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Wow this episode was so WEIRD and INTRIGUING lmao we loved it!



Just decided that yall are my favorite duo across all of the internet. That is all. Have a good day everyone.


that ending def confused me when i saw it lol


Conspiracy stream when??


Thinking that we are the only ones in the universe or even in our own galaxy is like continuing to think that rain occurs thanks to a dance dedicated to a god. I mean of course there's no way we're the only ones.

Prateek Sridhar

Ron's kinda right about the universe being older than we thought it was, which he mentioned at the end.


no shot aliens dont exist. But if they have the technology to reach our planet from potentially light years away. They have the potential to annihilate us of they wanted. Which is a scary thought.. Also, what if they carry a daily disease they are immune to but will kill us. I love space and astrophysics, even if I don't understand it all, it's really interesting and complicated stuff.

Ricardo Fierro

this episode was very interesting the first time i saw it, and i really dont think too much about like you did, but definitely love it the whole talk u guys do, I dont believe they exist, but dont denied to, until dont see it, dont believe it i guess, i know that it is imposible not to be any other race in the universe, the options for that are so inmenses that even if they exist, it maybe not be like the human always tought they be, are many many possibilities to be something that we cant even imagine, this kind of talks after one episode are the most enjoyables of all, and maybe cuz im not in the discord server i miss a lot like this but well, i cant helped, i dont have the time for that, and justo having something like this here have worth it.


I wish both of you would watch and react to Dr Stone sooner or later in this platform. It would be so fun to know your insights and listen to your discussions with things related to science and stuff.

Dovydas Pilka

i second this especially since a new season that is currently airing is banger