping triples.....


I hope Michelle is doing better, but some of these comments I just can't. People more worried about getting more then 2 episodes then someone recently dealing with some health issues with stress. Ron and Michelle take what time you need, and put what episodes out that you feel comfortable with. I know you have some pre-recorded due to the wedding coming up.

Ahkenaton Furdge

“ maybe he’s not dead idk” Ron that was so funny I burst out laughing😂😂😂😂😂😂 and the 2 minutes of silence 😂😂😂😂😂 kakashi was my dawg just like jaraiya RIP to the goats !


@ Micheal H I don't think that's what threw him off at all.


bro just fucking delete this stupid ass shit comment


I mean we all did tell them to take some time off if they needed to but they chose not to do it. So, isn't it better if both us and them get a better experience by reacting to the episodes in the appropriate manner? I don't think ppl are trying to be insensitive by asking them of this.


Bruh, they could've chosen to take some time off of anime which was literally what me and everybody were asking them to do. But, they didn't and chose to still upload so, while that's the case, isn't it better if both us and them get a better experience reacting to those episodes by watching three eps? A lot of ppl are asking them for it too and I don't think they're being insensitive by asking for it because at the end of the day of we are paying money for their best, real reactions and if they still chose to upload more videos when we let them know they didn't need to until she got better why should we compromise for a lesser reaction


@ SXD Over the past like month people have done nothing but Beg for triple episode drops. When they didn't do it they got Backlash from people and they did an apology kind of vide and dropped a 3rd episode together. People saying they didn't care about their Patrons. They have a lot going on right now, Try thinking of their well being. They are both most likely under a lot of stress with the wedding coming up. Just because they didn't take time off previously, doesn't mean they can't do it now. Re-read the first part of your comment, and explain how that isn't Selfish, "we told them to but they didn't so isn't it better for both of us" How is it better for them? My point is Michelle and Ron don't owe is any extra episodes. 2 are scheduled for Monday, and 2 on Wednesday, and you can't be upset if they are following their schedule. Ron and Michelle have worked So hard over the past month for you guys, Give them a break and be patient.

Mario Demner

love it 😄👍🏽


I am with you guys on being so sad and partially in disbelief. When I first saw Kakashi's death I was like NO WAY!! They just killed off a beloved character (Jiraya) and now Kakashi, everyone's favorite sensei?! My heart was shattered!! And it got me pissed bc I felt like his death or the fight leading to it wasn't how I was expecting it would have ever happened. Like I wished he really went out with a bang. Still hurts rewatching it. I had literally stopped watching Naruto for a little bit bc I was BEYOND upset. Kakashi will forever be my favorite character and sensei and will truly be missed. RIP KAKASHI

Diego Hill

Love your guys reactions! You both make me laugh and you are clearly into the series. It’s my favorite of all time and nothing really comes close.

Daniel Gonzalez

In this anime chakra depletion is a thing, once you are depleted of your chakra, you die. RIP Kakashi 😭


Ohh I didn't know that they got backlash for it. Well, that's not me tho. If they still choose not to upload 3 eps I'm fine with it. Its not like I'm demanding for 3eps, I'm requesting for 3eps. Again, you saying think of their well being is irrelevant here, because they chose to ignore their well being and still upload, so...


Pleeeeeease triple upload Wednesday!

Michael H

@Shadowstep2010 Same thing was happening with Hunter x Hunter when they didn’t do a double drop the other day. They’ve been so forthcoming with all the obstacles in their lives at the moment, yet are still keeping to their schedule perfectly, and are trying to ensure that they don’t miss any even when they are gone for their wedding. I know it’s just because fans get excited, but you are definitely right that people go a overboard with the demands.

彡mr αн

its seems u finaly learn some pain


Well if you ever wandered why shinobi's pay so much attention to their chakra level during battle- thats why, if it drops to 0% you are dead. RIP Kakashi, he was the goat :(

Sagnik Sen

3 episodes next please

Sagnik Sen

dont hang us on 2 episodes. Please give a triple drop


The chojis haha Kakashi was one of the greatest for sure


U are not dead if Ur Chakra is Hits 0 U just cant use it anymore

Zeke Gamez

It was literally explained in original Naruto that depleting your chakra can kill you


That's literally what just happened to Kakashi rn lil bro xD You think he randomly died of heart attack or something? As Zeke just said- it was explained already in og Naruto

Itzkingkongbait Nj

My boy pain out here catching bodies but W kakashi


Right. I dont understand Kakashi love. He's boring. "Ultimate Copy Ninja" while pretty much only ever using Chidori and fire style. There was that one time he copied Zabuza... at the VERY BEGINNING. Then he copied Kisame for a 10 second scuffle like 100 episodes later. His space-time jutsu he used on Deidara is really strong, but it's boring and takes forever to use. The man is incredibly lame.

Omar Israel

He's a very 'show off' character so I get you. I like the character but he never battles that much really, and much of his history is in the past. The copy ninja is more like a nickname from the past. Even though he only uses like a handful of 5 jutsu, but he's cool.

Diego Hill

Kakashi is a beast! Top 3 character for sure

Petey Poo

The people spoiling wouldn't shut up about how Ron and Michele will know pain, but they weren't expecting pain like this 😢



Jacob Elliott

ik this is a little late, but I could NOT BELIEVE that pain told KAKASHI to know pain! he fing knows more pain than you you piece of shit!

Isaac Miller

Do you hate me now 😤😤


Yeah this episode was iconic. Well done. Real life death consequences in the plot and coldly unforgiving. Pain delivered.


what obito said to kakashi about "no matter what the village says you was a great shinobi" is kinda a funny thing to say to your friend on your death bed lmao "bro I don't care what everyone else says about you you were still the homie to me *dies*"

almighty popo (edited)

Comment edits

2024-07-09 05:03:36 "duuuuude, why don't they have text messages? They gotta use frogs" Might be my favorite comment anyone has made on a Naruto episode 😂
2024-07-09 05:03:36 "duuuuude, why don't they have text messages? They gotta use frogs" Might be my favorite comment anyone has made on a Naruto episode 😂
2024-07-09 05:03:36 "duuuuude, why don't they have text messages? They gotta use frogs" Might be my favorite comment anyone has made on a Naruto episode 😂
2024-07-09 05:03:36 "duuuuude, why don't they have text messages? They gotta use frogs" Might be my favorite comment anyone has made on a Naruto episode 😂
2024-07-09 05:03:36 "duuuuude, why don't they have text messages? They gotta use frogs" Might be my favorite comment anyone has made on a Naruto episode 😂
2024-06-29 17:55:55 "duuuuude, why don't they have text messages? They gotta use frogs" Might be my favorite comment anyone has made on a Naruto episode 😂

"duuuuude, why don't they have text messages? They gotta use frogs" Might be my favorite comment anyone has made on a Naruto episode 😂