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Okay Hisoka is kinda sick... There is never a dull moment in this show!


Prateek Sridhar

You're right about the card scene, no matter what number you pick the answer will always be one.

okay striker

the number "trick" is basically just a roundabout way of getting you to subtract your number - 1, from your number. so you will always end up with 1


Don't let this distract you from the fact that bungee gum has the properties of both rubber and gum.


Don't ever hesitate at the end of each episode to dissect each episode if you want just so you don't miss anything. It would be fun to watch that too.


At the end of the day guys, all that matters is bungee gum has the properties of both rubber and gum

Andrew Gutierrez

Hisoka kinda gets turned on by fighting lmfao

Killua X

Just want to make sure that you guys now know that bungee gum has the properties of both rubber and gum


She said the Boss...


Hisoka is a junkie who wants to fight strong people

Junior Alves

York New is coming! 🕷️

Bertha Tillman

Ughh 5 episodes a dayyy please lol I’m jk I’m so glad you guys are enjoying the show! Hisoka is one of my top favorite characters he’s so bad ass and his nen is one of my favorites.


Not even gonna lie - I read that outro by the narrator as 'Hisoka has been masturbating..' and I about spit out my drink LOL


Theory: The author of Naruto was inspired by HxH Author. That's why Naruto had similar power and character from HxH