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Mugen Train Movie or Episode 1 of Mugen Train Arc first?

  • Watch the Mugen Train Movie first! 395
  • Watch Episode 1 of Mugen Train Arc first, then movie! 440
  • 2022-04-27
  • 835 votes
{'title': 'Mugen Train Movie or Episode 1 of Mugen Train Arc first?', 'choices': [{'text': 'Watch the Mugen Train Movie first!', 'votes': 395}, {'text': 'Watch Episode 1 of Mugen Train Arc first, then movie!', 'votes': 440}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 4, 27, 15, 13, 56, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 835}


Hey Sushi Squad! I posted a similar poll up on our YouTube channel but wanted to also throw this poll up on here to see what you guys think on how we approach this next arc. Feel free to explain why in the comments but please please avoid spoilers as I will read the comments.

We will try to follow the poll results but if the reasonings in the comments for the other side are compelling enough, we will follow those. Thank you!!


Isaiah L

I would say watch Episode 1 first, BUT skip the intro song because it will spoil some of the movie. Then after episode 1 you should watch the movie. then skip episodes 2-7 (because those episodes are just a repeat of the movie in show format) and pick back up on episode 8! Sorry if my paragraph was a little confusing lol.


Either way it’s fine but the first episode show a little more of Rengoku

Santos Luna Ramirez

So clearly it looks like Ep 1 then the movie will be the decision 💯 just a heads up, ep1 does NOT have an intro song so it’s safe to watch entirely, please don’t miss the ending 🙏🏽

To To

Oh, my, goood. So much more impact on your mind if you the watch the episode after the movie. You will regret it if you don't.


It’s really not that big of a deal either way I definitely think it’s more important just to enjoy it and have good time watching. But if I had my way I would say just watch episode 1 and then the movie. It makes more sense chronologically and I don’t think you’ll lose any emotional impact. The mugen train arc has plenty of emotional impact trust me!!! I’m just excited to see the reaction honestly 😳😳😳🤯🤯🤯


I agree with Chris. Since that first episode was not in the manga, and was (I think) thrown in as a bonus you could go either way, but yeah it makes more sense chronologically, and boosts the movie imo

Isaiah L

Oh okay! I thought the intro song was on all episodes in season 2, thanks for informing :)

Donny Nelson

Watch 1st episode then watch the movie.


movie first since it that's the order everyone else saw it in . Its not that big of a deal but I think seeing Rengoku in action for the first time in the movie would be better and then watching ep 1 after is a nice treat.


i dont mind either but preferably movie since it came first


I would watch episode 1 first then the movie, you can't go wrong if you went either way though. Its hard to give reasons why without spoiling anything.


I suggest movie first, it gives an interesting perspective on the 1st episode. I did it this way and wouldn't change it even with a time-machine, it might be my favorite episode of the season.

대현 박

If you watch the movie and watch episode 1, it will be sadder You must watch the movie first!!! ㅠㅠ