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Curious to see how they deal with 200k...



look at me now is a classic


So on the current fan theory is, the reason why gobta did not change after receiving a name, is because he was already a hobgoblin. He just needed to train to hone is potential. There was nothing to change because he was already at peak performance.

Prateek Sridhar

Look at me now such a classic!


So the theory we fans came up with is bc gobta didn't change when he got his name is that he was already at his full potential he just needed to train to pull out the power which is why his appearance ain't change just a theory based on anime facts


Gabiru might be a dummy but he is mentioned to be unrivaled in the art of the spear amongst the Lizardmen so he's not weak. Gobta is part of the team of Hobgoblin + Tempest Wolf that Rimuru made earlier on. They have been hunting and training together as pairs for a long time so they developed a connection between the goblins and wolves. "Shadow Movement" is a Tempest Wolf skill but because of this connection and Gobta being a "prodigy" he managed to get the skill and use it in battle. Gobta was also the first to succeed in summoning his wolf through the shadows (in the prison of Dwargon). And in the last episode we see gobta and other hobgob kids fighting with Hakuro the old Kijin, learning how to fight from him because Gobta said he wanted to learn how to use a sword


You have finally witnessed the power of OUR LORD AND SAVIOR GOBTA!!! ALL HAIL GOBTA THE STRONGEST CREATURE!!!!


Lil Wayne can defintely be seen as one of the goats. His wordplay is always a joy to listen to

Prateek Sridhar

Remember when Rimuru forgot or left Gobta behind in the dwarven prison? Gobta got out of it by learning shadow movement, they just never showed him actually using it so far :p


Nah Gobta is just the GOAT

white wolf

You have finally seen the true power of godta!!! Can’t wait for more of these reactions especially season 2 so excited for it and great reaction as always!!!


Everything Gabiru is dramatic, the slow fall had me rolling lol


Slime just makes me laugh and smile and I love it~ ^^

Divine Simp

Now that you mention spy family, where's season 2? 😭


The Ogres evolved into Kijin when Rimuru named them

Ricardo Fierro

well they aren´t ogres anymore, their race evolved to kijin with the name, and i think their appearance as kijin is more humanized, cause if considered the ogres as beast, its kinda logic that a evolve has to be more advanced in terms of no so much brute force, instead more thinking i guess, i agreed that his ogre form was better but, well its like that, even so, still looking dope, i cant wait for more episodes, just watch the last 2 of them and the time pass so quickly, oh i love this show hahaha

Ricardo Fierro

i asked the same, but i dont think they react till they end another series they have now, if not, its gonna be so much to react considering they will add one piece soon

Anna Sali

Well I don't know the actual translation of "kijin" as I can't speak japanese but as I've watched slime before with german subtitles they called the evolved ogres "devil". Would make sense with the horns and so.


There is a ton of lore and information that all intertwine, but it's much more apparent in the manga or the Light Novel. But don't worry! There will be many more chances to theorycraft in later episodes!! Love the reaction and the show, can't wait for the next one!

klairvoyance (edited)

Comment edits

2023-10-22 15:43:10 what's the outro song?
2023-10-22 13:37:28 what's the outro song?

what's the outro song?


Man i fkn love Gabiru and all his little sound effects XD

Anthony Chavez


Saith Uchiha

Your announcement has me nervous. Please don’t drop fire force.

Saith Uchiha

Rimuru making me wanna be a slime he gets carried “right where he should” good one Ron and gets attention from cute/beautiful women. He’s highly respected. I never thought a slime reincarnation would have so many perks.

Yoona Kim

i think Gobta the little one made a pact with the wolfs so he can do those shadow movement stuff

Michelle Lam

Its called "again and again" by ill nicky, hes actually a friend of mine from college! https://www.google.com/search?q=ill+nicky+again+and+again&oq=ill+nicky+again+and+again&aqs=chrome..69i57j33i160l2j33i299.5083j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8


So the VA for Gabiru is also the VA for the MC in Konosuba, which is probably the best comedy isekai ever made. It's got a new season coming out next year or so, so it may be worth checking out.


Is Gabiru, Kazumas voice actor ? 😂


I had forgotten how hilarious this episode was lmao. This series has so many funny moments but also very serious and badass ones. It's a show that gets better and better and really grows on you. It gets even better in season 2, can't wait for you to react to it.


Part of the reason the evolutions here appear more human is because Rimuru's biases affect the evolutions when he names a monster, and Rimuru has a bias towards humans. There are other influences as well, to be revealed later.


My theory is that he did evolve, but in some hidden direction, because he is now a Hobgoblin.


The word ogre is a common translation for the Japanese beings of folklore called oni. There is also the word akuma which means (is translated as) demon or devil most commonly but can also refer to oni. But these are not demons in this story. I looked up kijin, and depending on what Chinese characters are used it varies in translation, but I think the most likely one is "fierce god".


crazy how ya was underestimating gobta when 5 seconds before that ya was coming at Gabiru for underestimating Rimuru smh

Dequone Jackson

I hope they ended up putting respect on my by Gobta by the end of the show lol he's actually my favorite character