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Who's team are y'all on?!


Aptos Meta

Sound is too low


eren all the way!! like is there any other choice for eldians to live peacefully without getting persecuted all around the world after this? lol humans should learn to take responsibility for their own action, the alliance is basically a bunch of sellouts

DB Cooper

people have read and love :skullemoji:

The Quadfather

It’s so sad to see Conye like that


Fun fact, the guy conny kills is the guy Sasha saves in previous episode


How did Daz of all people make it this far


Zeke wanted the pacifist way out. Least blood spilled. Eren wanted revenge + the W for Eldia. There was no middle ground for this since humanity's bigotry is too large to control even in real life. Both sides fighting to try and get each other's way just spills more blood and this is the result. More pain. More action for us anime watchers though! I have enough ethics and moral issues dealing with real life I don't need to lose sleep over anime ones lmao.


It's painful to watch.. I cry even before watching the episodes since I read the manga. I know Eren way is not the 'right' way but I'm with Eren since I feel him based on what the manga writer has poured in so much to tell and express Eren's feelings and thoughts and the entire story.