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Edit: Thank y'all for the comments and sharing which episodes you think we should watch together! We may not be able to accommodate every request, because we have a specific schedule and film in advance, but we will ALWAYS try and give you guy's what you want/ask for!! With that being said, We will upload Ep 15 & 16 together as well as 17 & 18!! 🫡

Dude... this show is getting crazy. wth


Amos Koh

I love the show but everyone else ard me doesnt hahaha


Welcome to the real re zero . ENJOY.., ngl I was kind of expecting a double suprise upload since we were all hoping for that but it is what it is :'( still excited to see your reactions next thursday !


Fun fact💜: the cult members sensed the witch's scent on subaru and bowed to him and left. (26:01)


Pain arc goes crazy praying for a double upload 🤞🏽


About resetting things like in videogames. Well, in videogames you don't suffer any physical pain when you die. BTW Rem is so precious <3


Old man Wilhelm realized Subaru had given up on becoming stronger. Instead, he decided to just easily rely and depend on "his" Return by Death.

Charles Cow

Imagine seeing everyone you know killed. Just that picture in your head. Much less than that can make a grown man have PTSD for the rest of his life, so dying and starting over would stil not erase the events from his mind. Its some dark dark stuff, gotta feel sorry for Subaru having to go through that shocking event. When he walked through the village he was in such disbelief that his brain didn't fully realise what happened untill he fell backwards.

Matthew Lutz

The intro do indeed have spoilers, but out of context they won't mean anything to you so it's fine to watch.


Subaru definitely has a hero complex


There's a lot of content that has been cut from the novel to make the 3 first arcs fit into the first season. So here is a little bit of content that ISNT SPOILER and that you wouldn't know otherwise : In the novel the reason why julius (the purple hair knight) acted that way was mad pretty clear, whereas in the anime it's very subtle (3:37) The reason why julius acted that way was to protect subaru, he insulted all of the knights and of course made enemies that ways, a lot of them wanted to see him punished and so julius did it in front of everyone else, he saved him because way worse things could've happenned to him like someone killing him to avenge the knight's honor. He also got punished for that by the leader of the knights, but knowing his good motives the punishement wasn't too harsh.


rem is best girl


the greatness finally begins :D MY BRAIN TREMBLES!!




This is the start of a new arc and the arc that personally got me hooked on re zero. The world of re zero is very interesting and deep. And the magic system is simple but cool as well.

Antonius K

You guys should do episodes 15, 16, 17 together on Thursday with episodes 18 on Saturday

Antonius K

Either that or do episodes 15 and 16 together and then 17 and 18 together. Promise that it’ll be better like that


after long day of work I took a shower change clothes then watch dis reaction episode


do a double episode upload please


I can't wait to see their reaction for episode 15. MY BRAIN TREMBLES


Welcome to Re Zero, I say this is where the show really starts.


are you guys going to upload more re:zero now that opm is done? :)

daniel kurtz

I don't think Michelle is going to be able to handle next episode. It is way too intense for her sentimentality

Kevin Lee

There is perfect writing in this episode, the contrast between Subara and Rem's speech. Subara kept saying to himself that he did this for Emilia, "i have to" "this is the only way" "the only one who can do this is me”. but what Rem said to Sabaru was “i want to” “i wanna do this for you”.


Its all good <3

Antonius K

Heck yeah we’re getting double uploads🙏🙏👌you guys are awesome and I’m really looking forward to seeing your reactions next week. Much love


Did they mention anywhere that we are getting double uploads?

Antonius K

They edited the episode description to say that were getting 15 and 16 together and then 17 and 18 together


Ahh I didn’t notice that. Excited to see their reaction to the madman in Ep 15 lol

Sambat Phu (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-17 17:48:47 Those hooded figures looks similar to the ones that attacked Rem&Ram's village when they were kids.
2023-05-17 15:06:13 Those hooded figures looks similar to the ones that attacked Rem&Ram's village when they were kids.

Those hooded figures looks similar to the ones that attacked Rem&Ram's village when they were kids.


So confused on the comment you guys made for this episode? When do you guys not watch at the same time any anime episode?


Subaro is soooo annoying right now. It almost makes me not want to keep watching. I will push through tho because I love watching stuff with you guys, haha.