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Happy Monday everyone :) Let's crush this week!!



Let’s go🔥🔥🔥

Burning Talons

MICHELLE I WAS JOKING LMAO. You don't have to force your mouth shut

David Waller

The reason it's a frog is because that's the animal Naruto made a contract with a couple episodes ago when he signed it in blood, its also the same animal Jiraiya is contracted with. Remember Jiraiya said there's a bunch of animals you can summon but you typically have to have a contract with them first.


I was waiting and watching their faces at a specific moment to see if they caught something.... They didn't. And now I am invested and looking forward to the moment they do. It's so hard not to spoil things sometimes Great reaction. Great show.

John Paul

That fly deserves no mercy for interrupting your reaction.

Maks Lesniewski

Perhaps this is an unpopular opnion, but some dialogues in Naruto sound better, or funnier in English. For example at the end of ep 55, when Naruto noted that the tadpole he summoned had legs, Jiraiya said "Great! Now just give it two hands and a brain, and maybe I can teach IT!"

Justin SQFL

Yes lol you can see the fly flying away after Ron slapped the first time 🤣

Ahkenaton Furdge

Teddy looks like a chick fil a nugget in the intro 😭

Devron Love

So normally the Kage's are chosen by the village elders, they aren't typically Hokage until they die, it's until the retire and then the next one is chosen. The Fourth was a special case because he died while still young and didn't get to retire or choose a successor, so the third stepped in because there wasn't another choice at that time.

Prateek Sridhar

IIrc the third hokage just retired :p


Hmm Summoning eagle huh…?)


Wait Ron and Michelle u guys watch your animes on a laptop?


Here's when I come in and say that Shikamaru will be Ron's favorite character. With Love, Noel


When Sarutobi said “theres no one in the leaf village who can fight Orochimar he said that having no clue Jiraya was ain the village haha remember at on the roof top Jiraya told perv dude not to tell the hokage hes in town.


Yeah he said they had been looking for him for a long time. There is also some people in the village at that time who could probably take orochimaru but predicting fights is subjective. So in his "opinion" there is no one who can take orochimaru. Ninja are also notorious for hiding abilities as a trump card when they need them.

Reginald Leandre



Answering Michelle's question about the summoning jutsu, another animal that you guys have already seen in the past episodes was dogs! It was when Kakashi summoned multiple dogs to bite/hold on to Zabuza during their fight.


The third hokage retired and selected the fourth hokage but the fourth hokage died protecting the village and the third hokage has to come out of retirement because no one is strong enough or someone who is eligible to be a hokage does not want to take the title or feels themselves are not worthy of the title.