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Granny Chiyo a real one



Don't watch openers, EVER while watching a show, watch them at the end of the show, openers are always full of spoilers


If you'd rather watch them later that's good.


We want Ron to learn an entire hand technique by the end of Shippuden


Tobi is here!!

Yoona Kim

"Can Kakashi copy that" (referring to Chiyo's medical ninjutsu) - Ron 2023. Smh*


I would strongly suggest either binge watching a ton of episodes and posting the series 3 to 4 days a week, or putting more episodes into the 2 posts a week. Shippuden has so many episodes that you probably won't finish this within the next 12 months at this rate. If you posted 10 episodes a week, you'd still have like 8-9 months to complete the show.

Saith Uchiha

One thing you guys didn’t react to was when they mentioned Kakashi was a Anbu black op. The Anbu carry all the secret dirty work assassinations ect. Hope that gives a lil insight in Kakashi’s past.


React to the Op/Ed after each arc finishes, instead of at the end of the show :)


Such a small thing but Naruto has the best music of any anime which makes scenes more emotional to me! I have a lot of it on my Spotify! To me, Gaara has the best character development of any character on the show. The Sand Village cheering his return and taking pause for Lady Chiyo were beautiful scenes.


You guys decide what to do but for one I don't think seeing characters you don't know is a spoiler and I believe that the openings won't have as much meaning later on since it will be a while before you finish Shippuden lol


Imo and of course you do what you want buy I think it is silly to avoid the intros and react later. They are intros for a reason, when people watched it in real time they couldn't avoid it. Not everything is meant to be a spoiler and it's only a spoiler if you are already thinking it is or for those who already seen the show. I wouldn't get in mY head about the intros. I think a lot of fans unfortunately ruined the organic experience for you guys by saying be careful with this, don't watch that. Watch it how it's supposed to be watched that's it. Also, the impact of the intros won't be the same by watching it in bulk. You might as well just listen to the theme songs themselves.

Juan Jose



Completely off topic but have you guys considered watching the naruto movies? Like the ones from before shippuden, some of them a good watch. Someone hand me a tissue, I got sand in my eye I promise I’m not tearing up

Maks Lesniewski

To everyone who says they shouldn't watch the intros, do y'all ever watch movie trailers?


The Sharingan can't copy literally anything. It can copy normal jutsus that requires hand signs, but not things that Kakashi himsekf cannot do like Byakugan, opening the gates, control sand at will, chiyos revival technique etc


Im actually unhealthily hyped for the future


There's really no right or wrong way to deal with intros. If they weren't meant to be seen when a new arc starts then they wouldnt be there at the start of the episode. But it's also a sound decision to save them for a reaction. So it really is a decision for them to make. Either way works perfectly fine


Ron crying is always in stages. 1. His nose sniffles 2. He drinks something 3. He cuts the camera :D


The next arc would be the best to watch Naruto Kai. They really drag it out. After that the pacing steps up.

Arbulon Rexhepi

Guys could you make the frame bigger as in death note for example.

Joshua Muratti

So some Jinchuriki’s you won’t really see because they are in the fillers

Joshua Muratti

Also, hi. My name is Josh. You don’t know it but I started watching your channel on YouTube when you first started Demon Slayer. You both are an amazing dream couple and watching your videos every morning before I go to work makes my days. Ron you have quite a journey with Naruto. Heads up, all questions in Naruto get answered BUT some fillers actually do tie in to the story. Honestly you won’t really see all the Jinchuriki’s unless you watched some of the fillers arcs.

Dale Diaz

btw "su" is a weird syllable in japanese. you hear it all the time with "desu" which is basically the japanese "to be/is", it's pronounced like halfway in between "desuh" and "desoo" almost like you're cutting off the U short, like you're just pronouncing the s and kind of pushing a little air out afterwards. So zetsu is technically pronounced "zetsoo" but with that punctuated "u" sound so you're both right


Gaara tatoo with Chiyo in the background like a guardian angel




I want them Opening and Ending reactions!!! I beg you!


10 hours of naruto sound 🔥🔥 Do it RON 🫵🫵


I forgot how cool Tobi looks in this outfit. Reminds me of Tenchu


Alright .. tears coming in hot 🥹


The walmart sasuke joins the show

Yosef Shemesh

what an arc. The crazy part is that it keeps getting better from here.

Charles Liu

Honestly guys, please watch the OPs for Naruto at least. We all grew up watching the OPs and they don't have any spoilers but in fact get you thinking "ohh damn who are these people, I want to know more". I highly recommend watching them in the same way that you'd watch AoT openers since it's mainly for generating hype before the episode starts


Nah y'all should just watch the openings as they come, you can always make a compilation of intro reactions after tbh. It doesn't make any sense to watch them all after


Wait for the end of the show with tattoos because you won't have any space left :D


Just watch the openings it’s fine


Love it! My only request would be for y'all to go ahead and watch kakashi gaiden episodes lol. Man this show is going to be full of pain.

Alan Clark

Intro to one of the best squad 7 characters already


This is gonna be amazing


Danzo for president


Can’t wait for my fav arc, Goodluck on the journey yippeee!

Vitali Morgun

Naruto is not the kind of show whose scenario is hard to predict... people are very annoying sometimes with their overvaluation of the spoilers' meaning in openings. So you shouldn't be too worried about "spoilers". If you wanna watch openings – don't make it complicated, just watch them

Justin Walkins

Finally made it, I watched your entire dattebayo series from OG Naruto up to now in 3 weeks! Loving you guys, keep up the good work but also pay a bit more attention or you could miss very crazy details.

Justin Walkins

Oh btw, It doesn't really do justice if you watch the intros and outro's after the show ends. I'd say to watch it half way into the season which is about 15 episodes in!!! Loving you guys and increasing my Patreon amount soon!

Ronald Fitzgerald

dude... sakura touching the grave made me tear up.


Y’all have the best reactions that’s what I love y’all 😂💜


Let's goooo finally Naruto Shippuden can start now that that arc is over 😂


15 episodes in after new opening, you're safe by then


Also here's something I don't often hear people mention. Gaara can finally get some damn sleep 😂 remember in part 1 it was mentioned he couldn't sleep cause of the demon in him, welp it's gone now

Ian Luz

Guys, honestly, there's no reason to skip the intros/outros. They were made back then to be watched. There won't be any major thing that you aren't supposed to see on them.


18:56 Gara looking like he about to sand coffin everybody just cause....

Dajhaya Jones

Bro pls just watch the openings


Tobi is voiced by Wataru Takagi, one of my favorite Seiyu. This guy is so good at both goofy characters (like Tobi... or Wataru Takagi from Detective Conan) and evil characters. Such a great Voice Actor.


Yeah the old guy didn't appear before, but he could have been introduced in OG Naruto in a specific episode, but it's likely that the author didn't create this guy at that time.


Tobi one my favourite characters

Nick Obeso

I’m so late on this but it annoys me that they didn’t watch the openings, I know they get worried of spoils but openings are literally the anime experience. You can’t get spoiled if you don’t know what is happening. It’s just new characters 😭