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Thank you Sushi Squad for the overwhelming love and support from our update video/post!!! Will get to all of your comments and messages soon, but really quickly wanted to tell y'all how much we love you guys. Seriously. When things are hard, we know we have y'all to lean on <3

But anyways.... back to AOT! Let's FREAKIN GOOOOOOO!! Ready for the next part of this season!!!!! This show man. INSANE.


Daniel Leal Jr

So I've been on a bit of a Hiatus and I'm trying to catch back up but y'all talking about how your dog acts like Sasha with food I named my Dog after her because she stole a piece of my steak while eating it on my bed 😂😂


Hange literally already had this figured out in ep 3 go rewatch it


you guys really thought mikasa is stronger than levi this whole time, thats crazy, levi showed skills beyond everyone and even mikasa looks weak compare to him. I guess your mind changes at then end of season 3, well i will keep watching and see x)

Lu Bu

You know that scene when the trio was on the steps talking about seeing the ocean with Levi around the corner was a call back to the last time Levi had the trust conversation with his friends in No Regrets 😭

Froxy Fox Foxy

He's blessed to have such a good girlfriend with such good memory cuz honestly he's like a 70 years old granny with Dementia. For real. Asking so manny questions about obvious topics that were explained in the anime already. I kinda start to doubt he's mental capacity. Thx good for the gf with such a big brain to remember everything,not only that but her theories sounds the most logical and to the point while his almost all the time sound like some fever dream. Something that don't make sense. I like how she realizes that but is a good girlfriend to let him tell all the ramblings of paranoid schizophrenic. That's a good girlfriend for sure. He is blessed and loved.


Btw upcoming epic episodes will now start this is lit

ouken equinox

16:40 How did you know he is a titan


the hannes thumbnails are so damn funny lmao

Gojo Satoru

Well he was Reiner's and Bert's friend, so you would assume he was a Titan shifter and also Ymir turned back into human after eating Marcel, so it's kinda obvious my man !!!

ouken equinox

They didn't show ymir turned back after she ate him until the end of the manga, they show it in separate frames in other places


Well, it's pretty guess-able, he came with the trio of Titan-shifters, so there's a GREAT possibility he's also one? And another fact is, Ymir was a mindless titan for 60 years, and she woke up from her 'titan sleep', after eating him - that's pretty much an given statement, that he was a Titan-shifter aswell.


That Hannes Easter egg in the thumbnails is fucking hilarious 😂 I had to go back and check all of them. RIP Big Homie!


The Hannes easter egg was brilliant, just spotted him now but so funny. Its nice to see Hannes get some love, I don't see as much appreciation in other reactors videos


So jealous you guys didn’t have to wait! I remember watching this and getting goosebumps freaking out