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Hello Sushi Squad~!! 🍣

Michelle here 🥰 I wanted to hop on here to let all of y'all know that we've been reading all of your comments on the last update post and as uncomfortable and hard as it was to read everything, we understand and empathize with how everyone feels. 

We never anticipated for the growth of our community to be this big and fast, and it's HUGE thanks to y'all 💜. With that being said, managing two growing platforms and a video editor, juggling filming, upload, and livestream schedules, all while balancing the rest of our lives and work - all of this is still pretty new to me and a constantly changing process that I'm figuring out as we continue to grow. But our only wish is to continue to do better!! So please be patient with us as we gather your feedback and work on being more consistent with our uploads 🙏🏻

Some of y'all suggested that we record videos ahead of time. We've actually have been doing that. In fact, we have about 1.5 weeks of videos in our shared drive with our editor at all times. However, our editor has been editing each video close to our upload date and sends them the day we need to upload them. Ron and I talked with our editor this morning and are now asking for all of the videos in one week to be sent over the week before. This should help us avoid any delays as I will be able to schedule all posts for the next week!

Again, we are so grateful for all of y'all and for having patience with us as we continue to learn how to scale. Our only ask is that we continue to keep this community a positive one. So while we always welcome feedback, we kindly ask to refrain from negative comments and arguments amongst each other. I am still human, and I get affected by harsh words and negativity 😞 Please remember, we are always eager to understand how we can better improve everyone's experience here, so if you have feedback please don't hesitate to message us.

Love y'all and we hope y'all are doing well 💜



I’m surprised there anything negative I mean it happens it’s life and I wish we had more but that’s just the joy you bring with every upload. Waiting patiently and hope all is well


You have a life like I do outside of this so I'm unbothered if videos are "late". I'm fine whenever you post tbh! I just love to hear your commentary & banter. Don't be hard on yourselves though, you're doing excellent!


I totally understand the hard situation, but I wanna give a little advice, If you guys go full time(and I think eventually you will), the ultimate solution to this delayed upload is to edit the videos by yourself. It's not that hard and I think we as your supporters are not looking for many special effects, as long as we get a full reaction then its all good. Of course more editing is required for the YouTube uploads, but if you go full time it shouldn't be too big of a problem.

onew's falsetto

it has only been 2 days. chill out people.


I think this response was super cool and showed a ton of integrity. Some of the commenters here are being way more sensitive than Rice and Ginger and they're the ones actually receiving feedback. Seriously, most of the criticism has been constructive and fair. They released a schedule and people pay money for that service. It's not a hard contract, but of course there's going to be some feedback left when services and money is involved. Patreon isn't a charity and the reactors aren't treating it like one. They probably really want to know what people are ok and not ok with. I'm sure they want to both maximize their earnings and strike a good work/life balance. This is the data they need for that. There are so many white knights on here signaling their virtue for no reason. I really don't think they'd prefer their patrons to just drop like flies and have no clue why.



madison schissler

I have been here for awhile now and I'm so sorry you had to read those negative comments. most people commenting those things would not be able to juggle all the things you guys are. you two both work and have life that happens on top of handling two major plat forms I don't know many people who do all three let alone someone who can do it perfectly. you two should be very proud of how far you have come and how much you two have learned from this experience. life is not always easy and we all should know that everyone has had a bad day, things get thrown at us unexpectedly. no one is prefect so don't over work yourself to try and meet that standard. The Sushi Squad will always be here through the up and down you will always have family here with us.


Don't be too affected by the neg. nancies I think you peeps are working real hard despite everything there is to deal with so keep up the good work :D


AoT diehards get too mad too fast smh always complainers they are


Don't worry. For the most of us it doesn't matter when you guys can upload them. As long as we can enjoy your reactions of our favorite shows, it's all that matter. I'm mostly subsribed to encourage you even more. Keep it up. No biggy we are chillin over here ! :^)

ChroniclesLite (edited)

Comment edits

2022-12-31 21:46:17 OG CROW! I support what ever upload schedule, you decide. You both are multitasking much. (With everything that has happened in the last couple of months.) Real ones will understand, and realize this. Stay up lifted! Michele & Ron!
2022-09-28 23:20:31 OG CROW! I support what ever upload schedule, you decide. You both are multitasking much. (With everything that has happened in the last couple of months.) Real ones will understand, and realize this. Stay up lifted! Michele & Ron!

