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Choji!?.... Dam, more tears. 





Show is just starting😈


RIP Choji! Dattebayo


RIP Choji when I was a kid this scene fucked me up Also, the food pills that Choji took are secret pills developed by his clan. Choji’s clan has the ability to convert nutrients and calories into power (that’s why he always eats, and it’s why he got so skinny after powering up, he converted a lot of calories into chakra) so if anyone else took the pills I doubt they would get anywhere close to the same results that Choji got


yeah careful of reading the titles. sometimes straight up spoilers lmao


Rip choji, def deserved better

Fatguyatwork26 .

rip choji show def changed a lot after he died


“Nobody dies in Naruto”…ohh you poor fan 😭😭 wrong anime sadly Rip Choji and the rest to come 🙏🏻

Darth :P

They have said before that the pills are a secret thing of the chojis clan so I dont think anyone but the chojis clan knows about the pills.


People does indeed die in this show


Even though I didn't pay that much attention to Choji, this episode made me cry because he was a very pure heart boy. And Shikamaru knew :(

Malik Ford

Rip choji real friend to the end man




Justin Trenka

All the kids being called choji stood proud when this ep dropped on toonami. Rest in peace choji ⚰


Choji.... o7


cho in japanese means butterfly! it's symbolism!


Stuffs getting good. One thing about everyone trying to get Sasuke back even though he doesn't want to go back is that it's not just because he's one of them. Sasuke being the last of the Uchiha is kind of the equivalent of a nuclear weapon. They're trying to stop him because they don't want their enemies to have that weapon.


AYOO! Gentle fist his what! 😂

Kage Uzumaki

everyone of the kids besides naruto, sakura, lee, tenten come from ninja clans with special abilities handed down so it could explain why they can have the potential to stand up to these characters


yes, it would take them years to finish at this pace. they should do it on friday too




No she hasn’t she don’t even remember this then if she has


She has.. Ron hasn't that's why she words her questions the way she does. Non spoiler and lets Ron speculate.

dmc 1219

RIP Choji


"gentle fist his ass"

Leon Sims

LOL you can the pain in Ron's voice at the end of episode 114


“Gentle fist his ass” ayoooooo what??!


She literally said in one of the episodes that it was the farthest she had gotten and everything from there onward was new.


No dude as bro mentioned above she only reached a certain point y u think when she’s watching she Damnear clueless lol


shikamaru said in the beginning that their mission is to bring sasuke back by any means necessary, even by force

Alex Chng

As he says before he passes on, this fist is heavier than my life. A true friend, who puts everything on the line for his best friend. All of his friends stood proud at his demise. RIP Choji, he's even worse than Rock Lee, he ended his life with the last attack

Deonte Gray (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-11 11:20:44 No one dies… you shall know pain soon enough lol
2023-07-11 05:43:19


Episode 1 she says she binged all of Naruto but hasn't watched Shippuden


I never gave Choji his due respect until now! So glad he got to shine in this arc! I adore Neji and love to see him in action but I have to wonder how Shino would have matched up against Kidomaru….spider vs bugs!

EJ Roldan

Yeah episode 114 always hurts my heart 💔

Emil Yi

The Cho in Choji refers to butterfly in Japanese. That's all. Nothing more nothing less


How is this comment 1) so confidently wrong and spammed so muchand 2) even remotely allowed and not banned yet? What is this lol. Comments even eluding to things that don’t happen like this are just so anti fun for the entire react genre.


Calling out jaboo for making comments that are spoilers even if they are wrong. What are you doing? Nice conversation


Not everything bit of the show needs to be explained the moment they see it. Let them watch the show and find out on their own.


another Ron tear up moment we love to see it

Maks Lesniewski

Also, Shika in Shikamaru means deer, and Ino means boar (hence, Sakura used to call her Ino-pig)


As many people pointed out in a previous episode comments, "the bug guy" is away on a mission. That's why they could not bring him, but it is one of the big what ifs among the naruto fandom


choji did indeed kill that sound fat dude lol


Choji and Shikamaru's friendship 🥲 Cho in Choji means butterfly, just like Shikamaru's Shika (deer) and Ino (boar). The name of the squad formation Ino-Shika-Cho is actually from a combination of traditional card game in Japan. I love those three 🥲 I laughed so hard when Ron said "why explain" lol. That's how shonen manga/anime is, to explain to us, especially because it's for kids/teens 😂 But also that's why recent shows like JJK doesn't have explanation much, the author kinda hates the format and he usually explained it outside of the story or just by narration (well it's from HxH tho, the author of HxH really ahead everyone).


Choji went out like a boss. He wasn't a big character but still one of my favorites. RIP to the chip muncher

Davis Dambergs

You are fast approaching some nasty fights. Also just fyi, Naruto is just a warm up for Shippuden. Shippuden takes everything to another level, animation, storytelling, fights and the emotional rollercoaster will be a big one. But you got another 100 odd episodes til then lol

Maruey Coelho Paranhos

Let's remember that in the last episode Ron said: "I wouldn't be extremely upset if (Chouji dies)..." "(If Chouji died) I was kinda prepared for it" and then we have this episode where he's crying because of Choji xD

Yoona Kim

ur spoiling cuz ur mentioning that episode is a good maybe bad

B rub honeycomb

You guys should really look away when those title cards pop up, they spoil things too often!


Those butterfly wings are real wings made from chakra. The Akimichi three colored pills are food pills they made for themselves specifically for their clan. If you noticed others like Kiba and Kabuto eat food pills too to boost their power but nothing is compared to the size to the ones Choji has. Sadly, with great power comes with great risk. RIP Choji~ T-T

Devron Love

So I know what you meant, but they aren’t merely students in training anymore. They are all full fledged ninja now. They even just took the Chunin exams to increase their ninja rank but yeah. They are more newly ninja than Orochimaru’s goonies.


Where can I find all the missing videos

Saith Uchiha

It’s never confirmed but I do believe the spider guy was born to a specific clan. So yes, I am 99.99% sure that he was born with six arms. Every clan has different attributes even Kasami is shark guy he was born naturally as that.


This episode is the beginning of when the boys became men

WaB_ Bigvai

Choji's death hits hard because he's one of those people that are so kind and good that you never want anything bad to happen to him. Also I thought the reason for his death is to get Shikamaru to stop being lazy and to start becoming a beast. Shikamaru quickly became one of my favorites because he's so smart but he lacked in the strength department. Those were my thoughts at this point of the anime


I had the same situation to be honest, I didn't care much about Choji, till the backstory. As Ron mentioned we didn't bond with the character much at that point. But he's situation is so relatable, for me that's what made it hit so hard.

Christine Copeland aka Christine's Culinary Quest

For the MHA viewers, does anyone else ever watch Choji's partial expansion jutsu and think of Battle Fist in MHA (Class B, orange hair hand enlarging quirk)? Really just want to see her use her quirk like this some more. XD

Randall Woods Jr

The wings are made out of chakra and it is a Akimichi clan jutsu or kekkei genkai. I think it takes away all of his fat and turns it into chakra and strength. That’s also probably why the clan is fat so they can build up energy for chakra or strength.His story was sad because people like rooting for the under dog and he kinda was with a kind soul only to end up dying in the end I definitely cried. Because he doesn’t get a lot of credit.


Can you watch the Naruto movies too please? Theyre very very good

Ricardo Fierro

i think food pills are pretty much, comun ninja knowledge, but those green, yellow and red ones, are like a secret recipe from the akimichi clan, only for them


surprised no one told them to stop reading the titles by this point


The pills are a secret of the Akamishi clan!