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Yue's story is probably one of our favorite moments so far! It's just too good



So the short version as to why the ocean spirit didn't do anything earlier is because it really couldn't on its own. Aang and the ocean spirit effectively tapped into each other to unlock that power. The ocean spirit needed the energy from Aang's avatar spirit, hence why the fishe's eyes and forehead diamond started glowing after Aang's eyes and arrow lit up when he went into the avatar state.


So the reason he didn't use the power at the start is because this isn't technically his power. Its the ocean spirit thats pissed using Aang as a vessel(hence why the black fish glowed as well)


Minor Spoiler Alert: what happened to Zhao and in other words his consequences is showed in Korra

Jose Huerta

Aang was only able to tap in to that form because the ocean spirit linked with him, wasn’t necessarily aang just tapping into unbeatable power! Can’t wait for book 2 for Ron to meet his fav character

Jose Huerta

Should of waited till completely over bc Michelle caught it but yeah🤣


i mean i don't know for sure but the water spirit is mortal so its a fish. it can't just do that on its own so combined with aang, it became possible to do what it did.

Michael H

Book One is fun, but Book Two and Three are what make this show such a classic. Psyched for you, Ron.

Yoona Kim

i wonder who.. i did watch a few episodes but forgot abt it i dont usually rewatch avatar


he was "assisted" by the ocean spirit fish. When he went into the avatar state, the fish's eyes glowed as well. So thats why it was so powerful and why he didnt do that earlier

Jake Turner

Did you guys notice when Zhao said to Iroh, "I've heard rumors about your journey into the spirit world." I think you were focused on the spirit plot being explained, but that was like a pretty notable line to me anyway. Connects back to when Iroh saw Aang on Roku's dragon while they were in the spirit world. I think that even physical spirits are basically as avoidant as possible unless "the balance of the world" is threatened. And the spirits may have been like waiting, giving Zhao as many chances as possible to not commit some unforgivable act. 'Unforgivable act' makes me think of Harry Potter. Have you guys seen all of the Harry Potter movies?? You should react to them if not!


Yea the Ocean spirit is what allowed him to make such a huge display. If you noticed the waterbenders lost their bending ENTIRELY when the moon was killed. The only reason why Aang was allowed to bend water was because of the Ocean spirit. Also idk if it was intentional but the Ocean spirit only pushed the water not pulled symbolizing the imbalance. Or that was just a coincidence:p


do they know about the live action trailer :O


Book 2 is way better than book 1. So excited for book 2! (:


Aang going into that combined avatar and ocean spirit state with the music playing still gives me goosebumps


Omg Biscuit is sooo cute! What kind of dog is he?


The reason why the ocean spirit didn't do anything when Zhao trapped the moon spirit in the bag was because they are in the human world and the human form of the two spirits are the koi. So the ocean spirit needed Aang's help to do something. He needed Aang's body.

King Abydos

The fire nation tanks are pretty cool and dont have a great real world equivalent, but the techbology isnt thta far beyond the rest of the iron clad and combustion powered machines the fire nation uses like their ships. The Fire nations is much more technologically advanced than the rest of the world

Mr. Man In Black

Season 2 is about to be lit!!! It’s filled with even more conflict and is much darker than season 1 with season 3 culminating the true darkness and insanity of the fire nation!

Michelle Lam

we have watched all the HP movies! ANd thank you for calling that out about uncle Iroh!!! That seems big


What stood out to me was although Zhao has tried to kill him, Zuko still tries to save him which shows way beneath his tough exterior, he has an honorable heart! Now it truly begins.


man im loving rewatching this show! hopefully you guys end up reacting to korra after this as well. it's only right


you'll have to watch The Legend of Korra if you want to know: what ever happened with General Zhao and where did that spirit take him?

DB Cooper

oh damn thank you for reminding me. a lot of avatar world-building & lore/history in that show for sure

kirk poss

Are ya'll thinking about watching avatar legend of korra?


Don't be too excited if you're more of an action person.


I get what he’s saying about the tapping into power but by that logic let’s be honest Ron should have a problem with Naruto, One Piece, Demon Slayer, My Hero, basically all those types of Shonen.




Season 2???


Iroh's journey into the spirit world / his spirituality is the reason why he could see Aang on Roku's dragon as spirits.


Everybody tough until uncle iroh gets pissed


As much I hated zhao his fate in Korra is dark wouldn’t want what happened to him on my worst enemy.

Zenru Renari

Exactly the Spirits can’t act on their own Ron. If the other water spirit could’ve done something to Zhao when he initially killed the other water spirit then it would’ve done something. It couldn’t do anything until Aang offered it his body to use to exact revenge on the Fire Nation. And remember they gave up their immortality when they chose to reside in the land of the living. So I could only imagine their capabilities on their own are lower. Aang basically did a Naruto/Kuruma type merge thing and acted together to do revenge(clearly it’s not the exact same situation as Naruto but you get my point. So it’s not really as confident as you think. I think you just don’t really get how the Avatar and the Spirts relationship works exactly.)