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Loving where the show is at right now! 



Ohhh wow never knew I would be this impatient to get a Naruto upload!!! Things are heating up 😶😶



TJ Major

Everything so far was pretty much just the intro for Shippuden, after this the story and pacing really ramp up! If you like it now you'll love where it's going.

Desto Samuels

I can't wait to catch up on all the Naruto reactions! Have you all gotten to the point where it's fresh for Michelle yet?

Nate Banker

Oh so you won't be reacting to op 2 until the end of the show with the others?

Nate Banker

And are you guys gonna be reacting to the endings as well?

Maruey Coelho Paranhos

Yes, Naruto was asking Sakura on a date. He still likes her and tries to go out with her :)


They say episode 112 is filler but the last 10 mins of it is canon, somewhat important to the plot and actually is in the manga. I’d say watch that.

Igor Costa

Guys, the end of episode 71 is canon and should be watched, also this final part of 54 was filler


Oh! You guys traded in your dog for another one! Very cool 😀


This is probably my favorite arc in all of Shippudden. Can't wait to see the reactions coming up!


i lowky think yall should watch the opening and endings after each arc so you get to see/relive the arc u just went thru in a opening


Sending a Sannin on every mission would be wasting ressources unless you know that its goign to get hairy. Plus the last update Jiraya gave Naruto at the end of Naruto is that he's going to investigate Akatsuki


Jiraiya is being put to use. Don't worry. His job is mainly to conduct research and investigations; therefore, he can't just be naruto's chaperone when has a bigger purpose. You'll see soon enough.


Sai really thought it through, a good look up and down and said you ugly Sakura 🤣🤣🤣


Team Ron

Nero Luv

A SZA, Brent Faiyaz, and Ron collaboration is what the world needs. Them vocals are…. Something. 🔥


That filler looks gas tho

Nero Luv

I think we all have a socially awkward “Sai” type person we know


oh! that's the first art piece he named! "Comrade"


Don't look to much into Naruto's dream at the begining of ep54, that's just an intro for the filler arc to come (as well as the characters introduced at the end of the ep) :)


Well Jiraiya is in the middle of an investigation about Akatsuki, they had already mentioned it that's why he returned to the village to leave Kakashi to take care of Naruto. The reason why those two are the most involved in everything is precisely because they are Naruto's sensei and the ones who know best certain things that will be revealed later. To some extent they are both an authority figure for Naruto, they are strong and can control him better too. Now they have Yamato as well to support them :) but Tsunade is pretty much aware of all this.


Omg, just getting a second of the intros makes me wanna go watch them on youtube. 😭 I swear, Naruto ops and eds are straight drugs.


Intro is like walking into a special ed class lmao


I am actually really glad that Ron is so open-minded and has a different approach than most of the reactors I know. He is the only person who at this point was not attacking Danzo like most of the ppl, but he was actually trying to understand his motives and analyzing the situation, instead of saying something like "Oh yea, Danzo is not like Tsunade or Naruto so f** him". I really appreciate that. The conclusion at the end was also similar to mine so "Great minds think alike"! :D

Maruey Coelho Paranhos

Timestamp: Ep 54 semi-filler - You can watch 1:15- 18:30, after and before this timestamp is filler. And has post-credits scene Ep 55 NOT filler Ep 56 semi-filler - You can watch until 18:10, after that is filler. And has post-credits scene Ep 57-70 FILLER Ep 71 semi-filler - Watch only from 18:00 till the end. Is just a few minutes. Hope you can see it before watching ep 71 at least lol Next time I will let you know in advance. :)


Sasuke putting his sword back in his scabbard and his exit with Kabuto and Orochimaru was so 🔥


It’s kinda crazy how strong Sasuke got since he left the village lol. When I first watched Episodes 51-53, I was so confused on why Naruto didn’t get that strong too, since he was being trained by a Legendary Sanin aswell. A big level up is needed from Naruto 🙏🏾

Mary Fuller

To the point of Jiraiya not being sent with them, you have to remember this was originally a mission to capture Sasori's "spy". They weren't supposed to bump into Kabuto, Orochimaru, or Sasuke. And it would be very inefficient for Tsunade to have one of their strongest ninja on a (fairly) simple mission like that. It's way below his level, he could be used for much more important missions.

