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It's a fidget spinnnaaaaa xD


Attack On Titan Reaction S2 Ep 3


Yazhe Hu

To answer your question, they want to get to the basement as soon as possible. but remember season 2 is right after the battle between Annie and Eren. They have to handle the "broken" of the second wall first. And at this time, they just figure out a possible way to get there fast without feeding themselves to Titans.


these dinosaur theories bro LMAO

Yazhe Hu

Also, if you check those scenes again, you will find out. Levi left because Erwin told him to. This time, his leg is still broken. In the anime, only a few days passed since he hurt his leg for Mikasa. Timescale is hard to keep in mind, but keep it in mind.


" where Is he? hmm?" 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂👀👀

Lalisa Truong

Timeline wise, it's only been a few days since Levi's battle against Annie so his ankle is still healing (don't know why they made Levi cut Eren out at the end of S1 lol that didn't happen in the manga and I felt like it further threw people off about Levi's injury 🤕). At the start of S2, it was like one day after Annie's crystallization and now, at this point with this episode, it's been at most another day or two passed. It is a bit confusing to grasp but all of this is happening in a very short time span and well, as you can A LOT is happening lol

Rick Turpentine

one of my favorite subtle moments in the entire series is hanji quickly covering armins mouth so he doesnt blurt out the reveal that she just figured out because she wanted to be the one to say it lol. She knew he would put it together after her first sentence so she grabs his mouth lol.

mason brown

a trex situation woulda been hilarious in this series


Levi was still injured when saving Eren back in season one. What do you expect him to do. 😭


You don’t even know


Again this went to season 3 only cause he was injured


Levi broke his foot guys he can’t use odm gear atm


Yea you kept asking where is Levi going but I am pretty sure he is still injured at this point and just doing other stuff instead.


Wow it's crazy looking back and seeing how frantic Eren was in this scene