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We really enjoyed this OVA! Nice to get to know/understand Emilia <3



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2023-06-18 03:43:22 Regarding Emilia’s ability in this movie, in episode 2 Subaru asked her if she had a special ability she could use to beat Elsa and she said “Yes but everyone else would get caught up in it”, this was that ability. It would’ve caused everyone else in the building that was bleeding to die too.
2023-06-18 00:48:02 Regarding Emilia’s ability in this movie, in episode 2 Subaru asked her if she had a special ability she could use to beat Elsa and she said “Yes but everyone else would get caught up in it”, this was that ability. It would’ve caused everyone else in the building that was bleeding to die too. Also, they said it at the start of the first season, but Roswaal found Emilia in the forest and fought Puck but they fought to a draw and Roswaal gave Emilia the option to live with him if she runs in the candidate selection

Regarding Emilia’s ability in this movie, in episode 2 Subaru asked her if she had a special ability she could use to beat Elsa and she said “Yes but everyone else would get caught up in it”, this was that ability. It would’ve caused everyone else in the building that was bleeding to die too. Also, they said it at the start of the first season, but Roswaal found Emilia in the forest and fought Puck but they fought to a draw and Roswaal gave Emilia the option to live with him if she runs in the candidate selection


I'm glad you enjoyed Frozen Bond! Will you be watching the first Re:Zero OVA at some point? It's called Memory Snow. I haven't watched your whole reaction yet, so if you answered this question already, apologies!


pretty sure that other OVA is just a fan servicey OVA with no real story relevance. they can watch it if they want but isnt too necessary. this OVA is more like a prequel to season 2 kind of OVA


I guess it depends on what the definition of fan service is, but the OVA does cover some light novel content. It's not required watching, but I'd argue that neither OVA really qualifies as necessary. One is more relevant to the plot, yeah, but they could both be skipped without any real issue. I'm still hoping they react to it though.


Emilia was just referring to her amount of power when she said she has something inside her. as you saw from the moment she nearly lost control (when the spirits protected her from the fire spirit) she was freezing everything around her and unable to stop it until the lesser spirits helped her get it under control. Emilia was also the one to create the blood ice flowers on people not Puck, but Puck is able to control ice (fire) so he can kind of cancel out her power when she looses control. fun fact, ice magic = fire magic in Re zero. fire magic is simply the power to control temperature. so fire and ice fall under fire magic. its so hard to comment and provide info on re:zero without potentially spoiling haha. glad you enjoyed the OVA though. super excited to see S2.


The ending part of the movie with subaru takes place before episode 13 I believe


so heartfelt I love it

Yo Km

To season 2 we go


Titan Ron has a new weapon!! Warhammer Ron!

Prateek Sridhar (edited)

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2023-06-19 00:55:05 28:00 I think "the Beast of the End" is Puck. Remember in one of those timelines when Emilia dies, Puck tells Subaru all the things he did wrong before killing him? Puck said he was going to destroy the world since he doesn't want to live in a world without Emilia. Puck is the beast that could bring about the end of the world a.k.a. The Beast of the end. if I'm reading this right :p haven't read the manga or even seen S2 btw
2023-06-18 22:28:53


Umm… the show already said that he is indeed the beast of the end - at 1:01:30. Did you not finish the vid lol

Prateek Sridhar

yea, i commented it midway watching the video xD. imma prolly delete :p


Wasabi tobiko

its not demon slayer. dot dot dot dot hashira .com


Yes, there is a 1 month timeskip at that moment


Regarding your questions at the end, emilia doesn't remember everything so she doesn't know much and you shouldn't try to interpret what she says. You'll learn way more about all of that in season 2 :)


Who the heck is Puck and why is he so obsessed with Emilia? This obsession goes beyond Subaru's obsession for her


Actually Frozen Bond gives pretty good intrigue to know if you are perceptive before seeing season 2. There is a lot of small hints in this that is explaining towards who Puck is.


Remember Puck turned giant and said was going to end the world in episode 18? That's why he was called the Beast of the End in this OVA too.

Yoona Kim (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-16 08:00:31 I haven't seen the anime but i knew from the start that it was puck the giant beast
2023-11-16 08:00:31 I haven't seen the anime but i knew from the start that it was puck the giant beast
2023-11-16 08:00:31 I haven't seen the anime but i knew from the start that it was puck the giant beast
2023-11-16 08:00:31 I haven't seen the anime but i knew from the start that it was puck the giant beast
2023-11-16 08:00:31 I haven't seen the anime but i knew from the start that it was puck the giant beast
2023-11-16 08:00:31 I haven't seen the anime but i knew from the start that it was puck the giant beast
2023-11-15 01:45:41 I haven't seen the anime but i knew from the start that it was puck the giant beast

I haven't seen the anime but i knew from the start that it was puck the giant beast

Mu Nanyo

Those bugs are going to go home to their little bug families and tell tales of Michelle - Beast of the end with the lightning racket. ive never seen this OVA, cool little watch, but added more questions rather than solving any.