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We need to know more about the Hill Family!!!!



It’s 2 am here why would you post it now? 😭😭😭 I want to watch it but I’m scared af it’s hella late now and I’m about to sleep 💀 I’ll watch it tomorrow 💀

Justin SQFL

We can tell you everything you need to know after the next episode lol so Suprise release! Hahaha 😂 can't wait.


Abigail is the second daughter of the duddly's. I think he said his wife had a miscarrage or something happened to the baby at birth. This was stated an episode or two ago when he was drying up the wall and Mr.Duddly was talking about getting the Missus out of the house.

Reina Panda

Just gonna put this here again slightly updated to this episode: Explanation of the ghost we have seen so far WITHOUT SPOILERS: They explained in an earlier episode when the dad(Hugh Crain) called the police after finding the body, that the body in the wall(the man with the cane) is William Hill. Poppy was his wife and was the ghost at the end of the episode that grabbed Luke. Also in this episode since poppy's ghost appears as a young woman and an older lady we can guess that they can appear however they want. They also explained in an earlier episode when Nell found the cup of stars teacup set that it belonged to Hazel, Hazel Hill. This is the older woman on the sick bed as Mrs. Dudley and Mr. Dudley both mentioned in earlier episodes that Mrs. Dudley was taking care of the old Hazel on her sickbed. That was also the women in this episode who said "she lies". It has not been mentioned who exactly she is though. In this episode, Poppy mentions her two children. Both of whom died. The boy in the wheelchair is her son.


abigail is indeed real and she died that night, also if i'm not mistaken poppy married william hill (that one dude they found inside the wall)