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Love seeing this character progression from Killua


Leona DiCarryo

TL/DR: Love the scene between Killua and Palm, but would have loved to see Palm struggle with her lack of control more, before she regained her control. Something I really like about Killua helping Palm regain control of her emotions again, is the Killua knows exactly how she felt. Killua experienced the same thing, when he had his brothers needle in his head, which controlled when he should flee from a fight. The only thing I would have liked to see from this, would have been a bigger struggle from Palm. Throughout Killuas journey, we saw him struggle with his compulsion to run away from any fight that was too risky, even if it meant betraying Gon in some sense. But with Palm, we didn't get to see that. It was as if her problem was fixed, before it had a chance to become a real struggle for her. I would have loved for the writer to have given us some sort of scene, where her lack of control had some sort of consequence. Maybe a fight between her and Knov, her mentor, and a man she loves and respects. This fight could have served as character development for both Palm and Knov. Let me try to set the scene. Knov, too afraid to fight, has decided that the best way for him to help the mission, is by looking for Palm. He runs around the castle, looking for any signs of her, when he feels a terrifying presence, watching him. He instantly hides, as his mind is racing to find the best way to avoid any confrontations. He tries to run, but no matter where he runs to, the looming feeling of being watched, continues. But he can't seem to figure out where it is coming from. As he runs, he turns a corner, to find Palm. She had used her Clairvoyance to intercept him. The narrator describes Knov's thought process, as he puts the pieces together. He knows Palms ability to watch someone, so she must have been the one watching him. But he felt hostility behind the unwelcome surveillance, and Palm obviously looks different. She must have been turned. Just as Knov makes this realization, his thought are interrupted by Palm calling out his name. This makes him falter for a second, giving Palm the opening she needs to attack. She relentlessly attack, throwing punches and kicks, Giving Knov no time to counter, or gather his thoughts. As they fight, Knov tries to reason with Palm, and get through to her somehow. And as the fight goes on, we see hints of her reacting to these pleads, yet she continues to attack. We hear her inner dialogue, as she tries to fight back, against the brainwashing of Pitou, but she can't. This emotionally breaks her, as she is getting closer and closer to killing her mentor. Just before she kills him, Killua interferes, and in turn saves Knovs life. From here, the battle between Killua and Palm goes somewhat similarly to what we saw in this episode, with slight changes to make it fit. If we had this fight between these two, where she was forced to fight Knov against her will, because she couldn't control herself, this whole scene with Killua could have been even more impactful. And we could have gotten more character development from Knov as well. This comment ended up a lot longer than what I initially planned, but it was fun writing it :P


Killua lowkey kinda annoying, dude us always crying about something; giving me Midoriya vibes. 🤨


I can agree to an extent as giving off the same vibes as Midoriya sometimes


In all honesty, HxH is sort of different, I understand your sentiments with the confusion and pacing, etc. I too couldn't understand everything in my first watch, and admittedly I didn't really enjoy the Morel/Knuckle/Shoot side of things too much. But rewatching your reactions to HxH, I can appreciate it more now.


In all honesty, HxH is sort of different, I understand your sentiments with the confusion and pacing, etc. I too couldn't understand everything in my first watch, and admittedly I didn't really enjoy the Morel/Knuckle/Shoot side of things too much. But rewatching your reactions to HxH, I can appreciate it more now.