OG CROW! I support what ever upload schedule, you decide. You both are multitasking much. (With everything that has happened in the last couple of months.) Real ones will understand, and realize this. Stay up lifted! Michele & Ron!

Andrea (edited)

Comment edits

2022-12-31 21:46:17 I hope everyone is doing well and thank you guys for all your work so far and for being open to feedbacks (whether it be good or bad ones). I just hope that in the future, if there is some sort of dissatisfaction among the crowd, that they would think about what they would want to say before saying it because constructive feedbacks are always welcome (straight up mean ones? nah.) and I hope you guys do not feel the pressured to have a standard daily schedule too, as you are uploading almost daily + keeping up with your discord, livestreams, ft work and personal life. It may take a toil on you guys as the patreons will have expectations for the schedule that you've set and would look forward to it. I really do want you guys to enjoy your shows instead of seeing it as a deadline even though this is considered part of your job. But having you guys being able to enjoy the show with us is really what matters (well at least to me :) Find the schedule that fit you the best, explore your options when you need to. I've seen some other reactors who've uploaded a 2-3 eps in one video too which prob lessen the amt of edits with the intro, discussion and ending being placed tgt, and it gives you more spacing in between each uploads. While it is important to seek improvement from constructive feedbacks and cater to some of your Patreon expectations , I believe that it is just as impt to find a rhythm that works out the best for u guys! and with more time and experience, you'll be able to add on more stuff that when you're ready to. sending lots of love to everyone <3
2022-09-29 16:07:37 I hope everyone is doing well and thank you guys for all your work so far and for being open to feedbacks (whether it be good or bad ones). I just hope that in the future, if there is some sort of dissatisfaction among the crowd, that they would think about what they would want to say before saying it because constructive feedbacks are always welcome (straight up mean ones? nah.) and I hope you guys do not feel the pressured to have a standard daily schedule too, as you are uploading almost daily + keeping up with your discord, livestreams, ft work and personal life. It may take a toil on you guys as the patreons will have expectations for the schedule that you've set and would look forward to it. I really do want you guys to enjoy your shows instead of seeing it as a deadline even though this is considered part of your job. But having you guys being able to enjoy the show with us is really what matters (well at least to me :) Find the schedule that fit you the best, explore your options when you need to. I've seen some other reactors who've uploaded a 2-3 eps in one video too which prob lessen the amt of edits with the intro, discussion and ending being placed tgt, and it gives you more spacing in between each uploads. While it is important to seek improvement from constructive feedbacks and cater to some of your Patreon expectations , I believe that it is just as impt to find a rhythm that works out the best for u guys! and with more time and experience, you'll be able to add on more stuff that when you're ready to. sending lots of love to everyone <3

I hope everyone is doing well and thank you guys for all your work so far and for being open to feedbacks (whether it be good or bad ones). I just hope that in the future, if there is some sort of dissatisfaction among the crowd, that they would think about what they would want to say before saying it because constructive feedbacks are always welcome (straight up mean ones? nah.) and I hope you guys do not feel the pressured to have a standard daily schedule too, as you are uploading almost daily + keeping up with your discord, livestreams, ft work and personal life. It may take a toil on you guys as the patreons will have expectations for the schedule that you've set and would look forward to it. I really do want you guys to enjoy your shows instead of seeing it as a deadline even though this is considered part of your job. But having you guys being able to enjoy the show with us is really what matters (well at least to me :) Find the schedule that fit you the best, explore your options when you need to. I've seen some other reactors who've uploaded a 2-3 eps in one video too which prob lessen the amt of edits with the intro, discussion and ending being placed tgt, and it gives you more spacing in between each uploads. While it is important to seek improvement from constructive feedbacks and cater to some of your Patreon expectations , I believe that it is just as impt to find a rhythm that works out the best for u guys! and with more time and experience, you'll be able to add on more stuff that when you're ready to. sending lots of love to everyone <3