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Hey Sushi Squad!

There will be a delay in the next upload for Attack on Titan as our video editor, who’s in the Philippines, is experiencing a power outage due to a level 4 hurricane 😳 Let’s send positive energy their way and hope they stay safe!!! 💜


Dominic Robinson

I think its a good idea to stockpile videos. If you know your traveling why not just have content ready to go beforehand. I'd assume if your traveling somewhere very far usually there not last minute decisions so why not be proactive about it instead of there being "Hey guys I'm traveling so y'all have to wait delays" As far as the hurricane issue I mean there's not much to do at that point I hope the guy is safe over there. But there definitely has been a pattern regarding other types of delays. I'm still paying my 10 bucks regardless but still I know your goal is to gain income from this so you can do this full time so just food for thought.

Matth Miranda

I send my prayers to the editor. But if I may give constructive criticism, try recording 1 or 2 weeks of videos in advance and send them to the editor. This should help prevent any mishap. I don't know if you already use this practice, but it is very simple and logical.


I can totally understand both sides of the argument. Uploads are getting inconsistent but it is also important to consider Michelle, Ron, and the editor's situation. I hope that they are safe (especially the editor as of now), but I also hope that they don't feel like they're being attacked or hated; Most of us here can understand but if a lot of people are noticing an issue, then I think it's also important to understand the viewers' side too. This shouldn't be a one-sided thing where "if you're complaining, then just leave". If this issue doesn't get fixed, wouldn't it just continue on causing more complaints in the future (especially since this channel is growing)? Plus, If you were in their position, you wouldn't just think that "It was their decision to pay money for our services, if they don't like it, they can go." Even if this ain't their ft job yet, I'm sure they still care to give us the content that we paid for. Some wants for others to leave and some wants to voice out offensive comments towards the content creators (and editor), but I think those comments that respectfully give various suggestions on how to resolve the problem is what really matters. Instead of arguing and shifting blames at one another, why don't we try to compromise? As someone who paid for this, I still get worried for what Michelle, Ron, and the editor would feel reading all the comments posted here.


I don't see any point in continuing to be a subscriber to this channel. Previously, the videos were released on time, but now the responsibility has disappeared and the authors just snickered. There is no motivation to subscribe every month when you can wait a couple of months and then watch everything at once


Then don't lol, easy as that no body really needed to hear this


If I was providing a service on Patreon, I'd want to know what people had to say about it. Maybe it'll help them strike a balance between how much they want to earn vs how much effort they want to give. If it's just a little side project they don't really care about, then the people who don't accept that will express their frustrations and leave. If they want to take Patreon seriously then maybe the feedback will give them valuable data on how often they can get away with delays. What is the comment section even for other than providing feedback and weebs explaining every little detail of the anime you only get after the 10th watch? Subscription services ask for feedback after canceling subs for a reason. It's a good gauge how your audience is feeling. To me it seems like this is just a fun little thing for them. That's totally cool, but I think I'll just use it as something to binge every few months or so. It's not even the money thing, it's just kinda disappointing when you look forward to something after a long day. I'd rather just not expect it and watch it all later together.

Indie Programmer

was hoping to watch AoT reaction with my breakfast but reading these comments is just as entertaining


So this is what it looks like when the villagers get their forks and torches and come after you lol


😂😂I love the content but tbf 4-5 updates about delays in a 17 day period is quite a lot. Imma stick around anyways but I can understand the frustration.


Hurricane Ian is heading my way today. Anyone else near the coast, stay safe!


Stay Safe. I'm up in Jax,

Jeremy G

That’s not for you to decide. This isn’t your channel. Besides, I can probably think of two people that needed to hear this, right? No one likes losing customers.


So many selfish beings here it’s truly sad🤦‍♂️Hope everything is well with your editor as well as within yourselves. Mind blowing how people can completely block out others situations when they want something themselves. Only time can heal y’all bitter selves.

Matth Miranda

I think you are over-dramatizing the situation. No one is wishing the editor ill, he's been through a horrible situation. Some people are questioning how often delays are happening, and this is normal.


Those of y’all saying that it isn’t a problem that they keep delaying videos are dumb, they make people pay real money for early uploads and need to keep their side of the bargain. All the excuses need to stop


bruh there was literally a guy tryna guilt trip them at like the top comments


Which I understand, what’s wrong is how they’re addressing the issue. Constructive criticism will always be a thing in life, and the delays are frequent. There’s a way of showing that without being entitled and ignorant towards how what you say will make them feel. They’re people. We waited 2 days, it’s not that bad.

Deshawn Tunstall

Even tho I was disappointed in the delay I still wanna apologize, I didn’t consider the amount you guys actually have on my plate and I personally never did anything like patreon so I couldn’t know how much work it takes I’ve watched you guys since the beginning on demon slayer and you guys are pretty good reactor’s especially with the theories keep it up 👍🏽 now if you excused me episodes 17 is waiting for me ✌🏽✌🏽✌🏽

Jeremy G

That comment at the top was very clearly and obviously a joke 😂