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Eneru said the islands were unnatural so he was correcting nature in his eyes


damn danial

Revant 1

Devil Fruits are very rare outside the grand line. In the whole show so far they've only run into a few while actively being pirates, no one in the fishman crew even had one. It's kinda natural that even Nami wouldn't know much about them outside of stories. You'll find out a lot more about Logia/Param types in the next arc, their is a balance to everything in One Piece. It's implied the fruits are all unique but not much else is explained about it.

Revolution To Evolution

Luffy better beat him up until he can't breath, SLAY HIM 🤬🤬🤬


if u havent realized yet or soon to realize is that one piece has maybe the best reactions of any anime


I feel it's important to note that you shouldn't worry about taking to much time reading the notes. Especially since you guys have been using them to keep track of what's happening. And if anyone complains that the intro is too long they can always skip past the notes.