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Finally introduced to Toph 👀



Toph my fav character


9:45 the VA killed that scene wtf xD

Calvin Lee Eastburn

The Boulder is actually voice acted by The Rock's former WWE tag team partner Mick Foley.


Toph is such a well written character, shes the best




The great melon lord is here!!!!!

Saith Uchiha

When you say Sasuke like Orochimaru you have to moan like hisoka. Uuuahhhh Saskeeeeee


Toph is easily best character :D

Mr. Man In Black

As a reminder, Kyoshi was a fully grown Avatar and founded Kyoshi Island 370 ago from that date. We don’t know her death date yet, nor Rokus birth date but we do know that it has been 100 years since the disappearance of Aang and ~112 years since his birth which leaves 258 years of life to be shared between Kyoshi and Roku. Yeah, they old af😂

Michael H

The show just kicks off from here. It’s like the creators just decided, “Eh, let’s just make the rest of the episodes all bangers.”


Damn watching your reactions of Avatar from here on out will hurt me because we recently had to put our dog of 15 years down who we named "momo" from avatar. Be at peace momo💜

Dale Diaz

Fun fact about why I love Toph as a character. Her bending style is designed after something I studied called Uechi Ryu, which is a southern Okinawan style of combat that was developed for hyper-practical, fast-killing of better-equipped opponents. Okinawa was occupied repeatedly by feudal lords, so Uechi Ryu was developed in a way that they could practice without being noticed in plain sight, and the purpose of the training was to be able to kill fully armored samurai very quickly. You can see that in Toph's bending style, where she doesn't use brute force or special tactics, she finds oppenings and uses the exact amount of force necessary to achieve her attack. The stance she uses when she's fighting is the primary kata of Uechi Ryu called sanchin. The idea is to maintain full tension throughout your body so you can stay rooted to the earth with a low center of gravity even while advancing. That's why she scoops her legs in and slides them, maintaining perfect contact with the earth (also keeps her senses active cause, blind obv)


Toph!!!!!! My favorite character

Gee Games

Troph is that drill 🔥


I believe most of that 258 was Kyoshi's.


Toph! One of my favorites🌎💪

CE Ong



Toph Best character

Yoona Kim

they casted uncle iroh the old guy from Kim's Convenience Store

Naruto Uzumaki

9:19 bro sound like a booty bandit lmaoo

Zenru Renari

And here starts the blind jokes🤣😂😂

Terrell Lewis

I watched the trailer and honestly… idk how I feel about it, I don’t hate it at all but I just have mixed feelings especially after that movie from years ago😂 but as a die hard fan I’d say it’s sparked curiosity to say the least

Michelle Lam

Dammm. really sorry to hear Tony! RIP to Momo! 15 years is a long great life! I am sure it was filled with love. Today is Timmys bday. We do a prayer and ceremony. We know he is watching over us, waiting for us! And if it wasnt for the timing of losing him, which we felt was too soon, we would have NEVER gotten teddy which we cant even think about life without him.🙏

DB Cooper

"When Netflix announced the live-action adaptation in 2018, both creators of avatar were hired to work on the series, which assured fans that the source material would be honored. However, in 2020, both original creators exited Netflix's live-action Airbender show due to disagreements about the creative direction." the fact makes me a bit worried and i'll curb my expectations so i don't get disappointed too much. Fingers crossed its still good