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Wow. A lot of information in this episode!!!!!



Why does the video not load for me 🥲

Oualid Bentoumi

Welp guess they only recognize the smile titan and not the others 😮‍💨😮‍💨 the one that ate Eren was obvious too hihi. Love you guys season 4 is where the story starts The Attack on Titans

Tim Harrell

are you sure its propaganda?? hmmmm


Fun Fact: In the scene where Grisha confronts the Marlyean police officer on top of the wall about killing his sister, the Marlyean officer looks directly into the camera and says: “But you know, people actually want to see cruelty.” Isayama (AOT’s creator/author) said he deliberately did this as a way to speak directly to the audience. In this scene he’s speaking to us saying that WE like to see cruelty too, and it becomes true when you think about how most of us wanted to see that Marlyean officer get ripped apart by that Titan at the end. Just Isayama being a brilliant writer.


They recognized the big eyed titan,the one that ate the pig tail girl and the one sasha or connie failed to kill when jumping from the rafters.


Surely it is propaganda

Douglas Kelley

Not trying to be rude but I think Ron needs to watch a S1-S3 recap before starting S4. I heard him say he thought the beast titan was the king. I never heard him say it before so I don’t know how he came to that conclusion when the King died like 10 episodes ago.

Oualid Bentoumi

How come they didn’t mention it ? How do you know if they really only point out the smile titan


Let's goooo!! Finally happy that you guys are getting all the information.


Lol I didn’t recognize the other titans too when I first watched. It’s a lot to process


King of the people outside the walls. I think that's a very reasonable theory for where they are in the story.

Oualid Bentoumi

Oh for sure!! i just thought of mentioning it since it’s not a spoiler anymore


how the owl introduces himself is so sick

shad man

You guys are about to find out another reason why this show is called attack on titan


Michelle said “we’ve seen that titan”


One suggestion for your reactions going forward: I, for one, would love to see you guys have lengthier post-episode discussions. Often, you have only a few sentences, or none at all. I would enjoy hearing more of your thoughts. Even if it's just 5-10 min at the end that people have the option to watch, or skip. ❤️

Ivan Wen

Don't you find familiar faces in those pure titans?


i think they do perfect ones. This time there was nothing because the camera died and they filmed it later but usually its always perfect. 5-10 min is too long

Michelle Lam

We def recognized a few of them. The santa clause looking one. The kid looking one. But were not memorizes, from which episode etc. so not going to comment on it. Its a damned if we do damned if we dont situation to be honest lol

Kpop Tart

I recommend that you should watch FILMBuFF. He had very long post-episode discussions the further in he got into the show. Plus he was very perceptive and made notes so he didn’t for part information.


Michelle: Rip his nails Ron: Rip his jaw from his head Siri: Here's what I found..... ayo Siri be acting up XD