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Chong is the goat! 



He was named Chong, like Cheech & Chong, because he's a Pauly Shore-type stoner.


Hope you're feeling better, Michelle! Earth Nation and Fire Nation are both heavily influenced by China/Chinese culture with smatterings of Japan/Japanese culture (e.g. Kyoshi Warriors; the Fire Nation's imperialist propaganda and militarism is similar to early 20th Century/WWII Japan) and (less so) Korea/Korean culture (Song and her village may be one of the more prevalent examples).


What if I told ya'll Uncle Iroh has that dawg in him?


Aang 0 rizz



Calvin Lee Eastburn

If I'm not mistaken ponytails are a sign of nobility in the fire nation so Zuko and Iroh cutting off their ponytails is also to help hide their identities.


Azula so scary and smart, it's hard to believe she only 14


You can see why Iroh is such a fan favorite! Chong cracked me up, he would fit right in in Austin, Tx where I live😂


I'm on Sokka's side on this one. Chong is annoying. Only because I wish I was more like him. Lucky bastard.

Dale Diaz

michelle nauseous? concerns about money? congrats on the baby xD

Yoona Kim (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-23 14:56:52 Just say its Korean bro
2023-12-23 14:56:52 Just say its Korean bro
2023-12-23 14:56:52 Just say its Korean bro
2023-11-23 06:04:07 Just say its Korean bro

Just say its Korean bro


I'd say Earth kingdom is the most chinese one here. Since the name of the people and the name of the city are all chinese. Omashu is 奧瑪舒。 And the General we see in the first episode has a chinese name too.


The real world equivalents to ethnicities and nationalities of the 4 Nations is up for debate in most instances. My favorite though, has to be how the Water Tribes seem to be based on the Inuit tribes indigenous to the Arctic and Subarctic regions around the norther hemisphere. Its generally true that the farther a group of people live from the Equator, the lighter their skin should be. And Blue eyes are a trait most common in people with less melanin. So when I found out that a tribe of dark-skinned, occasionally blue-eyed people that live near the north pole actually exists, this show solidified itself as must watch to me. Its so rich with vastly different cultures, its almost fantastical.


I love Chong out look on life. He goes with the flow he never to high or never to low he just even and just let things play out.

DB Cooper

culture and customs in the different nations aren't as specifically inspired by real life civilizations as their appearance. Even appearance wise earth and fire can vary a lot depending on which part of their nation you are in, with earth kingdom being the most varied, but seemingly majority Ming dinasty china. Fire: Mainly Chinese & SE Asian (Thai, Malay). Additional design influences from India, Korea, Japan, and Mesoamerica (Sun Warriors). Earth : Mainly Chinese. Additional design influences from Japan (Kyoshi Island), Korea (Song's village), India (Characters like Aiwei & Guru Pathik; Zaofu's exterior), & North African nomads, Air: Mainly Tibetans, as well as Chinese shaolin monks Water: Mainly Inuit (Ethnicity & Southern Water Tribe's lifestyle) /North American tribes (Weapons, totem poles, etc). Additional design influences from China (The large majority of the Northern Water Tribe architecture, for example is chinese + chinese names, Princess Yue's name and the Ocean & Moon spirit Tui & La are chinese for push and pull).

Danielle C

O man, Season 2 is where ATLA goes from good to special, Season 3 is also incredible but I think S2 is my personal favourite. If you guys are interested in the Asian influences of ATLA, Xiran Jay Zhao has a series on Youtube where she picks apart all of the references in the show, such as the architecture, weapons, bending styles, even the written languages they use in advertisements and scrolls. If you didn't watch it: ATLA is basically a crazy melting hot pot, there isn't one Asian culture that is borrowed from, but there is a crazy amount of detail and research that goes in, which is why I think everything feels so familiar to Asian audiences even if its fictional and muddled together!

Reina Panda

LOL "She didn't get enough time with her Uncle" I cant lol that's so true


Ron was correct, after cutting their hair, they are no longer connected to their clan

Sambat Phu

Sakura cutting her hair? never thought of that?

Sambat Phu

Avatar Kyoshi with the fan, and the Kyoshi warriors that kissed Sokka, that's Japanese.


Now you saw earthbending giant animals. I wonder what other giant animal could be a bender... Fun fact: the way they pronounced Irohs alias "Mushi" is the same as pussy in german.

Erick Castrillon (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-10 07:42:42 People cut their hair for renew/rebirth/restart it carries old energy
2024-01-10 07:42:42 People cut their hair for renew/rebirth/restart it carries old energy
2024-01-10 07:42:42 People cut their hair for renew/rebirth/restart it carries old energy
2024-01-10 07:42:42 People cut their hair for renew/rebirth/restart it carries old energy
2023-12-27 06:00:29 People cut their hair for renew/rebirth/restart it carries old energy

People cut their hair for renew/rebirth/restart it carries old energy

Gabriella Celine


Gabriella Celine

It’s about the journey not the destination 🩷 I loved that