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Juan Genao

Aomine was so talented that the competition could not keep up. It also didn't help that the best players were his teamates. The opposing players would eventually realize the gap in skill by 3rd or 4th quarter and stopped putting in any effort. They would just go through motions to get the game over with. Aomine who loves the game the most couldn't understand why they would quit against him the harder he played. As this cycle kept repeating he lost motivation to get better and became bored with the game. Even when he doesn't try his best he beats everyone.

Siva Raghuraman

Akashi's change happens due to the team and their "development" is all I can say without spoiling it haha. Also, Aomine at this point is a literal monster and no one can beat him in Japan hence he is bored at the fact that people just give up when playing against him rather than giving it their all - this makes him believe the only one that can beat him is himself.