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OK, I (Ron) have read the comments from ep 23/24, and also watched the next two episodes and have something to say. A lot of you are commenting on my thoughts of Sakura, but you all have the knowledge of who she becomes and what she accomplishes in the future. Like even just watching the next 2 episodes (we did last night) and looking back at this reaction, I can see I was underestimating her strength and competencies. And honestly I am both impressed and hyped at who she is becoming already! Just 2 episodes into the future!

My reactions are just how I feel with the info I have been given at that moment! I know its hard to remember exactly how you felt about her at this stage back when you watched for the very first time, but it FOR SURE wasn't the same way you feel about her now, knowing how the show finishes. Also try and keep in mind, we didn't watch fillers, so that also impacts my thoughts and knowledge of her training, character development etc.  So it still will probably be different from how yours was. AND THAT IS OK!

I Love this communities passion and efforts to get me to see characters the same way you do, but I think if you let me develop my own evolution of how i feel about the characters through experiencing the show, it will be better for everyone! I am positive my thoughts about her will change. Who knows, she may become my favorite character, I have no idea! (I judged Rock Lee early on too, and he is now my favorite and I now have a tattoo of him. So anything can happen haha😂).   

I know as humans you want me to feel and think the same as you do. Its natural. I am not perfect, and I know I wont feel EXACTLY how you guys all feel, but I am real. So hopefully you enjoy my growth and appreciation for her as the show goes on. Just like how I am sure each of you guys appreciated and grew with your feelings for her as you watched her progress throughout the show. Its a long journey! We are still just getting started. Excited to see who she becomes! Unless she dies before that happens of course...LOL   

Love yall! Love this show.



I just appreciate you guys always keeping it real


There’s no way people are attacking you when we probably thought the same way… I know I did.

Rafael Alfaro

Let my man enjoy his show 🗣🗣🙏

Art of Trolling

Don’t worry Ron I don’t like her either 😂😂. At least in the Naruto Series.


No Worries some Naruto Fans just go REALLY hard on first time watchers, nothing new

Justin Moore

Keep it up, like your reactions.


I feel kinda bad you even gotta make this comment, keep being you Ron that’s why we here🤘🏾

Michelle Lam

This is not a war either! Please dont let the comments turn into one side vs another. This is not meant to be an argument! I just wanted to share this, bc this I love the comments and feedback and discussion! Its one of my favorite parts of reacting and watching shows with you all. Thats why Sushi Squad, and anime is so dope. Bc we learn from each other and grow!


People are actually defending Sakura?

Malik Ford

Dang bro let Ron live it’s okay if he doesn’t have the same opinion chill out and watch the magic unfold

GD LoreRiley

Exactly yall stfu you ever heard hindsight is 20/20 stop judging people about stuff they dont know yet like a bunch of fucking children

Uchiha With Some Gas

the hate comes from scene where she was judging naruto cuz he is an orphan, in front of an orphan, lol

Dandara B



Lmaoo. Dw guys. Most girls from Naruto Shippuden are trash . Even kishimoto admits it,he don't know to write female characters. Just ignore the comments

CE Ong

Nobody appreciates Sakura until towards the end of the series (Boruto series even). So it's ok for us to revisit those feelings EVERYONE felt when we first watched this show and ride along. Cmon, everyone hated Sakura at some point right? RIGHT??


I like Sakura


Jesus to those people.. y’all jump to the gun too fast. We should also understand where they are coming from and the amount of info they received from watching. We’re all ahead so let’s be human as well by being patient, understanding, and kind. Let em react the way they want to react. This isn’t hate y’all I love everyone but I’m just giving a heart to heart message. We guds 😊

Dale Diaz

I'm just here for the ride brochacho. I'm enjoying your experience. It's honestly more entertaining watching your opinions on characters evolve and mature. People be getting too beat out of shape.


all my homies hate sakura

Kevin Lee

I hate Sukura too lol


I hated her in OG, but I liked her all the way through Shippuden.

john Alexander

I knew you would get some push back on the Sakura comments. Wish some of us could just relax and remember this is your first time watching this.

Rudy Nayager

Don't let the keyboard warriors get you revved up bruz, we were all you when we watched and thought the same thing so don't worry overly much or feel you need to explain yourself, fuck the haters brudda, and keep watching one of the best animes to ever do it.

David Waller

I understand this is all coming from a place of peace but geez it's still a little frustrating people just can't let you guys enjoy your experience as first time viewers. The opinions, reactions, random theories are apart of that first experience that I personally enjoy and think others do. Just chill, let them cook and enjoy the great content.

Antonio Ricardo

How do people not get this? We were all Sakura haters back in the day making a million memes about her 😂 let them have their phase of that.

