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It's heatin' up! Excited to see all of the strength levels for each group!



Where death note?


Can’t wait for y’all to see Feitan in action. I got his spider tattooed cause he’s too sick 😩🙊


So Uvogin and Thorkell do have the same voice actor. The leader of bodyguards that Kurapika works for has the same voice actor as Zeke from AOT.


It's painful to watch this reaction... It feels like they were just forcing themselves to watch HxH; they weren't paying attention and were discussing something else while they watch the show. I'm probably just tripping, but that's how it feels. Pitty, I was so excited to watch their reaction on this episode. :( I used to like Michelle, but lately she's getting more and more distracted staring at her reflection or something (girl, you're pretty! I even had a crush on you and I'm freaking straight lol). But come on... Anyway, I'm still going to stick around because HxH is a Patreon exclusive and I don't want to miss out. And yes, I'm only here for HxH, this is why it's pretty disappointing for me to see this. (and I'm probably gonna get bashed because of this comment, but I'm sure the comment section was made for people to share their thoughts?)

Jordan Crawford

wtf are you even talking about bruh, they constantly check on teddy, rightfully so and idk what you see but they were def watching clearly and they dont gotta point out every little thing


honestly i feel like youre analyzing something thats not that deep all bc you dont see them acting all giddy reacting to a show like they’re literally on vacation and still getting reactions out for us at least be grateful


Kai, while I appreciate the fact that they were doing this during their vacation, I feel like they should have just focused on their trip and not worry about reacting to shows just like what people from their previous post advised them to do. I'd rather wait for their vacation to be over than see them force themselves watch the show just because they felt like they were obligated to meet the schedule. Again, I was just sharing my thoughts.

Desto Samuels

Talyn, I honestly agree with your point right above 100%. While in vacation mode your brain shifts to a different mood and mode. I know when most people go on vacation the last thing they want to do is sit in their room and watch TV or work when on vacation. I really don't mind waiting either, I know some people are impatient but I think for the best possible outcome in performance they should be allowed to keep work and vacay separated in regard to reactions. Just my opinion though, either way their dedication is admirable!


I have felt it too since the last episode when Michelle said the girl in glasses is Gon's mom (in which she just saw her in the previous episode with the spiders). I think vacation plus the number of shows that they are watching are starting to affect the quality. This usually happens to some reaction channels when they cram a lot of shows every week (Like the Normies and the React Pack, who keep forgetting about stuff mentioned before) I hope Ron and Michelle could figure out a way to avoid that because right now they and Carlie&Ange are my favourite channels. It would suck if they turn into those mediocre reaction channels.


That makes sense considering you’re only here to see HxH. That’s why I agree with what Ron brought up last episode with the possibility of not adding a new show to focus more on the ones they’re watching now. I hope that they would watch 3-4 HxH per day so they can retain more info and keep the momentum of each reaction. And ofc the possibility of double uploads 🤞🏼


Fingers crossed, Cathy! And also, I just want to mention that they are the first reactors who I subbed for Patreon exclusive. I have been watching their reactions on YT since Demon Slayer and I was hooked instantly. I never wanted to pay for a Patreon exclusive until HxH. So this is really a big deal for me.


sīc parvīs māgna! If you ever want to get a Latin tattoo, hit me up to check the text. I have a masters in Greek and Latin :)


I don't think we watched the same thing. I don't even know what you're talking about when you say they're "discussing something else". One of my favorite things about their reactions is that they don't have to chime in every 10 seconds, they watch and listen and make comments/predictions when its relevant and without interrupting a scene. They're definitely paying attention, even if they forget some things between episodes its most likely because they have a lot going on (traveling) and they're watching so many different shows.


I do agree that Michelle does get distracted a lot, which can be pretty distracting as a viewer because you can’t help but notice it, even when they’re not on vacation, I’ve noticed it. I guess you could equate it to watching a show or movie with a friend, and they keep looking away from the screen or looking at their phone. You get so worried that they’re not getting the full experience. Also, I don’t think you’re wrong for having this opinion. Some people will automatically think you’re trying to attack them or trying to be negative. But if you have some criticism, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that as long as it’s done in a respectful and understanding manner.


ChocoBoshi, I was referring to the part where they were talking about some voice actors. You cant possibly read the subtitles, watch the scene, and think about who voiced who all at the same time, can you? My comment wasn't meant to attack them, and I'm sorry if it felt that way. I just thought I'd share what's on my mind coz it keeps bugging me...


