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Can't wait to see what Killua's home and his family is like!


Ben Stephenson

Lamentation Tour was the name of the bus ride for the tourists :D


I look forward to the hxh uploads the most out of every show. Naruto is a close second, but I look forward to hxh more because it progresses at a faster pace and It's very direct. Whereas naruto doesn't really start to speed up till the end and start of shippuden imo.


the song stays the same throughout the whole anime only the visuals change lol its not mandatory though


LMAO the “lamentation tours” bit got me 😭 bc y’all’s guesses seemed way more logical


Lamentation Tours was toooo funny


I would love 2ep uploads so much

Cody Wild

The tour guide did say “Thank you for taking the LAMENTATION TOUR today.” So it was guessable.


The opening song never changes. But the visuals do change when there’s a new arc, so I think you should be on the lookout for that, so that you don’t automatically skip every single time because the song is the same. Also, the outros change as well, and this show has some of the best outros. So please watch them through.


The opening song is so iconic and good that it is the one and only opening song for HxH(2011). The visual does change for each new arc.

Prateek Sridhar

The narrator sounds the same to me, maybe the recording situation might have changed a bit and thats what Ron was hearing? idk :p


Wow I just realized that Gon's eyes were so dark in the beginnIng when he was thinking about Killua. Its always feel nice to come back to the show and find new things. I like this mini episode. Usually when the main character is stubborn, especially in shonen genre, somehow things just work out for him. But not on this show 😁 Gon thought he could convince the butler then he thought he could face Mike but he failed in both. This little things make HxH special for me, I can't believe that this was written in late 90s to early 2000 and still feel fresh.


where is uzumaki? it’s not on the website


People forget how influential of a writer Togashi was to anime in general. Hell, Yu Yu Hakusho was really the first Isekai if you think about it.


I haven't seen it in any of the replies yet, also I'm not trying to correct you but just trying to make things easier for you. I think (correct me if I'm wrong) an easy to to think about how to pronounce Gon's Dad's name is "Jing" like "Jing"le bell. in Japanese its ジン or ジ(Ji) ン(n). There isn't a "ng" sound in Japanese characters so often times this sound is shown with just the "n" character. Another way to think about it is to just imagine your saying "Jin" slightly more like "jean", not sure if that makes any sense XD



Christine Copeland aka Christine's Culinary Quest

Lamentation Tours from the break vocab was the name of that bus tour they were on at the beginning. The tour guide announced it once at the start of her speech and then the name was never mentioned again.

Riley C.

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