The Dark Knight

Whenever I see you or other reactors who are watching Naruto for the first time get annoyed with Sakura, I laugh because I can relate 🤣🤣 it’s a canon event. But I do appreciate her as a character and I believe you guys will too by the end.

shouvik das

Guys cmon lets be real the majority of the Naruto fan base hated Sakura and still do lmao.

Abdul-Rahman Lawal

I thought most of the Naruto community hate Sakura🤔🤔🤔Maybe it's just me then😂😂

Abdul-Rahman Lawal

If Sakura becomes Ron's favourite God Bless him😂😂😂


Okay, let's see if it changes. Bcs i don't hate her but I didn't like her till the end of the show.


don't worry ron ngl u weren't hating at all some ppl just get really soft over fictional characters for some reason like they're real people. there's been reactors way harsher than you've been and it makes your comments seem extremely tame

Cody Wild

After reading the comments I don’t see a need for this post. Maybe the mods erased the bad ones…? Seems like Ron jabaited us all into a discussion.

Evelio Solache

Don’t allow people to dictate who you do or don’t like same with what shows you enjoy or don’t, I for one hate Sakura and I’ve seen this show multiple times


This could just be me so feel free to disregard, but liking or not liking characters/events is all part and parcel of the first watch experience. I don't think you should make a post every time if people aren't enjoying your current opinion atm of whatever you're watching. This will happen again at some point in some show. Just enjoy your show organically and people will adjust to however your opinions adjust as they come (And this is someone who doesn't agree with how "harsh" you are with some characters at times lol but I still don't think you have to justify anything to your audience)


Empathy is a thing. We should all try it from time to time. Easy to forget when we are sharing an experience, but the differences can excite us as much as the similarities if we let them.

Lenni Bunny

i hate that you have to explain yourself like this. some of y’all really gotta chill.

Maruey Coelho Paranhos

I'm not going to be a hipocrite, I was hoping to see you guys getting excited about Sakura at the last episode that you posted, and then the reaction wasn't what I expeted, so I read some of the comments and agreed with them and liked it. But that doesn't mean that I hate you or something lol I just was expectin something that didn't happen and that's ok. Look, I wached all Hunter x Hunter and I didn't like it the way people expected me to, I remember hating Gon. lol AND, let's be honest, that part of the episode about Guy's team and Naruto's scene was terribleee.We could tell you when you can skip and when you can't, so the anime will be more enjoyable. Back in time, Naruto was slow but not so much, that's why we are able to watch it. But NOW, with a lot of animes with a bunch of crazy fight scenes, it'll look extreme boring. Naruto's animation and spacing haven't aged well, like Death Note which is still good to watch.

Yoona Kim

Bro don’t regret having a Rock Lee tattoo even though he hasn’t got enough screen time I get you. I don’t know if you watch UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship) but Israel Adesenya watches Naruto and he got inspired by Rock Lee fighting style (taijutsu) because it’s similar to his style that’s why he does that stance when the fight begins so your not the only one to dislike him. He’s got a tattoo of that Eight Trigrams Sealing Jutsu the one that looks crazy on his stomach. Hating Sakura is crazy but I won’t say much about it don’t really care of how strong she is I kinda assume that she’s strong. Bro Sakura is bad asf come one man 😂


i think it was 50/50. i remember there where a lot of NaruSaku shippers.

Lukas Gonzalez

I’m pretty sure disliking Sakura is a normal feeling to have watching Naruto as I remember not liking her character and most people agreeing as they watched it for the first time so I wouldn’t bother thinking to much of the people disagreeing with you Ron


Disliking Sakura is normal no matter when it happens. She's just not a well written character. And she only gets way more questionable later on.


Thank you for this note! Everything you’ve said is valid and respectable - much appreciated.

Sergio Zavala

Lets not take comments too seriously i don't want you to end up hating the show because of that

Sabine Hernandez

Sakuras overhated as fuck (which is why her fans are deadset on defending her) but i aint gonna fault anyone giving her actual criticisms (again as long as it doesn’t reach the misogyny territory its aight and we can all tell Ron is fairly criticizing Sakura) Sakura at the end of the day is horribly written as much as I love her. Kishimoto just cant write women LOL And the anime made her more unlikable in specific moments unlike the manga 💀 One of the reasons why I love Sakura is honestly because im a writer and i love fixing flawed characters. The more flaws they have, the more i love them


Everyone hates Sakura


Folks just love to yap, you do you

Davis Dambergs

Just hate on her. Who gives a shit. 90% of Naruto fandom hate on her.