Yoona Kim

skipping the intro and outro is wild lol

Chris Javor

and now it begins


and plus they'll explain more about jiraiyas "movements" down the line aswell

Juan Jose

I want to say something about Danzo but I'm not lol

Jaime Sandoval

I’m confused how Sanin is pronounced Sanyin, or maybe it’s actually •san-knee-n•. That’s how I’ve said it all the time

Juan Jose

I don't like that they skip the intro. It doesn't even have spoilers

Prateek Sridhar

Charlie finally can be seen. The owed pet tax has been paid. xD

Mesia William

Ron acknowledging that danzo isn't one dimensional

Mary Fuller

True, but I try not to allude to things that will happen in the future because it's a slippery slope to spoilers, so I just explain things from where they're at 😅


"that was pretty deep" "yeah that's cute" lmao

Rex Tan

Matt Erickson

Bruh you should just watch the fillers


Barbe-Q is a French play on words 👻


Oh wow I’m surprised they didn’t really react or noticed that ep 54 shows the entire screen of Naruto. No more black lines on the sides haha


Nah we want to get to the plot, we dont care about fillers


Finallyyyyy sheesh those last episodes were so slow lol finally going into a new arc

Adam Khan

also you can leave raw milk out

Sam Cam

No he means everyone the fillers are ass expect a few

C Nichole

That would be dope.....plus more videos to post for reactions 🤷🏾‍♀️


thats a spoiler mate. You literally said hes a bad guy when ron was thinking otherwise


Jiraya is pretty much half retired and only does solo scouting missions so he doesn't really join in on the missions

Rex Tan

Your comment dont make sense. Piece of shit guy with shitty decisions does not equal bad guy. If you watched Attack on Titan and I said Reiner made some shitty decisions, would you say Reiner is a bad guy? Use that brain of yours bro.


Skip that fillers pls

Jonas Teigen

next arc is FIREEEEEEE

Kuro Uchiha

Blue bird is the best anime intro 😍😍

Saith Uchiha

W Sasuke training Tsunade guesses they might be doing forbidden jutsu (duh) but she guesses drugs I found very interesting like Ninja Steroids.

Saith Uchiha

WE NEED A MOD! Delete this comment man wtf. They’ve literally told us not to do this.


Did you guys notice that the aspect ratio changed in between the two episodes? All episodes from here on out are modern sizing.


Danzo is unironically one of the most realistic and well written characters in Naruto but lotta ppl fail to acknowledge this


Remeber at the end of Naruto before shippuden Jiriya said he was spying & getting information on the akatski, that his primary job task so that’s why he can’t be with Naruto and the crew all the time.

Arbulon Rexhepi

You should watch the last 5 minutes of episode 71 that's not a filler.

John Doe

Remember the scene in the beginning of 53. Lets just say Sasuke was about to cut the series short. You'll see the justu in the future.

Rex Tan

Me: he's such a piece of shit with shitty decisions Snowflakes: Spoiler! Spoiler! We need a mod! Welcome to the internet I guess


Jiraiya's mission on the Akatsuki never ended. He drops by to the village to let Tsunade know of any info and check up on Naruto.

Michelle Lam

We will react to both OP and EDs and we will as soon as there are no spoilers id guess.

Jovanny Valles

That’s me asf in the beginning 😭😭😭


yeah , naruto fillers are sooooooo trash... writing quality drops substantially.


You'll get it later about Jiraiya. He is into something. Great reactions btw!


This arc about to be fire. From now on is when naturo anime goes goat

Rik De Greef

The Next Arc will go Grazy!!


No, let them watch the actual story. Fillers are trash.


I agree with Sai "Ugly!"

Rex Tan


He is not the only one being a piece of shit apparently. Don't be a douche over a deleted comment dude


Akatsuki entrance finna will be LIT!!


