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Yooo this would be a sick tattoo idea!!


Denis Rodriguez

you guys should add one more day for the naruto episodes, even if you add one more day like Fridays or Saturdays you guys will need 2 years or more to finish the naruto series, that would be so great!! It kills me having to wait the whole week to watch more episodes, You will make everyone happy with one more day of naruto or instead of 2 episodes 3 :D


you guys should add one more day for the naruto episodes, naruto have so many eps

yashamaru61894 .

Why is Rice asking questions and pretending like shes never seen this?

Th3 Whit3 H4nd

i love this guy... XD why is so funny?!!!


May I suggest doing 3 episodes per vid? Naruto is very long and just 2 episodes twice a week feels a bit ''not enough'', of course is it's too much of a request I understand, but yeah now we gotta wait 4 days for the next episode. Good video tho and I'm glad Ron is enjoying it, me too, I never watched it before


Agreed, I understand they have a lot on their plate right now. Hopefully at least an update on when the plan on adding another day would be nice!


She has stated that she has forgotten a chunk of the stuff but the major plot points she does


Man Ron I almost pulled up the volume 🤣😂


Can y’all watch this dubbed it’s way better


Orochimaru is disguised as a sensei, so he can leave whenever he wants.

Fatguyatwork26 .

8 more episodes guys 🔥🔥🔥🔥

Christian Callahan

In the Manga, Zakus arms blew straight off but they obviously censored for the anime

Michelle Lam

Its something we have considered. But not decided on just yet. With the other shows we are watching, we arent in a rush to finish this as fast as possible atm. But i understand as viewers you guys would like us to watch it faster lol so its something we are always considering.

Mikaele Rosecrans

Quick tip Orochimaru was the student of the third Hokage when he was in his prime so he’s old like grandparent old

Mikaele Rosecrans

Early explanation idk if it said yet but these bugs feed off of chakra and the person houses them and in return the bugs do the person’s bidding it’s called the Aburame clan and they’re known for their big abilities and it differs between each person and there is another clan they are against from a different billage