You didn’t wrongfully judge rock lee’s character he’s still a bad ass imo no matter the screen time he got early on


Sakura is fodder she thinks shes on naruto and sasukes lvl


1) Kishimoto (author of Naruto) is known for writing women terribly back then, and obviously would not hold up today. He didn't write her well at all. 2) You guys REALLY need a mod reading this stuff (especially OG 3 if you ever watch OP/Bleach) so you know what's okay to read (comments wise/openers) (Naruto later on in Ship has MAJOR spoilers in its opening). Weather it be for mental health or even slight spoilers. Remember, most people dont comment for compliments :) , Also, you have the same mentality most people did back in the day, and almost even now. Most meme on how bad he was at writing women (he gets slightly better but not even close to 2023 standards) You have the benefit of seeing top tier anime now in 2023 with authors who are way better at writing women (Nobara ect.). Gotta remember Naruto released in 1999 also :) I just hate seeing you guys acting like you aren't "Reacting good enough". That's what's fun about reactions, seeing the DIFFERENT types of reactions. To NORMAL people you guys are doing amazing. Keep being you <3 That's why we pay. For YOU both <3


I mean I don't really care if you liked her or not but from the EP 1 you already hated her. It's because people keep saying she's useless and stuff. That impact your view of her.


I don’t like Sakura either don’t let them silence you Ron!

Bruce Li

Ignore those kids, U guys are doing great.


I personally never hated Sakura but honestly it makes sense to not expect much from her at this point of of the story. Ngl I was the exact same when I first watched this arc, I think it’s again that thing where ppl already know what’s gonna happen so they expect you to get hype or react a certain way even though you’re first time watchers.

john collins

Damn, it's pretty disappointing to see some Naruto fan's can't watch two peoples reactions without trying to force their views of the show onto them. The online spaces dedicated to Naruto, like its subreddit, have become nothing but debates on which characters are stronger, why characters do xyz, if this changed so and so would be strongest character, etc. These spaces have gotten pretty toxic and it's sad to see that leaking into these comments. Unless Ron or Michelle present a question about something, there's no need to over explain every little detail. Just let them watch the show and after it's over I guarantee they will want to read about all of your ideas and theories. So until then don't try to pressure anyone into viewing it a certain way. The reason this channel is so good is because we get to see their genuine reactions! Whether or not you had the same reaction is irrelevant and getting upset when they view things differently is not good for anyone.

Matt Brock (edited)

Comment edits

2023-09-30 15:08:04 You just have to realize that Sakura is a sensitive subject in the Narutoverse. Sakura has two bad scenes in the series (one you have seen and one you haven't yet) that make people over hate her. Honestly Sakura haters are the most ignorant people in this fandom. There are way worse characters but most people will act like little man children when it comes to her. My only advice is to not listen to them and form your own opinion. She was useless in part 1 sure but if you still think she is useless by the end of the series then you haven't been paying attention to the story. That goes for everyone not just Ron lol. Also keep in mind it's almost like the people who made the anime tried to make her worse than her manga counterpart.
2023-09-30 13:03:03

Davis Dambergs

You have just spoiled the fact that she is alive by the end of the series for one. On the other hand, why are you being so deep over a fictional character. People can hate on her all they want. They can hate on whatever other character they want


Sakura placed 3rd in a worldwide popularity poll you guys are capping saying most the fandom hates her lmao

Davis Dambergs

In your opinion, which is subjective. Your opinion means nothing to everyone, it only affects your own feelings towards the characters and other people. Also as I have replied to your other comment, it’s a fictional character.


There’s a difference between saying she’s useless and not liking her character. So idk why you brought that up. Whether you like or dislike someone is based on your personal values. Stop calling people with different preferences ignorant. You sound like a child.

Davis Dambergs

P.S. you also either employ manipulative tactics or just don’t fully comprehend your own words. By preaching someone like Ron should make up his own mind to hate or not and also saying that anyone who hates on her is an idiot, you are basically saying that if in your opinion he chose to hate on her after seeing even more from her, according to your own statements, he would be seen as and idiot by you. Your words.


The anime community can be pretty toxic lol. Just ignore the people who can't enjoy your reaction unless you agree with their feelings on the anime

just some random car guy

I watched all of Naruto over and over multiple times but I don’t see why people have a toxic hate for her, I mean of course she did some crazy things in this series but there are other characters in the series that have done a lot worse and even characters from other animes. Most people would be the same as Sakura if they lived her life growing up


The issue is half naruto fans are children who streamed it on Netflix and claim to be day 1’s and the other are soo die hard they don’t seem to realize what hindsight is..anyone who watched this as it aired had similar if not worse opinions of Sakura at the time..the overall fandom didn’t start to respect her until the end and for some even after the “Naruto” series..the filler didn’t really help Sakura much but it was more for the other side characters that get 0 canon screen time

Josh Stewart

"Sakura haters are the most ignorant people". WOW. i agree with Gleeker, you really do sound like a child. Calm down dude, its an anime. (also slick editing your post to try to reel back, if anyone is the "man child" its you lol)


dont worry ron all my homies hate sakura

Marco Padilla

who cares let him enjoy the show and have his own opinions. thats why we watch. they arent going to like every character. and Sakura is actually the worst.


