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OK! AMAZING NEWS SUSHI SQUAD!!! Internet at this La Quinta Inn is SUPER FAST! LFG! JJK is rendering as we speak! So will be uploaded on here within the hour (ish). We are going to be filming for the next 2.5 hours and then wake up early and film for another 2 and send all this over to Kaleb, so we shouldnt need to miss any additional uploads (aside from the days previously mentioned)!

With that said, we will still have no uploads on the 31st and the 1st. Aside from that, the only other changes/missed uploads will be on the 3rd, we will not uploading ATLA, and Frieren will be delayed until Saturday.

Those should be the only changes! And we will be back home next week and returning to normal schedule.

Again, appreciate all of you! Especially on our last post. Your support and patience means a lot! Ok back to filming! Hope you all have an awesome morning/day/night and new years! Be safe yall. Don't do anything I wouldnt do... 🤪



Yoo La Quinta, CA?? Hope yall enjoy my town.. check out the El Paseo strip for some great shopping and food!!


Big facts. We missed 6 episodes 😭😭😭😭😭