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Excited to see how the next round of games will be like :D


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JR Reed

An amazing is really a stretch at this point in the series. He bullied those weaker then him for no reason other then he could. So far he's shown zero redeeming qualities. If his power wasnt "cool" or his equipment didnt look cool no one would like him at this point other then those that think might makes right or to be contrarian.

Emily Cupchak

Something you guys should remember is that almost everyone in this universe has a quirk, it's actually really rear to not have one. that's actually the reason why Izuku/Deku was bullied so heavily. It's also another reason why Kacchan gave Izuku the name "Deku", because it means useless, and in the eyes of society those without a quirk are deemed useless. So basically instead of racism in this world, it's quirkism. By that I mean it's all about how powerful your quirk is and if it's "villainous". So the people in the other courses could have a quirk not suited for the hero course and decided to go a different path, didn't want to be a hero in the first place, or their quirk wasn't suited to go against robots in the hero entrance exam. You'll actually learn a bit more about this in later episodes. But yea, everyone at U.A. currently has a quirk.


I do love seeing Iida distraught after he, of all people, lost a race. I can't wait for the next episode!

Zenru Renari

Todoroki didnt make the Ice Path at first because he said that If he did make an Ice Path, it would do just that and just the people behind him an easy path to the finish line. So he didnt want to help them since its a race

Zenru Renari

To answer your question, Yes the busines course students do have quirks. Everyone in UA has some Quirk, even the Support and Business classes.

Bryan Moreno

Unpopular Opinion But I Think Black Clover Way Better Than MHA . First couple episodes were a bit loud & they had animation studio problems but apart from that the story and characters are goated .


This is a bit misleading. The quirkless rate is not that rare. 20%? Only 8% of humans in real life have blue eyes. That's way more rare than being quirkless and I see blue eyes pretty often. Also quirkism isn't commonplace in MHA. That's literally just Bakugo being an asshole. Besides like 2 villains seeing quirks as either a blessing/curse, I can't think of a single example of "quirkism" taking place at all


I love sport festival arc, this what made me hooked into the series finally. MHA seems very typical shonen at the beginning but they got deeper and deeper. I'm reading the recent chapter in manga now and watching back this arc made me so touched somehow 🤣 I'm hoping you guys start either Haikyuu or Jujutsu kaisen next! Hehe


Ron’s getting really close with his guesses 😂 I can’t wait for things to HEAT UP🔥🍿


OOOO hell yea its only gonna get better. All I can say is pay attention to what pros say specifically sometimes they drop subtle references that are important later.

Killua X

Someone will correct me if i'm wrong but i think MHA is considered a long-running anime vs. DS. There's so much more character development over time that makes the events that will happen more impactful and meaningful. This anime gets really good. I'm having a lot of fun re-watching the beginning as well as I also got hooked when i watched this ark. Also just want to point out that this anime is still a lot more action-packed and fast-paced than other and older animes. For instance, Hunter x Hunter is top 5 and it has almost 200 eps.

The Force

Yes, business course do have quirks, as the intro says, 80% of all people have quirks, but remember some quirks are very specifically useful or not at all, or just very simple (like seeing in the dark for example)

Silvers Rayliegh

There are just a lot more characters in MHA. And its really good, and Horikoshi uses the quirk concept in so many interesting ways. Really so much potential. The new gen big 3 for sure.

Carter Gavigan

when does the next ep come out

Amber Augustine

I’m glad you guys like Bakugou. He’s an amazing character.