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Azula makes such a good evil character lol


Saith Uchiha

Ty Lee many kids first crush


Bugs/Insects are for real supposed to be a really good source for food. I heard a good amount of people tried them and its supposed to be really not that bad


Depends on the insect. Personally, I've found certain large black tree ants to have a nice lemony finish. A lot of them taste a bit nutty. Can only speak for local bugs.


The EU also allowed Insect flour to be used in food. Are these Insects just dried or do you fry them or something?


Ron seemed sleepy in this one


I grabbed a quarter inch long ant off a tree and tried it. Had a lemony note to it. Was fishing and my buddy said they don't taste bad, so i tried one. Found most ants have an ok flavor.


I don't think Ron is going to get any voice actor roles anytime soon xD lmao

DB Cooper

Lets gooo ron im playing a jacked bald monk with blue tatts using the Gust of wind spell and flying. windbending & destroying fools in bg3 like zaheer iykyk

Terrell Lewis

Having watched this show 6+ times over I’m just now realizing how like actually dark and traumatizing the things these kids are going through and witnessing if you really think about it. Like those earthbenders in ep 3 were really fully prepared to kill the entire family and even the baby of Mai’s family to take back their home. In the battle at the North Pole the arranged marriage, volunteering to fight in a war to possibly lose your life and like I never realized the trauma of Yue’s possible thought process of like the one guy she actually likes is possibly about to go and die. Maybe it just cause I’m older now rewatching it but man the writers definitely do a great job of somehow making these like dark themes lighthearted and underlying👏🏾. Idk what it is but watching all these shows I love over again with you guys has me realizing so many things I never have before😂 so thanks🫶🏾


Teddy is too cute x( !

DB Cooper

From Shen in league to monk in bg3, great minds think alike

Calvin Kling

When Ron reacted to the fart noise with the baby and momo 😂😂