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There is just no way... There is no way that happens like that. I DO NOT BELIEVE IT. NOPE. 


Malik Ford

Can’t wait for narutoes


Next 3 episodes about to be so gooddd

Joshua Lopez

This part of season 3 is so good. Can't wait to see you guys react to it.

Art of Trolling

Did you guys not go to DreamCon??


18:00 you definitely should watch Better Call Saul if you haven’t, it’s a great sequel to Breaking Bad and Saul is basically live action Reigen.

Malik Ford

Ehhh I forgot lol 😂 but whenever they are it’s a great day


I always love wholesome episodes with wholesome endings.. Not so many episodes until it ends, so happy you guys enjoying this far.


There is a 99% chance that aliens exist.. There is a 100% chance that we will never see them.


No they do not, something can exist doesnt mean in your lifetime you will see it. For example you exist. But I doubt I’ll ever see you in real life.


100% means NEVER. never ever ever. "doubt i'll-" doesnt guarentee you wont. And in the case of aliens you're speaking for all of mankind till the end of mankind. just because *you* personally will never see aliens doesn't mean we human beings never will


We never will I guarantee it. Also the example I made was to explain my point the reason I put I doubt is because he is a human being as such it is more likely for me to meet him in real life than an alien.


You can’t really say something like that has a 0% chance of happening though just because you never know


I’ve actually always kinda shared a similar belief as you on aliens. Then again though when it comes to aliens and the universe there a nearly infinite possibilities


I agree ina way MAYBE there’s a possibility but the universe is to massive and we are traveling at insane speeds already, and we are slowly becoming more distant from the galaxies that are even close to us. All I’m saying is the math don’t add up. Even if there is a life form that has that technology to travel at the speed of light it still will probably take them light years to get to us by than the planet will probably die out. Or if not the planet, humans will be wiped out by than, and if the aliens were able to come to earth if they have that technology what makes you think they’ll expose themselves to us. We are obviously inferior to them since we can’t even send a human passed our galaxy. But I do believe aliens exist but like I said I don’t think we’ll see them.

Ricardo Fierro

i didnt remember that finale haha i was shocked too