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Damn, this show can get pretty effed up T.T



You're not. The show is really confusing at this point.


This show really knows how to keep the viewers interested.


Ram had not seen rem yet until this episode. She was in the sanctuary since the end of season 1. Lots of mysteries to resolve but thankfully this episode just moves the plot along a bit. Look forward to the next ep. Dont feel bad about being a bit confused.


I think a lot of the time when people watch things they're used to the instant gratification of answers that a show that leaves one asking questions is too convoluted but I think Re Zero flips that idea and makes you wade through the unknown like being lost at sea in a good way


The saving point is after Subaru passes the 1st trial, then he wakes up next to Emilia. That's the first day in the sanctuary. Just remembering that is ok.


Next episodes with this one will be so fun to see their reaction. One of the toughest episodes and confusing too, but like I have said think how confused Subaru is at this moment and that is how the viewer is too.


Point is what Subaru knows or don't know is how the story progress. Subaru is totally confused at this point.


I just caught up and just wanted to point out fun fact frederica was in a flashback back all the way back in season 1 episode 11!


i usually just read the episode synopsis on wiki when a show has a lot of exposition and i get confused. re zero is def one of those shows for me

Kevin Lee

I think this is not a spoiler, becuz they mentioned before, but this will make you understand better for the rest of this show. Each time subaru died and come back, he carry "The smell of witch" with him, some ppl can sence that smell like Rem did, More he die, Stronger the smell is , so the ppl who can sence that smell will be more suspect him after each time he died, thats one of the reason ppl will act differently.

Matthew Lutz

True, but it's not just when he dies, it's also when he tries to tell anyone about it. It's why Rem was polite to Subaru in the beginning but by the second or third re-do she was murdering him. Then later on with the white whale he asks her if she can smell it again when he's acting as bait.

D Tre

Make sure to react to the ending for the next episode!

Eternals Developing

I'm sure a lot of others have already told you, but almost everything you are confused by right now are things that will be resolved and answered by simply continuing to watch the show. The few things that are not explained in this season are all things that will probably be explained in later seasons. If there are things you do not grasp after you have finished the full second season, I would suggest making a special video or something, maybe a livestream, where you ask what you are confused about and then let the viewers help you figure it out.