I feel sad that you needed say like this… Please just be yourself and don’t worry, I believe that a lot of us love your natural reaction!


Don’t feel bad about Sakura. Her nickname among many fans is “uselessness”


Anime fans are some of the worst. You shouldn’t have to say non of this. People are weird🤦🏽‍♂️


Inb4 in the future it only gets worse, so no reason to justify yourself. Your claims are valid, she's a was a waste of pencils for the author. Don't let it get to you.

okay striker

From any first time watcher perspective: Sakura was absolutely useless in the first season, legit having no actual jutsu, and always needing to rely on others to get things done for her. And now to Shippuden: she now has solid healing abilities and super strength. Yeah that’s respectable, but nothing crazy. Especially when yes, her matchup is an Akatsuki member who took down the strongest Kazekage. Even if having Chiyo as her partner goes a long way, I get where you are coming from Ron.


For our own sake I hope the super negative and condescending comments stop in the next few arcs.. I’ve seen soo many reactors get put off by the naruto “community” and end up just pushing through the end just to get it over with..Ron genuinely wants to experience this show for what it is not what me or you think of it..he might like it sooo much he ends up binge watching Boruto or he might end up not liking it in the end..but let’s all let him decide that on his own..non of that “this arc sucks”, “40 more episodes until”, “it’s all downhill from here”, “Boruto’s trash don’t watch it” ..we’ve already seen it all and decided what we like and don’t like..instead of trying to curate their experience just let them watch and form organic natural opinions..ps to Ron if you read this, it’s perfectly ok for the bad guys to be your favorite

dmc 1219

Just glad you keep it real 👍


I personally don't dislike Sakura and did not ship NaruSaku. She is not my fav chracter either. Sakura haters and non-haters should both stop since both groups also spoils. Up till this episode they are watching, we can see Sakura has improved but some people don't view it the same which can be sad. I understand those who are trying to defend Sakura but anymore info is spoiling their experience. I also would like to defend Sakura but we can only wait to see if they feel the same after watching finish the show.


its ok ron, a lot of people who have finished the series don't like Sakura either


I actually look forward to the different perspectives you guys bring. I don't want you to think exactly the same as I do

Federico Carnebale

Is not that she is weak, she is super strong. But if you compare her with naruto and sasuke then she is kind of lame 🤣🤣

Prateek Sridhar

Gosh, people on the internet man. They don't let you like or hate a character unless you align with their thoughts on them. Hearing what you guys genuinely think of characters is more important than seeing you feign interest in a character because the world likes them, personally. Some people need to realize, you're allowed to have your opinions on things and other people are allowed to have theirs. Trying to convince other to change their opinions via discourse or debate is one thing, but flaming others for having a different opinion is totally wrong imo. The latter only serves to give you an ego boost because you think you're in the right, but it doesn't help anyone coz you haven't convinced a single person of anything.


I love the reactions you guys provide for us, imo the best reaction channel i’ve subscribed to so far. Been a patreon subscriber since you guys were in season 1 of Demon Slayer. Thanks for everything so far! On the side note, i really don’t want to send negative energy but i’m getting really annoyed by this community and their childlike behavior. Just let them watch the damn thing and keep your opinion’s to yourself, how hard is that? Who are you trying to convince of your opinion if they are watching the show to create their own. You all were allowed to watch naturo + shippuden without other people spoiling or nagging about something so why aren’t they? Keep up the good work Michelle and Ron and i hope you don’t have to make posts like this every week because i can imagine it can be 10x more annoying to you than it is for me. Much love.


Seeing bunch of ass kissers in the comment section. People just pointed out to him that he underestimated Sakura (which he did) and it’s completely fine, he even admitted that, so what are you guys complaining about


Don't worry Ron we all felt the same way about sakura in this fight 😂

Davis Dambergs

Good one. Spoiling about Sakura even making it that far in the series. You gotta remember, they dont know who lives or dies. A bit of common sense

