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Jet had us in the first half ngl... These were both fun episodes!


white wolf

Im so ready for the next two episodes, it’s gonna be good. Well… I mean we all know about one and if you know you know but it’s gonna be great!!! Love y’all’s reaction as always!


unpopular opinion but internet influencers saying "i love u" to the audience is parasocial and kinda weird


boomer? im just concerned about the people who get too attached to internet personalities. It is an unhealthy very one sided relationship


I mean who doesn't love their fans? Obviously, it's not in the same way that you'd love a family member or partner. But stating that you have a general and overall love and appreciation for your supporters isn't weird. And no one is gonna deadass fall for two people they don't personally know and have an established relationship with. And if they do, that's they're the ones making it weird.


Damn, I didn't expect the Jet episode to be so relevant to todays current political situation


Appreciating ur fans and thanking them is still a difference from saying u love ur fans. I know it sounds nit picky, but it can make the difference establishing the the correct relationship between creator and fan. You would be surprised how many people "fall" for things like "i love u", "u are like family or friends to me". These people are incredibly lonely and hang onto these words from their creators. I know no ony is trying to take advatage of people like that, by saying that, just wanted to point it out :)

Yoona Kim



When did i say i dislike it? I just said that its weird and parasocial


Ok the "i love u" comments are funny ngl. I just wanted to point out, that u should probably not get too attached to online creators. They are not ur friends and should not be treated like one. Ludwig made a great Vid about it. Its called "I Am Not Your Friend".


Love is a word that you give meaning to. Some people love sunsets, but they dont love sunsets more than they love their family. Same deal. You’re over thinking it, chill out.


I kinda like causing "drama" with unpopular opinions. I read a lot of ur comments and i guess most of u are right. Love u guys


I wanted to write something about Israel and Palestine, but after thinking about it a bit maybe I shouldn't. I do want to say when things like this happen you can see very clearly how the media lies about certain things and they only do things in their favor. This conflict has been going on for 75 years or so if I'm not mistaken.

Saith Uchiha

Cabbage guy the most OP character in the Avatar verse Fun fact the creator never intended on keeping the cabbage guy but because of fan love he kept him

Saith Uchiha

Ron, If you see this ask Michelle also… what bending do you think you’d be. Fire,Earth,Air,Water

Dale Diaz

Moral of the story is to never trust a war time fuckboy

Dale Diaz

is there a difference between what you think you'd actually be vs what you think is the coolest? i wouldn't guess ron as being fire tbh, but i definitely understand the appeal

Dale Diaz

(scorpio is a water sign btw, i'm also a scorpio xD low key i think fire is the coolest but i would be an earth bender, that's just my temperament)

Yoona Kim (edited)

Comment edits

2023-10-12 09:18:59 wait did you guys skip the intro man keep it cuz i like it when they introduce the elements :( fire , water etc) i guess its your decision not mine
2023-10-12 09:18:59 wait did you guys skip the intro man keep it cuz i like it when they introduce the elements :( fire , water etc) i guess its your decision not mine
2023-10-12 09:18:59 wait did you guys skip the intro man keep it cuz i like it when they introduce the elements :( fire , water etc) i guess its your decision not mine
2023-10-12 04:21:28 wait did you guys skip the intro man keep it cuz i like it when they introduce the elements :( fire , water etc) i guess its your decision not mine

wait did you guys skip the intro man keep it cuz i like it when they introduce the elements :( fire , water etc) i guess its your decision not mine


‘You became the traitor once you stopped protecting innocent people’…well said Sokka! He may not have water or air bending abilities but he’s got common senses, smarts and a boomerang🪃

Elizabeth Izaguirre

That would be cool if we could be gifted with bending based on our zodiac chart. As an Aquarius with 8 air placements I’d be an air bender ♥️


glad i started something entertaining with my unpopular opinion


Its a bit repetitive especially considering a lot of sushi squad have watched this show multiple times.

DB Cooper

TRUE because most of the casualties until now have been to a large degree colateral killings, its disturbing to see what was essentially hamas gunmen influencers broadcasting warcrimes against old holocaust survivor lady and festival goers. its targeted and crude