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Vulcan is a G! He 100% has to join 8th as an engineer!!! 



LFG!!!!!!! My favorite intro! Coldrain goes hard. MAYDAY!!!! 🔥

Yoona Kim

vulcan looks like ron haha


Any time I need motivation to workout I put on Mayday. It's such a good song!


"Hellooooo everyboddddyyyy"

Hunter Uchiha

In episode 10, Joker tells Shinra that his brother Sho is under the evangelist and that he is the commander. We also fully see his brother at the end of the episode. So that information was already told to us before this episode

Saith Uchiha

OG crow here (watched since demon slayer ep2) Watched mob and re-zero before this save best for last And play

Saith Uchiha

Ah-dol-la link is the correct pronunciation hate to be a grammar police but I heard Michelle say adderolla link had to say something but yeah not too much to say about this episode. Trust me this show is “fire”. But w joker his last discussion w shinra he claimed his little brother Sho was alive after the convo it went to a scene showing the commander of the evangelist (Sho). It showed his face no outline.

Matthew Lutz

Viktor Licht (the new company 8 scientist) looks familiar because we've seen him before. He is the scientist we saw Joker talking to (and who made him the explosive powder).

Ahkenaton Furdge

This wasn’t the episode. They said a few episodes back “ commander sho” and they also showed his face a few episodes back as well.


Info about Shinra's little brother Sho being with the Evangelist and scenes of him when they talked about the Evangelist commander has been dropped quite a few times before this episode. It's ok if you guys don't remember since you are still new to anime and have lots of show you are watching. We are here to let you know what you missed and refresh your memories.

Sambat Phu

"Chai Tea? Chai means Tea bro, you're saying Tea Tea" - Indian Spiderman

Sambat Phu

It has already been revealed a few episode back, when Joker meet Shinra a second time about his brother, you guys just forgot, you also forgot that scientist guy was with Joker since the beginning episodes.


Scientist dude looked familiar because he was the guy that developed the explosive powder for Joker in episode 2 or something

Michelle Lam

Thank you! We know you guys are! And on that topic, we may even drop a show in the future so we can focus a bit more on the complex shows. Id imagine you all will appreciate that more. Basically Quality over quantity. :) Always looking to make sure we are providing the best content for you guys!

Ricardo Fierro

should be more fire force episodes reactions at week


idky but the beginning of that opening song reminded me of deadman wonderland which is another anime ya need to watch fs

alejandro hernandez

You should for sure remember Sho Kusakabe and also the new doctor the moment you saw them :/

Christine Copeland aka Christine's Culinary Quest

the science member Viktor Licht. I'd only heard the VA for the eng dub before. I think his character is the only character I prefer the english VA. The voice is so high omg. Wow!