Zenru Renari

Honestly, Sakura isn’t the perfect female character but i think most people just got on your case about hating on her because that was one of her best moments and not to spoil but you should cherish those moments. Many many people also dislike Sakura, some even hate her on a very unhealthy level. Which is why Sakura fans or just people who like Sakura defend her almost as nearly on an unhealthy level because people go so far to hate on Sakura, others go so far to defend her. I personally like Sakura, my initial thought of Sakura was that she was a very funny character and had a lot of good interactions with the characters. I was also disappointed with Sakuras lack of combat scenes but later learned Kishimoto(the write of Naruto) admitted to being bad at writing female characters, which is why none of the female counterparts of the anime have really good powers/scenes. Lots of unwashed potential, since Sakura is the Female lead, a lot of the anger gets pointed towards her even though, lots of the other females aren’t as capable as she is. So they center their hate and frustration on her because of that and because of her not reciprocating Naruto’s feelings which is one thing I find weird about Naruto haters. No means no, not sure why people think just because Naruto saves her a lot means she owes him her heart. That’s hella weird💀 People will get on Sakura defenders case but will be the same one attacking anyone that doesn’t like Itachi for committing genocide on his own clan. But it’s very biased based. Fact is, the Naruto fan base is extremely toxic! And that’s a fact, you’ll meet a lot more people like this when other characters are introduced. So Ron just try to watch with an open mind. Same when it comes to Hinata because she isn’t exactly the best either, people let up on her because she likes Naruto and wants to “give it up”. Don’t take peoples criticism personally. Especially if they’re rude about it.


Dont worry Ron, she is usless in Naruto series and thats truth. She gets better in Boruto


Don’t even trip ! Lmaoo even my husband was annoyed with Sakura and would say she was worthless lol 😂


people are just lying to themselves if they say they didn't hate on sakura


bruh u and many others hate sakura so its all good, like who like and not what other people want you to like, thats not how that works

Brandon Gomez

bro EVERYONE hates sakura idk why ppl got mad at you lol

Thomas Reinhardt

one of the worst characters, dont mind the haters lmao

Thomas Reinhardt

also the naruto community isn't that... "grateful" to content creators, keep going bro


Bro there’s no way people actually getting mad because u don’t like Sakura LIKE WHAT 😭😭 like she’s bottom tier at best Lmao there are SOOO many better characters

Itz Viral

Never met someone who watched Naruto that likes Sakura 🤷‍♂️ also there’s WAY more hate on Sakura on the internet with people making memes abt how bad she is as a character so idk y people r trippin 😂 (hope the comments doesn’t FORCE u to like certain characters, keep it real with the reactions 👍)

Dajhaya Jones

Don’t worry😭 I still hate her till this day tbh


Lol, i don't know what the split is, but you wouldn't be alone in the sakura haters club. Personally, she didn't bother me, but hey, whatever


This. Her portrayal in OG Naruto is where I believe most of the hate stems from. She was borderline useless and every other word out of her mouth was Sasuke.


I don't even know what this comment was about but I can tell you even when she was useful in real time as the show was coming out EVERYONE CLOWNED ON SAKURA LIKE ALL THE TIME so don't take the walk back from others too seriously


I'm sorry to say, but this probably won't be the last time something like this happens. I spent my first 10 anime-watching years growing up with Naruto, so I tend to watch a lot of reactions to the show, and I gotta say, Naruto's community tend to have a little too much toxicity, people are always trying to force their point of view down you're throat, and complaning about missing stuff. If it is any help, Naruto is the unmatched king of overly using flashbacks and backstory, so don't worry, even when you miss stuff, things will eventually make sense.


Y’all obsessive ass fans gonna ruin their love and reactions for this show and it’s gonna suck , let them like who they like

kirk poss

It’s okay ron there are plenty of people who still don’t like sakura. You are just in the midst of a long running sakura haters vs lovers quarrel.


LMAO I still don't like sakura and that's okay!

Alex Gonzalez

Fuck em! people are Fucking delusional for being upset at how YOU react to something forgetting that it’s literally what we’re here for. Sure I’d like more hype or more sadness or whatever but it’s YOUR reaction lol. Keep at it you’re both dope as hell and that’s what we’re here for! 😁

Dominic Robinson

This was totally unnecessary lol Sakura is and will always be a lamest character in the show. Your reaction to her isn’t unwarranted. She is weak and depends on everyone else to carry her. That becomes pretty obvious throughout the entire anime. The writer had to finds very unique ways for her to shine. But once you watch the entire show you’ll understand even more of what I’m saying. It’s all good Ron fuck whoever is shitballing you about her lol can’t believe you had to write a response to this on your own channel about your genuine reaction to a character. Don’t let anyone tell you how to think or feel!


Sakura WAS useless IS useless and will ALWAYS be useless! 💀


I’m confused people like Sakura??? 😂 why were people triggered


Imma need a poll now. I didnt know that anyone likes Sakura enough to defend her that much lol


Okay, So I do love Sakura as a character, and Always did growing up because I related to her a lot (boy crazy, feeling useless compared to others) I did comment on the episode post not to say "hey you should like her too" but only to say she's capable enough and the dialogue by chiyo, and flashbacks to training with Tsunade the HOKAGE spoke to that. And that doesn't mean Sasori is weak, it just means Sakura got stronger. My only gripe with the last reaction was I didn't think you were being fair to what was being displayed as growth, and being dismissive and in disbelief of her current strength. And that's ignoring knowledge of her later in the series, I was really impressed with this fight when I watched it growing up. But again, I love her character. Anyway It's okay for you to have your opinion on the character, but it's the internet, so People are gonna share their thoughts as well! These comments above calling her names, is reason enough for people to have a strong reaction to defend her, as you can see.


