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Season Finale!!!!! Uploading now because our livestream is tomorrow lol



This reaction is just what I needed omg, this has been a crazy journey! This episode is when men cried


Askeladd is a Straight up G!!! He may have killed thors but he really was a good father figure towards Thorfinn.


The characters at the end are people you will see in the future

ouken equinox

Floki payed Askeladd to kill Thors > Askeladd command his crew to kill Thors ( Floki > Askeladd > his crew ) = Askeladd the one who killed Thors?

Tengen Uzui

I just wished Askeladd told Thorkell or Thorfinn that Floki was the one paying for Thors death..


Season 2 let’s gooooo

MattD Goat

one of the best prologues, the end was just a snippet of the characters you'll meet later on.

Fatguyatwork26 .

ending was a minis season 2 trailer


Wait a second.. I just realized after rewatching this episode with you guys Canute sounds like Floch from AoT ?!!!


I like(ish) Askelad But i was pissed that Thorfin didnt get to kill him ngl lol


Nah that would be missing the point of the show tbh

Brendan Griffith

A lot of people don’t realize the reason he didn’t tell him about floki, was so his hate and anger died with him so thorfinn has no one to hate anymore

Caleb Grace

all the ending is about is just a teaser for the manga readers, those are characters that will be introduced later on down the show.


It’s ok I’ll settle for him killing Floki (I’m watching along with them so idk what happens)


You didn't miss anything at the end! Just keep wondering who they are :)


this ep is ranked 5 on IMDB just below Breaking Bad https://www.imdb.com/search/title/?title_type=tv_episode&num_votes=1000,&sort=user_rating,desc Can we get a S2 trailer reaction please 🙌🙌


Its hard to forget when Askeladd says "I'll show you how to kill someone you hate," last episode. He know's Thorfinn doesn't have the heart of a killer and he's sad that he was on that path, so with his dying words he questions what's next. Man this story is just beautifully made, Askeladd saved Wales and finally became the hero in death his mother always wanted him to be.


Excellent, such an excellent finale to season 1. No more, and no less to say. Wonderful. LETS GO!!! ON TO SEASON 2!!!!!!


End of the prologue, the story begins now

Abigail Jerry

So flipping good. Mad respect to the GOAT, Askaladd 🥹 love this freaking show! Now onto season 2!!

Russell Feathers

Excited for the livestream!!! Love y’all!!!

Vaguely Vivid

No askladd knew that killing the king meant death

DB Cooper

that would contradict askeladds dying wish of wanting thorfinn to move on. he said go beyond the world where thors went, thats your real fight. If he told thorfinn about floki's plot would be the same as telling him to go kill a general in the danish army for revenge i.e suicide


that would also contradict the shows message

Tengen Uzui

Iknow. Doesn’t change the fact that I want Floki to get punished tho

Michelle Lam

I would still say yes. Askeladd is one of the smartest characters ive met in any anime. I dont think Floki played him. I think Askeladd knew what he was doing. Just my opinion!

ouken equinox

He Payed not play. Askeladd didn't know who Thors is. ( he did what's he told to do, same as the archers who did what they told to do )


Man at first I hated Askeladd but I grew to like his charater more and more as i went through the season. I was deprressed after that episode.


Is the livestream only for omakase members?

Wasim Azad

I really recommend gigguks video going over season 1 I think he did a great job showing what made this season so good. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qk1BoGRM7c&ab_channel=Gigguk


i hope u guys realize that Askleadd wanted Canute to order his death. u can't kill the king and get away with it. If Canute acts like Askeladd is still on his side, then people will not recognize Canute as the king. In reality, both Canute and Askeladd were on the same side to the very end. This was the only way Askeladd could save both Wales and Canute. The king lost cuz he didn't know Askeladd was willing to die

Santos The Highkage

Especially since they were all at the same war at one point so he’s seen Thors before but it’s just been a fat minute for him

Joel Wilson

Now that I’ve rewatched the end of season 1. Season 2 clips makes so much more sense now

Leona DiCarryo

The opening comment Ron made on the fact that other people don't care as much about the things you are insecure about, as you do yourself, is so true. But even knowing that, doesn't make those insecurities go away. The rule I try to live by, is that it is okay to be insecure about yourself sometimes, as long as those insecurities don't define you, and don't hold you back. I personally have some acne on my upper back, which means I don't like to take my shirt off when working out for example. But I will never let my insecurity about that acne, prevent me from doing something I really want to do, such as going to the beach with friends. If you live by the rule that the insecurities are not allowed to dictate what you can and can't do, then slowly over time, those same insecurities will start to fade.


Askellad s death is probably the best one sb could get. He died protecting the 2 most important things to himself - Wales and Canute, while also finally setting Thorfin free of his revenge. It was tragic, but there was no other way for Askelad to get Canute to the throne at this point. Canute can t just let sb kill the king in front of everyone and let them live, that d make him a traitor and everyone who folloced his father d choose his brother over Canute..


Just like Ragnar needed to die so Canute can grow. Askeladd needed to die so Thorfinn could grow. Same dynamic in my eyes


When thorfinn was holding askeladd as he was dying it had the same white background as when was holding thors as he died. Really cool way how they edited that parallel of father figures to him.


not to sound rude lol , but careful with kissing dogs because infections can spread through saliva. might be the thing causing you that michelle.

Kevin Depoppe

the ending of this episode are just little introductions for season 2. don't think to much of it at the moment.


the askelad and thorfin scene tear me up ngl :"

Mannu aguilar

I cry but I cry for thorfinn pure man he’s just empty