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Patreon posts from yesterday and today will slowly be making there way out today with most of them being uploaded later tonight. Thanks for your patience sushi squad!

Edit: Naruto being uploaded right now and the others will be coming tonight/tomorrow. Editor just got home and didn't have good wifi to download the large files. Everything will be back to schedule and missed uploads will be coming!



Literally Think anyone complaining about Ron and Michelle announcing they are gonna take a break, prepare and actually take a break is a child mentally you complain that their doing this on purpose to milk money or they are not consistent 😞 when you clock out that means your off the clock keeping a schedule = consistency 🤔 that's what they been doing and F.Y.I in any business employees get time off and that can sometimes effect production thats life

Katrina Dy

don't think you're wrong, I actually agree with ya. but your lack of punctuation made that so hard to read


QUADRUPLE DROP Databayo within 24 hours you say? It's WEDNESDAY MY DUDES aaaAAAAAAAHHHH!