I will only say this once. Sakura is the most bad written character in whole of Naruto universe. PS. Just make your own mind of her however you want, it's your watch of Naruto and try to ignore comment opinions from influencing your own. I will always dislike her how her character was made in this shounen show, but you guys should make your own mind about her when you finish Shippuuden.


I am in the minority I guess, because I loved Sakura in part one Naruto. I think it showed a girl struggling to feel capable, but also dealing with a personal crush that for most teens can feel like their whole world. and I related to that.


I hated her from first 20 episodes of Naruto and from there it was just downhill.


Flaws are good in character, but when there is no growth or change in character at all from start to finish. It's just really badly written character that does deserve the hate it gets.


Just make your own opinion, and don't let others opinion influence you. There is reason for hate against her, but you still keep open mind and analyze how you see her character.


I can definitely see both sides. I never hated nor loved Sakura. I always personally felt neutral towards her.


I can't without spoiling, but there are other characters in the show that have "bad writing" I wouldn't say Sakura is one of them or at least not the worst. Just because she does something you don't like or you feel like she isn't strong or is annoying doesn't mean she's "badly written". You just don't like who she is written as. She has plenty of character development ,but because she just isn't as strong as demon boy or emo eyes boy people hate on her. She is one of the leads in the show, and Naruto liking her clumsily and subtly motivates Naruto in part one in certain story points. So I wouldn't say she is useless either.


She saved Naruto and Sasuke as early as the Forest of Death. If she doesn't fight the Sound b4 Rock Lee shows up they're dead. She has an absolute ton of development and important fears in Shippuden but shonen fans don't respect healers even though they save lives


I could list them all to you but really they're all in Shippuden after she trains with Tsunade and I don't want to put spoilers in the comments. She also pushed Naruto out the way saving him from Zabuza in the 1st arc, Kishimoto wrote it and drew it yet Perriot decided to take l her out and make it look like he just ducked

okay striker

it goes way beyond just a regular crush, and that's what many find incredulous. Ino liked him initially at first too, but like a reasonable human, gives up when Sasuke makes it clear he's not interested in the slightest. And this is more a failing on the writer, but again, they just legit gave Sakura nothing to work with. Hinata is also a weak character, but it still looks kinda cool when she makes a stand and uses her Byakugan and Gentle Fist. Ino is overall weak, but her jutsu has great utility. Sakura is stuck with basic clone/kunai/substitution, and it just ends up looking pathetic when she actually tries to fight.


I'm talking about the worldwide Narutop99 poll she placed 3rd in worldwide

okay striker

Also Ron, you just have to remember that Chiyo is heavily carrying the duo here. Sasori's puppets are all about surprising you with hidden weapons and tricks, and knowing about it all makes him way easier to deal with. I would also say being able to fight his puppets with your own puppets is a huge advantage too, since they negate the poison he uses


You can elaborate to this point what has happened. And all the points made you guys make lose the point why most hate her. She is Mary Sue of Naruto story. I can't fully break her character as Rice&Ginger really need to see Shippuuden fully so Sakura character breakdown can be made. In the end I don't want them to feel my own opinion to influence their own take how they see Sakura in this story. Anyway I am open for dislike or like her opinions we all can have different opinions.

Antwoin White

Nah you on the right track don’t listen to them Sakura useless and a crybaby


Lol hating Sakura is the most valid form of hate tho

Justin Yong

Sakura had a lot of promise but just has bad writing and her arc is painful to watch. Obviously if you're one of the 3 Sakura fans in the world I am happy for you as you are a rare breed. Keep the faith.

EJ Roldan

Your good Ron, honestly feels like the majority hate Sakura, I personally like her, but yeah u feel the way u feel, pretty sure u are gonna get smoke one way or the other 🤣

Rene Salgado

Sakura is a walking L


Sakura is a walking trashcan

Jordan Postle

I don't think she got much development at all by the end of Shippuden or Boruto but that's just my opinion. Maybe it was just the fact that there was a stacked ensemble of characters that just overshadowed Sakura so much because of how useless as a whole over Naruto, Shippuden and Boruto she was.


na you right, sakuras doodoo


I’m all for the Sakura slander just sayin🤷🏾‍♂️🤣


I don’t know about anyone else but Sakura is such a trash character in my opinion though😂😂 I started Naruto not liking her and finished Naruto not liking her, it seems like some people like her but those people are in the minority anyways, so you can have your own opinion don’t let people force you into liking her.


