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Hinata the ball boy!!



This is legit my favourite part of the whole show because it shows how cool Hinata is and it also makes the second half of the season 10x better.


I love that line. "Don't underestimate what it takes to be a ball boy."


we need the OVAs PLZZZZZZZZ

Prateek Sridhar

21:18 Michelle's right, the other voice was the coach.


vinland saga?

Abigail Jerry

YESS let’s gooooo. Hinata the ball boy! 🔥 He’s watching & learning. “Sometimes the lowest positions have incredible value”

Reina Panda

The second hand embarrassment when he shows up at the camp😭

shouvik das

The best ball boy there ever was and ever will be


Am I the only one who has a completely opposite take on washijo😂


I was cringing during the 1st 2 eps bc of hinata that i even took a break from watching lmao. Good on you guys you seem to be much more supportive of him 😅


Not many will understand Coach Washijo. Most people only see the surface based on his actions and words and don't see his real intentions.


All I want to say is Coach Washijo could have sent Hinata away for crashing the camp however he let Hinata stay as a ball boy. Period.

Larissa Haig

I liked how you described this episode. Yea Hinata was starting to have doubts because of everything that has been said to him since season 1 to even now, but at the end of the episode you see that he found his answer and is ready to face what is ahead of him. Btw did you see how Suga and Noya were the only ones to encouraged Hinata in this episode well Noya only asked Hinata how it went but I am taking that in the positive.