Ivannbec, I understand the urge to defend the reactors, but telling people to "just stop watching" is worse for the reactors, than them taking criticism. As long as people aren't disrespecting them in the comments then let them voice their opinions. They are paying to be here. Comments aren't going to hurt the channel. People leaving and taking money out of Michelle and Ron's pockets isn't good for them. Especially for full-time content creators. I've seen it happen to a channel I used to follow. Their own contributors set them back for a while.


Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but I think I remember someone in the comments saying this is around the point where hunter x hunter stopped being censored, so that’s why you’ll notice more blood and brutal scenes going forward


People, it's not a crime to offer constructive criticism.


Be patient and check their upload schedule.


I don't think they're nearly as distracted as you're making them out to be. They've always shared personal stories in their reactions and have always been mindful of their pup (and that's good on them for being responsible). This isn't new, and how it's always been for past reactions.


I kinda said the same thing about their enjoyment of the show but deleted my comment on the last episode because people think you're attacking the reactor when offering any type of constructive criticism. They should go back to recapping the previous episode in the intros. That gives them a way to refresh on the material if they're not remembering something and keeps them on topic. As of late, the intros are just random chit chat or baby talk.

Killua X

i unfortunately have to agree with some of your points.. this is a HUGE arc and turning point for the show, Franklin gunning down all those people in the auction house is by far the most violent thing to happen at this point in the show. This is when HxH switched up and really changed the tone. Remember in the first arc when Hisoka was killing ppl with cards and you didnt even see any blood??? When the POV moved up the podium and it was Franklin and Feitan standing there in tuxedos I have a weird feeling that ron and michele didn't even recognize they were troupe members. And then everything Uvogin does to the mafia in the crater (from the neck breaking to the sniping with a rock). The show literally went from no blood fights in a ring to bloody massacres in one episode and it just felt like they weren't phased at all. Maybe from watching all the other animes and not remembering HxH's story, tone, and pacing so far. Who knows, what can we do, just sharing my observation...


@Darby --- Well, their schedule says Death Note comes out on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays, so you probably should've pointed OP to the announcement from 4 days ago that said Death Note reactions might not come out this week.

Samael Morningstar

Lol every time Ron does the hisoka gon moan is hilarious especially watching Michelle reaction to it 😂


ron likes hisoka more than he lets on lol. He can't help it


It definitely doesn't help that they're (in my opinion) watching too many shows at once. And now they've started live action One Piece, which is about 60 minutes per episode. I can barely handle 4 shows at a time (without forgetting stuff), and I'm not a reaction channel, so it kinda blows my mind that they packed their schedule with so much different shows. I'm grateful that they wanna give us content while on vacation, but if that's interfering with the reaction video quality OR if that's interfering with their vacation, they should probably release fewer episodes each week (until they've returned home). I think this would be to their benefit, but at the end of the day, that's their call to make. Ron mentioned them being at capacity right now, but I'm not if that was before or after they added One Piece. As a person who has to force himself not to think about work while on vacation, even when something new or important grabs my attention, I understand the struggle. However, it's hard to enjoy a trip and relax when work is constantly in the way.

Erick Castrillon

You released this the same day as the new episode of JJK. With the same worm man. 🪱


Where’s the naruto ep?


Uvogin has Thorkells VA and Nobunaga has Askeladds VA


they are on their honeymoon guys come on let them chill down for a couple weeks they even announced that some videos might have delays let them enjoy


I know didn't say that in a mean way dw! just being informative for you and others so that we and them all enjoy this together


Not really? They're no more distracted than usual imo. From my observation, for HxH, they're usually quietly watching until something catches their attention enough to talk (like the voice actors). They talk way more for other shows that don't require constant intake of info and analyzation like HxH does. Teddy is obviously moving around a lot so they're paying attention to him at some points and Michelle is always checking the camera, she always has, even for other shows. You're gonna stop liking her for that? I don't know, I just think this is really nitpicky stuff since you joined for HxH; I feel you're looking for a certain reaction from them that you're not getting, and it's "annoying" you. 🤷🏾‍♀️ I do agree that they should enjoy their vacation and keep work separate though. I want them to keep their sanity. ☝🏾