A lot of the female characters in Naruto aren’t written very well tbh, I think it’s pretty normal to get frustrated with her character not progressing at the same rate as her team members

Khalid Khan

Why do you guys keep explaining to them about the show and characters you will spoil the show for them and his analysis so far on Sakura isn’t bad she has been useless so far


Yall need to chill and just let them watch the show

Khalid Khan

That’s what I am saying

Nero Luv

It’s the young nerds. They can’t contain their geekdom sometimes. Savage lil animals, dem boyz.


3rd day if Naruto or I will die


You have every right to hate Sakura right now. Your feelings may or may not change so don't go into it assuming she will get better or worse I have seen varying opinions even at the end.


Sakura is much better in the manga. In anime, her character in part 2 is much improved from wonderful fight with Sasori


She can be annoying at times but I prefer her over Hinata


@karaka but at the same time, dont let people force you into disliking her too lol XD <3

Randall Woods Jr

It’s okay Ron most of us thought Sakura was useless and trash especially for most of Naruto because she barely did anything and disrespected Naruto a lot of times when all he wanted was a little acknowledgment so I understand the way you feel especially since it’s your first time watching as well. She is annoying but character development and her becoming a better ninja will come in the future.

Alex Sazo

Hi Ron, sorry about the annoying people that can’t allow others to have a different opinion. I know a lot of people do not like sakura (neither do I) but that’s what makes this arc so good. She’s good for once and I remember being impressed…so if anything, it’s good to be awesome seeing you have a change of mind of sakura (momentarily). Again, apologies for all the annoying people. Keep your thoughts and feelings real. Can’t wait to see your guys reaction all the way through Naruto and hopefully even Boruto💪🏽


Wait ppl giving you a bad time for hating on Sakura when the Naruto community have done that for the past 10years wild haha but yeah j hate a lot her decisions but she does become great in her way but she is always a meme


wtf are you talking? Sakura is not that bad, at least in Shippuden. I liked her throught complete Shippuden and she's one of the better written characters, imo. And there where lot's of NaruSakura shippers back then, at least in my country.

Uku Kivisild

Honestly, you don't need to be explaining yourself so much, people who are leaving dumb comments are not going to learn if they haven't already from the previous times you have said this... You can't please everyone so just focus on what you can do and that is give honest reactions in a fun way (which you do amazingly). Look after your enjoyment and mental health and don't take things personally. Keep being controversial if that's how you feel and don't apologise for it. PS. watching her the first time I felt exact same as you, Sakura just lets the team down and felt like a filler character there to waste screen time but I am glad Shippuden is turning things around.

Ahkenaton Furdge



actually insane how ron has to leave these comments, bro actual losers lol


ionly watch the HxH reactions but mfs do this same thing on those reactions too.


For the last time, Narutop99 was not a popularity poll. Naruto himself didn't even crack top 5 lmao. It was who fans wanted to see a one shot chapter of


Nah seeing you criticize her is way more fun than trying not to offend her minuscule fanbase. Most people think she's ass anyway lmaoo and this arc is the only time Sakura fans emerged from their caves to defend her bcs they can't anywhere else. We much prefer to see you with no filter anyways, that's why I'm always saying don't be afraid to root for the villain bcs yall always seem reluctant to do so (in this case with sasori vs sakura too). No ones gonna question you for it and naruto villains are better than the heroes anyway.


It’s ok to dislike her Ron. I really doubt you are meant to like her at this point. While I do admit that I am aware that the reasons why I dislike Sakura are mostly due to poor character writing… but I just can’t stand her.

Charles Liu

I'm surprised there are people here that aren't Sakura haters


Nah she sucks. You didn’t have to write this letter. You’re allowed to have ur own opinions. Lol


It most certainly was a popularity poll. That was the actual whole point. When Naruto content creators started spreading the word they let everyone know about the manga reward but that was not the main thing the company made it for. The other reward was the top 20 illustration, they didn't make it for that reason that was just supposed to be a reward at the end.


And even if we go with your premise that means Sakura is so popular that she was the 3rd most wanted for a one shot manga with her as the main character worldwide.


There are really people here who love sakura? 🤣

Sam Al

Bro Sakura does suck lmao who saying otherwise in there??😂😂😂


Sakura is mid


Ron it’s your opinion stick to it she’s mid


ya'll shouldn't have to make posts on this it's getting a little ridiculous. People should just respect that everyone has different opinions on characters bc of the way they perceive them. keep the reactions the way they are and don't be afraid to speak your mind. :) love you guys <3

Haidar Mashlab

Ron please never feel the need to make a post like this, you're allowed to feel whatever you want about any character (good or bad, strong or weak). I don't get why people have even bothered you about this enough for you to have to post something. The whole point is to watch you form opinions and react to the show lmaoo


man, just an off curious thing, but sakura don't have a minuscule fan base LOL, for years, YEARS this girl was the most searched character in google statistics, broo, people are dumb, ok, but she is a huge famous character.


