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Okay who owes 100 pushups?!


g c

Just so they know when this aired the World Cup was in progress and for some reason the plays of the Japanese teams looked fcking similar to blue lock and they made it sooooo far. They made highlight goals of what resembled blue lock they should look it up. Was crazy to see

g c

I can also remembered that the guy from blue lock designed their clothing or something


I didn't like barou as a character at first, it's crazy how 1 episode changes everything now he's one of my favorites


im so confused, wasnt slime supposed to be yesterday?


This was a hype reaction lolllll


100 pushups light bro gotta ask for 200


Ron's face when Mitchell said the show was fake lmao


Funny you say that Ron, i too was rooting for Japan in the previous World Cup (because my country Norway was not in it ofc). They really surprised everyone with how well they played against great football nations like Spain and Germany, was rooting for them to go all the way. They have a great fighting mentality and its really fun to watch them play. (Fun fact) They also do really well in the Asia cup, similiar to the the european championship with their own respective nations. Japan has had the most success with four titles since it was established in the 50s out of all the asian national teams


Lol, when Japan was doing good in the last world cup, people on social media were posting "Blue Lock is real!"


Hahahha yeah i remember that lol, even the commentators were hyped for them when they were winning, so fun to watch


I did 1000 in 3 hours


This is the exact reaction of someone who do sports betting and their team won in the last second.


after doing the 100 honestly feel motivated to do it again tomorrow


I shook on it even though i knew the result, why am i like this

Sergio Zavala

i actually impressed its nice seeing rons progress he really gets anime now

Yoona Kim

Yall planning to watch Kuruko's Basketball after this?? would be sick moving to basketball anime think ron would like it


This episode was first time king called isagi by his real name

Gemma W

I'm so sorry but why Teddy has to be this cute i can't even focus on you guys my eyes always lock on him ㅠㅠ such angel on earth


Don’t worry Ron I did the push ups 🤣

Mu Nanyo

Ron put all the puzzle pieces together and saw the entire game from the beginning. Blue lock only exists to prove his theories right.

Abdelmoktadir Tissir

even if i already knew the results i still shook on it :) time to do some push ups