Matt Brock

I'm pretty sure they just got engaged not that they are on a honeymoon lol


100% respect your opinion but the always talk about familiar VAs they hear in shows so I'm guessing your newer here and that won't change so if it bugs you that much idk what to say there, kind of weird to complain about. I do feel like they weren't really all there tbh like others say there on vacation and is it really a vacation if your still working??? yall should just enjoy your vacation and come back fresh.




this is where the show became rated MA


Just want to know will u react to the movies it's real good


new tat looks fiyah 🔥


I'm kinda in the same situation as you. I have only been a patreon for very few reactors, but I have watched reaction channels for many years so I always can tell when a reactor is distracted. This is very common for reactors who watch a lot of shows, the important thing is what to do to change them. As Ron mentioned in the last episode, they might hold up reacting to new shows for the moment for give more focus and quality to the current show. I'm not sure what the up to date decision is as of now but I hope they can figure out a way. We are just 42 ep into HxH if this is how we are going forward it will become those soulless reaction channels (I'll avoid calling out their channel name this time😂). Also, I dont get why people are bashing on you for giving constructive criticisms. Luckily the ones agreeing are the majority which means a lot of people are seeing a change in a bad way as well. I get it if they dont recognize Feitan with his mask off, but Franklin? I hope for the best for what's to come


Tbh, I think the one piece reactions could’ve waited. I think maybe after they finish blue lock or one piece, they should increase the output of hxh or naruto instead of adding a new show to replace it.

Mike Donohue

I was really looking forward to this one and agree that it’s a pretty low energy reaction, but I’m in no position to place any blame… whether that’s vacation, the dog, other distractions, or stuff going on that we aren’t privy to. I also agree that on future trips, it’s not worth recording anything if the concentration can’t be there. Despite all this, I’m thankful they’re still giving us these reactions and not faking any of them. So they weren’t that hyped up by this reaction… I can think of at least 20 episodes that are more hype than this one in the future. We’ll be alright


The same it’s for the occasion either ways lmao


Ron kills me every time with the "Ughh, Gon!" ngl, even added the two hands behind the head LMAO

Joe Dan

I think you guys should watch more HxH its about to get so much better than any other show you guys are watching 🔥🔥

Leandro Testoni

I'm here for HxH only and it's like the 6th time I'm watching it this year, for real. Mostly because the return of the manga. But also, everytime I watch it, I notice something new. And I am really enjoying watching it with you guys. It's always a feeling like "I've been there!". And it comes to everything, like not realizing who some characters are and also being amazed by how gore and deep this show can be when Togashi wants to. Tbh, there're lots of parts that I didin't enjoy as much as I could, but thats because how the show works. The more you watch, the deep it gets (and it goes REAL deep in every way). So, it's normal to not realize a lot of things in the first time watching. I imagine that this should be hard, but you guys shouldn't get stressed over these nonsense comments. People expect you guys to see things as they see, but they tend to forget that they've already watched it like, at least 2 or 3 times. First time I've watched, I loved the show as a whole, but there're lots of parts that it just didn't catch me. That introduction of the shadow beasts was one of them ('till next episode). But when I've revisited it, it was already a really different experience. And that's the beauty in HxH in my opinion: the show, as a whole, only gets better. That applies also for the first time watching and to revisiting it in the future. You guys are doing an amazing job. Patreon from Brazil, btw. Just so you guys reallize how amazing is what you're doing here (and to justify my english).


botanbutton I agree. I have been following them for months now, their reaction this time has been the same as usual. If they were "distracted" I definitely would’ve noticed. Them looking out for Teddy and Michelle looking in the camera is nothing new and doesn’t affect their reaction. They always pay attention no matter what, which might seem the opposite for the newer people here.


This is big cap. It’s a great show but I’m sorry, its not better than death Note or Naruto.

Mike Strike

Malik please dont brag about naruto hahahah that is too korny . "ChASe sASUke tiL thE EnD oF tHe SHOW "

Joe Dan

These upcoming arcs stand far beyond Naruto & Death Note, no comparison talking arc wise

DB Cooper

the mafia boss' head security guy is Zeke jaeger va


You should read the bible


HxH is a great show, but the HxH stans are really annoying about it. “It’s the best ever, don’t bother with other stuff. Everything else is mid.” Like, can we not?

Joe Dan

Im not comparing the whole show bro. Yorktown arc is more fun to watch than Narutos training arc. Imo



Jay rellim

just joined from youtube. i shouldnt binge tn but im about to binge lol it's 11:30pm and i have work in the morning :')