No need to spoil, let them find out


Sasuke son'd that boy Naruto

Rex Tan

@Rob My bad bro, I lost my cool. Its just frustrating when other people gets to silence other people just because they can. That's the reason why Elon Musk bought Twitter because of people like these.


These first two arcs of Shippuden (anime version) have been dreadful but at least the good stretch of Shuppuden is coming up : )

Anthony Chavez

sai wants to be sasuke sooo bad.


Omg i need ur reaction to blue bird intro!!

Tarvarus Woods

Please just watch the intros and outros


Don’t watch the fillers lol

Ludwig Ivan Ortega Lopez

One of the best arcs is coming up now, I'm so excited to watch this arc with you guys

Rex Tan

@NigerianPrinceNoScam How is it a spoiler? We must be living in two different worlds. Danzo is a piece of shit. Sai is not a piece of shit. Orochimaru is a piece of shit. Yamato is not a piece of shit. Are those spoilers to you? THINK

Arbulon Rexhepi

Will you add another day for Naruto shippuden??


I wish we could get naruto episodes more frequently, last episode was on 16th November, which is just too long already, currently I only watch naruto from all of the current shows, before was death note and aot, would be nice if its possible. ^^


You do realize they are watching like 8 other shows and can't just appease to one audience only. You get 4 episodes a week which is more than any other show except one piece

Twin Hallow

I mean 4 eps a week is a pretty good amount I feel. Dont wanna get through it too fast. Gotta let them savor it a bit.

Rex Tan

The mods in here have no decency, they just delete comments whatever they want without providing any reason. Drop your socials and lets have a talk, else I will keep posting here until you do.

Rex Tan

@Twin Hallow I dont care about you dude. Mind your own business. I only want to talk to the mod.


Sorry for the inconvenience Rex! Don’t be mistaken, we NEVER delete comments on just a whim. Deleting comments is always discussed with multiple mods because spoilers are subjective! What you consider something as not being a spoiler, others might. So please take that into consideration for the future ❤️ If you still wish to speak with all the mods then please check out the Sushi Squad discord! https://discord.gg/riceandginger Enjoy the rest your day! (Mod)

Rex Tan

Thank you for taking the time to respond. Even though we don't see eye to eye on what constitutes a spoiler, I'll respect it if it's being carefully discussed by multiple mods, rather than just one person behind a screen on a power trip. Please excuse my behavior, it was just frustration from feeling that a mod just casually deletes posts (in my case, a very arguable spoiler/non-spoiler) without a clear explanation. I'm pretty sure others feel the same way too and I understand you guys just want to protect Ron and Michelle. Anyways this will be my last comment.

Dillon H

Gotta remember when it comes to missions that its not only one mission at a time happening it just that we only really see one at a time. Like in part one we dont see a bunch of the jonin missions and in shippuden we dont really see a ton of the acadamy/genin missions. But you gotta assume they are always having missions of some sort. So when a particular person is missing for awhile without explanation(AKA Jariya) its usually bc they are on a mission. But NOT ALWAYS. Also hope yall had a happy Thanksgiving/Happy holidays!!


Shizune is Lady Tsunade's right, faithful and extremely socially dumb hand.

Justin Moore

Its not what manipulators say that matter its what they dont say/have hidden in the words that matter.


Feel like they're missing out on the full experience by not listening to the intros as they watch them. As someone who watched Shippuden as the episodes came out, dayum some of those openings still hit me in the feels even as I think about them now. Each opening carries with it the feels from that opening's arc.


8:06 Ron would sacrifice Naruto (one) for many lives, but would agree with the sacrifice of the entire world population with Eren 😂😂


Oh for sure. But the problem with Naruto Shippuuden's openings are they are FULL of spoilers. Like they put spoilers for that whole arc pretty much showing everything. So its better for them to wait.


18:40 Danzo did nothing wrong #metoo

Kenzie Marie

Get over it lol, it's not a big deal. They do a video where they react to them all anyway. They can't cater to your every need stop being a spoiled brat