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Excited to see Nekoma's POV!



Dattebayo reaction?!?!


Just to clear up if you didn’t catch this, nekoma lost to fukurodani in the first half of this episode. They’re playing against nohebi now for 3rd place in the tournament because Tokyo gets 3 spots for the spring tournament. So if nekoma wins this match and gets 3rd in the tournament, they get the third and final Tokyo representative spot to go to the spring tournament (nationals). Fukurodani and that other school called itachiyama are already guaranteed to go to nationals at this point



Wasabi tobiko

still waiting here.. soon


lmao don't just end the video calling her a sieve! 😂

Mr. Nobody

Owls are Fukurodani Team Mascot.


That bow by the Nohebi player was to apologize to Tora for hitting the ball which hit Tora's head. He was bowing at about 70-degrees, a Saikeirei, which is a very formal gesture bow to show his deepest apologies. However, what was unpleasant about it was that they were doing it to show the referee 'how apologetic they are' and not really apologizing to Tora about the accidental hit.


By the way, the one school that was briefly shown, called Itachiyama, is the school where Sakusa Kiyomi goes, one of the top three attackers in Japanese high school volleyball, and he's also in the top five best aces, along with Ushijima and Bokuto. He's the guy with the face mask who's at the U-Japan training camp with Kageyama. Also, the one Nohebi player didn't bow to apologize to Yamamoto for hitting him in the head with the ball, just to make the referee believe he was very polite and decent. He wanted to wrap the referee around his finger, as Kenma noticed shortly afterwards


On their own they are not that bad but the amount of fly interruptions have just added up to be super annoying. I love your reactions so hopefully you can find a solution. I don't know your situation but perhaps a net or something?

Prateek Sridhar

So as they said in the first half of the episode, teams don't need to win the qualifier tournament in order to get to nationals. Since Tokyo has such a large population, it isn't just one team that gets to go to nationals from Tokyo. Iirc, Tokyo has 2 representatives for the prefecture + one more team as stadium representatives since Tokyo is hosting the nationals this year. The two spots got taken by Fukurodani (the one with Bokuto) and Itachiyama (the team that has Sakusa Kiyoomi, one of the top 3 spikers in the country like Ushijima, the germophobic guy from the All Japan Youth Camp). The losers of the semi-finals Nekoma and Nohebi get to duke it out to get the last remaining spot.

Prateek Sridhar

Owls are the mascot for Fukurodani, coz Bokuto's hairstyle kinda looks like an owl xD. Fukuro means owl. The mascot for the team theyre facing in the second half of the episode i.e. Nohebi is snakes. Hebi means Snake.

Prateek Sridhar

I thought it might be a spoiler too and almost deleted my comment but the info was released in the second half of the episode, just thought it might help to understand all the matches going on.


That´s not a spoiler, he just summarized what happend in this episode. And that´s actually a good thing, because often a lot of people who watch the OVA´s miss or don´t get this particular but very important point


In the context of Volleyball blocking, calling someone a sieve is like saying their blocking is full of holes, much like an actual wire mesh strainer.

mersar ultmit

sucks that nekoma lost but I to, fav Fukurodani and their powerhouse top 5 spiker in all of Japan, Bokuto

mersar ultmit

But Nekoma did redeem. GGs.

mersar ultmit

Appreciate these OVA's you guys. Hyped for the reactions to the national games 🤗🤗🤗🤗✌🏾😎

Christine Copeland aka Christine's Culinary Quest

A seive is like a mesh strainer as you looked up. It has lots of super small "holes" that let contents out, but thinking about it another way..... a seive is used to shift ingredients like flour or separate large components or clumps out of grains and powders. Having not watched any further, might be forshadowing of an increase in skill later since there are tons of other things they could have used for a "full of holes" type wordplay joke even if it is sports slang. Though admittedly nothing I can think of has more holes than a seive. 🤣 We definitely see him getting a bit better toward the end here.


They seemed a bit lost and unfocused the last few episodes. Since start of season 4.

Mitch R

Yeah I've heard it more often as a sports slang word than in the kitchen surprisingly. Typically, when used in a sports context, "sieve" is used to describe someone who's weak defensively who lets a lot of points through. In other sports like soccer (football) or hockey, goaltenders can be called sieves when they let a lot of goals through, seemingly unable to stop anything (like a sieve letting the majority through). I imagine other sports like tennis, basketball, etc might use this terminology but I haven't heard it personally. Given that an individual may be directly responsible for lost points in those sports as well, one could infer that "sieve" is applicable to those select sports and beyond. In this episode, it's used just to humiliate Lev, suggesting that he is a terrible blocker and the direct cause of letting so many points through, with significant ease, as Nohebi's players suggest.