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The amount of information that we're getting from this season has been crazy!! And it's only the second episode!!



I can't feel sad for reiner, brainwash or not, he lived 5 years with People of walls. Same for zeke who is in the same position of guys that he used during the war turning them into titan against their will. Brainwashing is not an excuse when you have as much information as they have.


Eldian warriors from mahr, they act only for theirself and for their own interest, to be considered as "good eldians". Cant feel bad for them or we can feel bad for the german soldiers from the WW2, they were "brainwashed" too. No compassion.


"It's not their fault".. So you can absolutely forgive everyone for everything. Nazisme, maoism, slavery... because they all were "brainwashed" when they killed and reduce people at slaves...


Did u forget that not only them but their entire families and maybe even the (unrelated) rest of the Eldians in Marley would have been punished, had Reiner and co. acted out of line? It's not that easy


Bro you need to take several steps back, this is a FICTIONAL show.. besides comparing the eldian warriors to german soldiers in ww2 is crazy especially considering how heavily eldians are oppressed/discriminated against and persecuted in Marley and the rest of the world. There's a big difference.


Damn I just realised it was Reiner jumping from a roof in that quick scene during the stormy night

Hend Taha

you really pissed me of when you said you don't want reiner to die , i really hope he dies


damn you guys really miss a lot of what they say during the episode lol but understandable for a first watch i guess


Calm before storm

J Austin

So, something that you two may or may not have missed, and regarding the comment of the right and wrong of someone growing up racist because of their environment pushes that on them. What happens when someone spends 5 years amongst the same people they're racist towards? The worst thing Reiner could think to say about his time on Paradis were some mundane comments on a few of their personality quirks. The worst thing he could think to say about his time with the "island devils" is that Sasha is dumb, hungry, and shares less than half of a potato. He even accidentally called them people and his racist brainwashed family didn't seem to like that and even push him away because of it, however, they hadn't spent any time with them the way Reiner had


I think a lot of find the Reiner family dinner conversation not an example of Reiner losing it, but rather than describing a bunch of "island devils" he described *very mundane and normal* situations and humanized those "devils" by barely coming up with anything negative to say about them and even saying "all kinds of people" rather than idk, some racist propagandist stuff. He spent a whole schpeel talking about yasha's eating habits, and a courageous (foolish?) eren who inspires bullheadedness in others. In his mind the darkest stuff he could come up with was just normal good qualities that we all like about the characters, almost complimenting them which in the eyes of a country that have thrived off of the idea their brothers and sisters on the island over are traitorous devils, is borderline unbelievable. Gabi even went "...what do you mean all kinds of people". Instead of coming back with a war story about monsters he just told a short story about characteristics that anyone of them back at home could have.

Randall Woods Jr

I’m pretty sure Zeke was able to turn them into titans with his power because he is of Royal Blood and they might have injected them so Zeke can turn them into titans with his voice.

Michael Porter

Reiner basically huminazed them when talking about how it was when he was with Eren & the group that’s why he sounded crazy since his description didn’t make them sound like devils at all


The shifters don’t speak with their own voices, they speak with the titans voices

Cream Cheese

18:59 I thought this voice sounded familiar 😯