My God, are we there? I've been watching you for a long time and I've never seen you pick on any character, but I confess that I don't watch Naruto's reacts anymore, because it's too long, etc., but are you having problems because you don't like Sakura? LOL Nowadays it's fashionable to not like Sakura, but between 2004-2010 she was one of the most searched female characters on Google and was extremely famous. Over a period of time, people began to hate her, calling her useless, etc., I've never been on the side of "pure love" or "pure hate" for the character, I'm always in favor of characters fulfilling narrative functions. So if you have a problem with the character, you have a problem with the show. For example, I don't like Mikasa, Mikasa is 24 hours eren, eren, eren, eren, but I understand her importance in the narrative, I just don't like it. Sakura has been part of the team since the beginning, there is development for her, but people don't like it because they wanted something different [yes, people are very selfish with characters, etc.]. But you don't need to explain yourself, man, it's your opinion and defend it as part of you, it's okay.


Oh man. It's frustrating as someone who enjoys your content to see that you even have to make a post about this bc it's silly. Like who you want to like and dislike whoever you wanna dislike in any anime you watch! It's your opinion and no one gets a say in that. I have never liked Sakura and even rewatching it with you guys, I am still not a fan of hers. (and that's coming from someone who has seen every filler and all of the movies, but that's my personal opinion) Yes we can recognize that she has progressed up until this point but the Naruto series as a whole does not do any female character justice. I think I was reading something about the creator of Naruto having something towards women (correct me if I'm wrong). But yeah it's okay Ron and even Michelle if you ever dislike someone in an anime. It's all good. It's your experience. Anyone else can fight me on that if they disagree lol

Elizabeth Izaguirre

I remember finally getting into anime and watching Naruto from the start 2 years ago , I started from the og Naruto to shippuden and now getting through Baruto, Sakura is a character I found very annoying from the beginning, I guess I could see why some people would relate to her but I connected with characters like I would with people in real life and Sakura is one of those girls I would not hang out with and probably find annoying too. My siblings never watched Naruto so I was going in completely blind not watching any spoilers just getting through the anime and I will say I did grow to admire some aspects of her in shippuden but would find myself losing respect for her . then she’d do something good and then something dumb again that would make me not like her and I just have no respect for people like that 😭 the way I see it is that people who you find annoying in real life have friends right ? it’s the same with these characters there’s characters made for different types of people and some characters are not for everyone 🤷🏻‍♀️


You don't have to defend your opinions, these people that are mad are not the majority and they can go cry about it. Everyone is entitled to how they feel about a story or a character and I'm gonna go out on a limb and say most of the people watching you are here because they enjoy seeing your own opinion on these things. Keep expressing exactly what you feel, you're not going to like every little thing other people do about these stories and characters and that's perfectly fine.


Obviously lol wether someone likes a character or not will always be preference. I didn’t say everyone needs to like Sakura 😂😂😂


Lolll I’ve watched the entire Naruto series over 10 times… I can confirm Sakura sucks and if not definitely the weakest link so your fine no apology needed 🤷🏽


Eh don’t worry the sakura lovers are a vocal minority but definitely a minority lol


Always thought the "sakura is useless" meme thing was so dumb and weird but also it's not that serious. It's your reaction and if you're just saying your genuine feelings and not pandering to anyone then you shouldn't even need to address it. People arguing about it is crazy. Like even if someone sees a comment they think sucks, like just keep it moving. Nobody is changing anyones mind here

Megan Prescott

I always hated the meme of Sakura being useless because all the female characters already got such a bad hand dealt to them because of some questionable view points the author has, but I see where people are coming from when they watch her character throughout the first series. I was still a Sakura Lover because I really, really love female characters. I also started watching Naruto when I was 10? (I'm 27 now.) The girls were important to me. And she's our main girl! Every time she proved her competency or had growth as a character or with her abilities I was really hyped. So I guess that's just how I grew up looking at her. It's not serious and you shouldn't get any hate for your comments! I usually laugh at your jokes, even if I know I have a differing opinion. I also think in my head "Ah, wait until he sees what happens next with her." Like you said, it's your first time watching and I think everyone has to keep that in mind. And I still would never hate on anyone who doesn't love her character even after watching everything.


Honestly who cares? Like, you’re supposed to have opinions on characters, whether you like or hate them, that’s part of the fun.

Lydia Crossir

i appreciate Sakura, especially when i saw her on Boruto journey.. From the start to the end, i accept her with everyrhing, she has mistakes, she worked so hard, always waited for Sasuke and shes a nice mom! And also a nice friend of Naruto!